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When Ash Falls

When Ash Falls (London Fairy Tales #4)(35)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

“Ash?” Dominique asked. “Didn’t you say you were just on your way to meet with Hunter?”

“Er, yes.” Ash released her arm and clenched his fingers. “Forgot my hat…”

Dominique tilted his head. “And you hid it in your jacket? Or you simply went up the stairs and forgot it a second time?”

Ash frowned.

“I’m afraid he lost it,” Sofia said, saving the day. “Remember? During the travel from Scotland?”

Ash snapped his fingers. “Blast, you’re correct.” He didn’t move.

Sofia elbowed him.

He shook his head. “Have a lovely morning, Princess.” He passed Dominique and gave a slight inclination then patted him on the shoulder. His footsteps echoed across the marble floors.

“Sofia…” Dominique shifted uncomfortably between his feet. “…may I have a word with you?”

Her stomach dropped.

Did he know?

About her proposition?

About her and Ash?

“Of course!” She forced a bright smile and quickly walked down the rest of the stairs and followed him into his office. The same office where she’d tried to seduce Ash. Suppressing a groan, she waited for her punishment, chin high.

“Tell me about Peter,” he said once he’d taken a seat.

All the air escaped her lungs in a whoosh as she collapsed into the seat opposite Dominique. “What exactly do you wish to know?”

“Has he made an offer for your hand?”

Sofia swallowed, refusing to make eye contact; instead, she focused on the flickering flames of the fireplace. “He did.”

“And you denied him?”

She took a deep breath. “Only after I found him with my stepmother…”

“With your stepmother?” Dominique leaned forward. “Speak plainly.”

“They were naked,” she blurted. “How much more plainly do you wish me to speak, cousin?”

His face paled. “And he still wishes to pursue the marriage?”

Sofia nodded slowly. “I left the very next day. Before Father died, he — he said I needed to leave, that Stepmother Esmeralda would… hurt me… that she was mad with envy.”

“Typical of a woman who’s so focused on her own vanity.” Dominique muttered a curse. His blue eyes drew her in; for once they held no intimidation, just comfort. “You understand how important it is to make a match?”

Sofia worried her lower lip. “I understand.”

“Do you know why, Sofia?”

Why was her throat so dry? The room so incredibly hot? “If I don’t marry, then I cannot inherit the throne and take back the country from my stepmother.”

“It is more than that.” Dominique’s eyes went from comforting to sad as he stood and walked over to his desk. It seemed a million seconds went by before he approached her with a small piece of paper. “I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, Sofia. But if you do not marry within the next three weeks, you will not just lose control over the lands we both love. You’ll lose everything.”

“Wh-what?” She gripped the paper between shaking hands and read aloud.

My Final Will and Testament—

My daughter must marry a titled gentleman of good breeding before her twentieth birthday or cease all control of White Manor and its lands, including its tenants. She will be under the protection of the Crown and allotted a small cottage on the grounds, as well as a townhouse in London. All political power will be stripped of her and given to my wife, Esmerelda.”

The paper fluttered to the floor. “So that is the happy ending to my story.”

“Does it really make a difference?” Dominique asked in a gentle voice. “It is clear that Peter wanted your hand to gain control over the lands, and when you refused, your stepmother saw no choice but to eliminate you. If you die, the same happens. Everything goes to Esmerelda. If you live…” He choked. “…because I guarantee you will, Sofia… you will be safest with a man by your side. Legally, it is protection. I know…” Dominique sighed. “Damn it, I’m not good with words, Sofia, but I know in a young woman’s heart is the desire to be loved. I just wanted you to understand what you were giving up.”

Her head jerked to attention. “Giving up?”

“If you decide to wait to marry.”


His smile was sad. “Do you think I would truly force you into a lifetime of unhappiness without first discussing it with you? The ball was to welcome you into society, to introduce Russian royalty. It was also an opportunity for you to get your feet wet. You met many single gentlemen last evening. Did any of them catch your eye?”



But he wasn’t titled.

Nor was he available.

“No,” she lied, hating the way it tasted on her tongue. “I did not.”

“The choice is yours…” Dominique said quietly. “But you have limited time to make the decision. I trust you’ll do exactly what I did.”

He stood and offered his hand.

“And what was that?”

The Beast pulled her in for a tight hug and whispered in her ear, “I followed my heart.”

There were tears pooling in her eyes when he stepped back. “And what if my heart wants what I can never have?”

“My dear…” Dominique wiped away her tears with his scarred thumbs. “…you may have the world. All you must do is ask and believe yourself worthy enough to accept it.”

“But, my people… the lands…”

“At what cost?” Dominique gave her shoulders a squeeze. “I will stand by your side, whatever decision you make. Even now, time is not on our side. Peter is most likely tracking you as he’s been trained to do, and Esmerelda will soon follow. Regardless, I will be by your side. As will Ash.”


Dominique’s eyes narrowed. “He’s your protector. He will never leave your side, lest he sign his own death.”

That was truer than Dominique knew.

“Breakfast has been ready for a while.” He nodded. “Take your time, gather your thoughts, and join us when you’re ready?”

He quit the room.

Sofia plopped into the chair, her mind racing with possibilities. A small part of her wished — begged — for things to be different. A life where she could choose, where it would be Ash offering for her hand. Not some nameless gentleman.
