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Watch Me

Watch Me (Dark Obsession #1)(21)
Author: Cynthia Eden


She took him in deeper. Licked and stroked him. After all, she knew how to use her tongue, too. His fingers curled around her shoulders as he held her tightly.

“You’re driving me out of my mind.”

She wouldn’t be satisfied until he was out of his head. Until reason was gone. Control a memory. She just wanted him to feel.

She swallowed. Sucked him deeper. Pulled back to run her tongue over the tip of his cock once more. A light, salty flavor slid over her tongue and Gwen pressed forward eagerly. She wanted—

Chance pulled Gwen to her feet. His hold was rough and his eyes—she’d never seen them so dark.

“You.” The one word was guttural. Sexy. “In you.”

Then he picked her up. Carried her as if she weighed nothing and that in itself was hot. He took her back to his desk. Sat her right on top of that gleaming wood.

“I fantasized about you so much here.” He yanked off her shoes. Tossed them. Pulled down her jeans and her socks and she had no idea where her panties had gone but her sex was bare to him. “Now…I have the real you, not some dream. You.”

He jerked up her shirt. Nearly tore her bra when he yanked it off. Then she was naked on that desk. Gwen should have felt vulnerable. She didn’t. She felt sensual. She felt…turned on.

“Put your hands on the desk,” he ordered.

Her hands slapped down.

He pushed between her legs.

“Can’t wait…need you…” But he bent and took one nipple into his mouth. She gasped at that contact, loving the feel of his tongue against her.

Then the head of his cock began to push into her. Yes!

He sucked her breast harder. His hands were locked around her hips. She wanted him to thrust deep—

“Fuck.” He pulled back. His breath heaved out. “Condom. Give me one minute, baby.” Then he backed away. She wanted to scream with frustration because Gwen wanted him. Right then. They’d both waited long enough.

He came back to her quickly. Kissed her. Positioned his cock between her legs.

When he thrust into her, time seemed to stop. Pleasure rolled through her, and she held on to him as tightly as she could.

He kissed his way down her neck. Lightly rasped her with his teeth. “I’ve imagined having you a million times, but I never knew…” He withdrew, plunged. “Never knew…it would feel this good.”

Her legs lifted and locked around him even as her hands fisted on the table. Time was moving again—at super speed. Her body was wound so tightly and she arched up against him with every thrust. His fingers slid between their bodies. He stroked her clit. Stroked and thrust and she was so close to her orgasm. So close.

Her hands flew off the desk, and she grabbed his shoulders. Her nails dug into him.

This wasn’t some gentle bout of love making. It was intense. Hot. Frantic. She couldn’t get close enough to him. Couldn’t move her hips fast enough. Couldn’t take him in deep enough and—

Her climax hit. The pleasure rolled over her like an avalanche, consuming, taking and all she could do was ride out that rushing onslaught of release. The most intense release she’d ever felt. So hot. So good.

And he was right there with her. Gwen felt Chance tense against her. Then he was holding her even tighter as his hips pistoned. “So…fucking…good.”

He kissed her again and she tasted his pleasure, just as she knew that he would taste hers. And in the aftermath, he just held her. Wrapped his arms around her and held her so securely against his chest. She could feel his heartbeat slowing against her. At first, his heartbeat had been fast like a racehorse, but its beat was steady now. So reassuring.

She pressed another kiss right over his heart. “I knew it would be like this,” Gwen whispered. And she had. She’d looked at him the first day, and she’d needed him. Their chemistry had been electric. She’d wanted him as she’d wanted no other.

Her head tipped back as she stared up at him. His sharp cheekbones were flushed and his eyes glittered.

“I meant for our first time to be in a big-ass bed. I figured I’d do the whole routine. Champagne. Flowers,” he nearly growled the word. “But with you, I just can’t hold myself back any longer. I see you, and I want.”

Her lips trembled into a smile. “I do the same thing.”

He kissed her. Softly. Gently. But then he eased back and a furrow appeared between his brows. “A desk. Shit, did we really just make love for the first time on a desk?” Carefully, he pulled out of her.

She immediately missed him.

Make love. Her heart warmed a little more. “We did,” she confirmed, her smile spreading. “And we can make love for a second and third time here, too. Or we can go find that big-ass bed and the champagne and—”

The phone on his desk rang, the shrill cry surprising her and making Gwen jump a bit. She laughed at herself even as Chance glared at the phone.

“It could be your partners,” she said as the phone rang again and he didn’t answer it. “Maybe they know more about Ethan.”

He nodded.

Before he could reach for the phone, her fingers flew out and she hit the speaker button. Because if that was Lex or Dev, then she sure wanted to hear their status update on Ethan, too.

Chance’s right arm curled around her, and he called out, “This is Valentine, I—”

“I know who the hell you are.” The voice of Gwen’s father blasted over the line.

For an instant, ice actually seemed to pour over her. She was with her lover, naked—and her father’s voice filled the room. Her mouth dropped open in horror.

Chance tried to reach around her, probably aiming to turn off the speaker.

But her father wasn’t done talking.

“I’m paying you damn well to keep a twenty-four, seven watch on Gwen,” her father snapped. “I expect more updates for my time! Hell, look, I hired you for the job because I knew Gwen wouldn’t dodge you the way she does the others. The girl has been hung up on you for too long. We both know she’d let you stay close without giving it a second thought.”

The ice that had poured over Gwen got worse. So much worse. She stared at Chance in growing horror.

Ethan had been right. I’m a job for Chance.

“But I deserve updates!” Her father barked. “What happened with Ethan? Did the police arrest that bastard? Did—”

“They arrested him,” Gwen said. Her voice came out just as icy as she felt.
