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Wanting More

Wanting More (Mitchell Family #5)(6)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“I don’t like to be touched.”

She didn’t like to get the shit beat out of her, there was a huge difference. I pulled her foot back into my grip and stared massaging it. “Will you just relax? I need to do something to keep my mind off of things. Just close your eyes and enjoy it.”

“You don’t have to do this. I mean, it’s kind of personal don’t you think?”

After a couple minutes, I stopped and she lifted her head. “Just switching feet. Lay your head back down and stop worryin’. My sister loves it when I do this to her.” I wanted her to feel comfortable, even though Ty was the one who rubbed his wife’s feet.

While her head was back and her eyes were closed, I took in her perfect body. There wasn’t an inch of it that I didn’t want to touch. I rubbed her foot harder, just imagining her naked and feeling my erection growing in my pants. She had puffy lips that I wanted to taste and I licked my lips just thinking about them. There were plenty girls out there and none of them had ever told me no, but this one was different. I wanted the challenge of it. I wanted to f**k the shit out of her.

Once I finished, she sat up abruptly and pulled her legs back into her chest. “Thank you.”

I held my hands up. “Anytime. You can call me whenever you need a good rubbin’.” I loaded the answer and she caught on right away.

“Do you always do that?”

I cocked my eyebrow, like I didn’t know exactly what she meant. “Do what?”

“I can tell you now; it’s never going to happen. Your sister told me how you think you’re God’s greatest gift to women. Even if I was interested in dating, it wouldn’t be with someone like you, Conner. We can be friends, but that’s all it will ever be.”

Is that so? Challenge accepted.

I started laughing and moved over until my face was within inches of hers. She tried to back away, but couldn’t go any further. I knew she felt afraid, so I stared at her mouth while I spoke. I took my finger and ran it across her lips. She closed her eyes when I did it, making me smile. “Oh, you’ll want me; in fact, I guarantee you’ll be beggin’ me to f**k you.”

Amy looked up into my eyes and pushed herself off the couch. “You’re an ass**le. I was trying to be nice to you tonight, but obviously, even at your worst, you still think you’re some amazing prize. I’d rather go home than deal with the likes of you, Conner Healy.”

Amy walked over to the door and started putting on her jacket. I walked in front of the door and grabbed her arm. I couldn’t help but start laughing. “Darlin’ take off your coat. I’m not goin’ to ever touch you unless you ask me to. You have nothin’ to worry about. Besides, I never once said I wanted you. You came here to be safe, so I’ll go back in my room and give you privacy. See you around.”

I left her just standing there, letting everything I said simmer in her little head. There was no doubt in my mind that I’d have her. Something was telling me, she would be so worth the wait.

When I woke up the next morning, Amy was gone. I’d gotten a few curious looks from my sister, but she never really said too much to make me think Amy told her the things I said.

The next week was a rough one for me. I didn’t talk much to anyone in the family, unless it had to do with the farm. I kept myself busy and only came in when it got dark. I liked living with Ty and Miranda because I wasn’t ever alone. We got involved with a billiards league and shot out of one local bar. After a while, I found that I could drink in moderation and not crave any other substance for a good time. I’m not going to say that the cravings were totally gone, but they were manageable.

Since my sister was pregnant and super moody, she and Ty didn’t come to pool league every week. On those nights, it was better that I didn’t drink much at all. We’d shot all of our matches and most of the players had left for the night. The bartender was a nice girl that I knew had been wanting to see my package for quite a while. As the few last patrons cleared out, I caught her giving me looks several times. Suddenly realizing that it was probably going to happen, I remembered that my truck was a f**king mess. I leaned over the bar. “Be right back, doll.” I threw her a wink as I walked out of the bar. Just to be on the safe side, I kept condoms in my truck. I was all too familiar with stupid bitches that just wanted to trap a guy by telling him she was on the pill when she wasn’t. Plus, I always had this fear of sleeping with some chick that Ty had already hit, and I wasn’t for the whole full circle thing.

I opened my truck on the passenger side and noticed the fast food bags and the trash all over the floor. Normally, my truck was pristine, but I hadn’t been myself lately. I grabbed one of the bigger bags and started throwing all the shit in it. By the time I had everything out of the truck, I reached behind the seat and grabbed cleaner wipes to make sure the leather was perfect. Finally satisfied, I started to walk back into the bar, but realized I had to take a piss. Instead of going inside, I headed toward the side of the building to relieve myself.

I could hear the woman, before I even spotted the car. To make matters worse, I recognized the car right away. A redhead sat in the front seat. She was leaning against her steering wheel with a cigarette hanging out of the window. I knew she didn’t hear me approaching, so I slowly knocked on her window. She jumped and screamed, dropping the cigarette to the ground. I held my hands up in the air. “It’s just me, Amy.”

She was hysterically crying. “Just what I need. Please just leave me alone.”

The car was dark and she wouldn’t look over at me. I grabbed the car door and opened it before she could lock it. When she turned to look at me, I was shocked at what I saw. Her lip was busted and her eye was swollen. I crouched down and pulled her chin toward me. “Jesus Christ! Did he do this to you?”

She pulled away from my touch. “Please just go. I’ll be fine. I just wanted to be alone.”

I looked around the parking lot. Aside from my truck and the bartender’s car on the other side of the building, she was all alone. If her bastard husband did this to her face, there was no telling what else he had done. I clenched my fists just imagining a guy beating on a woman. “Amy, get out of the car.”

She shook her head.

“I’m not askin’, I’m tellin’ ya. Get out of the f**kin’ car now.”

She shook her head again. “Conner, I can’t let Miranda see me like this. Please just go. I don’t want anyone to know. You have to promise me you won’t tell her. Please promise me.”
