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Wanting More

Wanting More (Mitchell Family #5)(47)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I think that’s a compliment.

You should feel special. I don’t beat off to just any girl.

I’m hanging up now.

I’m hangin’ on. Love ya, Blaze.

Love you too!

I hung up the phone and stared at it for a couple minutes. I should have called him back and told him about my plan, but I needed him to be safe. This was my way of protecting the man that I was in love with from the man I wasn’t.

Chapter 29


The first morning after Amy came up with her new rules, I wasn’t sure what I wanted more. Her or a pill.

I should have known something was up with her when she wouldn’t answer my calls. Then when she finally did, I could tell by her voice that something was going on.

Even though she called me before she left work, it wasn’t the kind of call that I expected from the woman who was doing everything she could to be with me.

I knew I needed to tell my sister and Ty the good news, but finding the perfect time to tell them wasn’t exactly easy. Every damn time I told them I had something important to talk to them about, they were involved with something else.

I managed to get through a whole week without taking another pill and was glad that my near f**k up hadn’t ended in me picking up a habit again. I’m not going to lie and say it was easy. The worst part was going home at night to sit alone in my room, just hoping for a text message that rarely came.

After seven days, I still got my calls, but there were no scheduled visits in our near future. Her bastard husband had left his job again and since he was home all the time, Amy couldn’t just sneak away. I missed her, but accepted the fact that she was trying to get dirt on him to set him up.

To say that Ty and Miranda were ecstatic when I showed them the proof, would be an understatement. They hauled ass in their damn bedroom and let’s just say they weren’t very discreet about what they were doing.

After hearing it herself, Bella started asking questions. “Uncle Conner, is my mommy okay?”

“Yeah Bells, she’s playing with Daddy.”

“But she keeps crying.”

“They are just wrestlin’. Why don’t you go check on em.” Now I knew what she would walk into, but after listening to them two go at it for more time then they needed, I figured they would at least be under the covers taking a break.

I was wrong.

Not even a minute passed and Bella came running out of the room with her hand over her mouth. She was giggling like she was embarrassed. I kept a straight face as she approached. “What’s wrong Bells?”

“I saw my daddy’s butt.”

I couldn’t contain my laughter any longer. Miranda was going to be pissed, but it was worth it to be able to laugh.

I pulled my little niece into my arms and kissed her nose. I needed to change the subject before I got my ass handed to me. “What’s it like bein’ a big sister?”

She shrugged her little shoulders. “Good, but I don’t want to change their diapers. They stink and they cry. I can’t feed them cause they drink from Mommy’s boobs. They can’t even play with me yet, because Daddy says they have to grow first.”

I knew she felt jealous of the twins. It was only natural. They took up a lot of Ty and Miranda’s time.

I let out another chuckle. “Kiddo, you are crazy. That’s what babies are all about.”

“How come you don’t have a baby, Uncle Conner?”

“Well, I can’t have a baby all by myself. Who am I supposed to have a baby with? I think I have to find a woman first.”

“What about Aunt Amy. She’s real pretty and Mommy says she should get rid of her husband she has now. She will have to buy a new one then and she can just buy you.”

I buried my face into Bella’s neck and started laughing again. “Why would you think that Aunt Amy and I would want to be together and who told you that you have to buy a husband or wife?” I needed to know why she picked Amy to be with me. I was both shocked and hopeful.

She shrugged. “Because Daddy says that wives costs lots of money.”

“Bells, you don’t buy wives. I think your daddy meant that he spends lots of money on your mommy because he loves her. You don’t have to buy someone when you love them. People get married because they love each other.” I couldn’t believe I was discussing love with a child. It also intrigued me that she thought Amy and I should be together.

“So I guess you can’t marry Aunt Amy since you don’t love her.”

Okay, so how do I answer that?

Thankfully, Ty came walking into the kitchen. He leaned against the counter. When my sister followed, I started laughing my ass off.

Ty gave me one of those ‘hell yeah I just hit that’ looks. “Baby, you just did the walk of shame.”

Miranda got all pissy over it. Her face turned red and she looked from me to Ty. “So did you.”

Ty grabbed her and pulled her back into his arms. “Nah, I just tapped the hottest ass on earth.”

After all the times that I hated that he was touching her, I finally got it, because I knew what it was like to love someone like that. I gave them a look of disgust anyway. “Ya’ll are sick. Can we eat dinner without it bein’ all tainted.”

Miranda walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me. “I love you.”

“Get your hands off of me. You smell like sex and after listening to you two for the past half hour, you’re lucky I waited to send your daughter in after the moanin’ stopped.”

She smacked me in the back of the head. “You stupid ass. She saw Ty naked.” She looked over to Ty and gave him that look she gave when he didn’t have a choice but to take her side or else she was going to cut him off for a week. “Are you going to say somethin’?”

“I quit my job today.” Ty just stood there, completely serious. We’d talked about him working full time on the farm, but this was news to me too.

Miranda’s mouth dropped open. “You what?”

“I gave my notice yesterday. The farm is doing awesome and Conner and I have more work than he can handle alone. Harvey and my dad are getting old, so it’s time I take things on full time.” He kept waiting for her to respond, but she just stared at him. “Say something.”

“When is your last day?”

“It’s supposed to be next week, but the boss said I can go ahead and start getting my shit out of there. His brother in law lost his job, so he’s just going to take my spot.” I watched him grab her hand and kiss it and thought about being with Amy. I missed her something terrible. “Baby, that’s why I want you to stay home. I want to be able to have lunch with my wife every day. I want to be able to stop in and see you if I get free moments. I don’t want you to have to ask for days off. You have your own clients, you can cut their hair here if you want.”
