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When Lightning Strikes

When Lightning Strikes (Whiskey Creek #1)(33)
Author: Brenda Novak

“You’re sure about that, are you? Why don’t we ask him if he’d like one of these cute little nurses to—”

“Stop it.” She rolled her eyes. Ian was being crude on purpose, trying to shock her. “I’ve got a novel concept—how about if we give Simon what he needs instead of what he wants?”

“He doesn’t need you to tell him what to do. He’s a grown man.”

She lowered her voice just in case Simon was nearing consciousness. “Who’s on the brink of total collapse! You asked me to help for a reason, remember? The fact that you’re fighting what’s best for him tells me you’re as bad as his other so-called friends. You’re all vultures, hoping to pick his bones.”

Ian shot to his feet. “That’s bullshit! I care more about him than you do.”

She stood, too. “Then prove it.”

“I don’t have to prove anything to you.”

“At least quit pouting. You’re driving me crazy.”

“Feel free to go home if you don’t like it.”

No way. That was exactly what he’d been hoping she’d do. Then he could try to talk Simon out of going to Whiskey Creek. “Sorry to disappoint you but I’m not leaving you alone with him.”

Ian leaned toward her. “What you’re doing is crap, you know that? You’re changing everything.”

“I’m making necessary adjustments.”

He combed his fingers through his hair, hesitated, then continued in a calmer voice, one meant to sway her. “Come on, I’ll go with one month, okay? One month is plenty of time for Simon to be gone. We can put the producers of his next movie off until his hand heals but that’s it.”

“Sorry. Simon has to be out of circulation long enough to feel it, to unwind and focus on other—”

Yet another nurse popped in, but she got only halfway through the door before the look on Gail’s face stopped her dead in her tracks. Mumbling a quick “Excuse me,” she ducked out as if she’d entered the room by mistake.

Ian whistled. “You’re a freakin’ pit bull.”

“You knew what I was like before you agreed to our deal.”

“I had no idea you’d talk him into quitting work!”

“He’s not quitting work, he’s taking a break so he’ll be able to salvage his relationship with his son and his career. And call me what you will, but now that I’m committed I’m going to do whatever it takes, so get used to it.”

Simon shifted in the bed but didn’t open his eyes. “Hey,” he said. “Could you guys argue somewhere else?”

How much had he overheard? Gail exchanged a glance with Ian that essentially asked that question. But she got the impression that Simon hadn’t been paying attention to much more than the harshness of their whispering.

“Sorry,” Ian muttered. “I think I’ll take off.”

Simon’s eyes opened. “I’m surprised you lasted this long. You must be bored stiff.”

“I thought you might need me, but…you’re in good hands with Attila the Hun over there.”

“Attila was a man,” Gail snapped.

“I know that,” he snapped back.

“Sure you did.”

Ian lunged forward and gnashed his teeth. “He was ruthless, right?”

Simon put up his good hand. “Whoa, what’d she do to you?”

“How can I get some of the nurses to give me their number if she’s chasing them off?” He smoothed his wrinkled shirt.

“You that desperate?”

“Desperate enough.”

Simon didn’t press him further. “Okay. Talk to you later.”

“I’ll get your schedule cleared,” Ian said, his tone letting them know that he still thought it was a mistake.

As the door swung shut behind Ian, Simon raised his bed and turned his attention to her. “What’s up between you two?”

Stiff from sitting all day, Gail rolled her shoulders. “I made it obvious that I wouldn’t let him get in my way, that’s all.”

“And he backed down?”

“I prefer to believe he realized I was right.”

“I don’t know….” He studied her with a frown. “A blow job is never a completely bad idea.”

So he’d overheard more than she’d assumed. “If you already knew what we were arguing about, why’d you ask?”

“Honestly? That’s the only part I can remember.”

She could tell he thought she’d snap at him, tell him to keep his priorities straight, but why would she? He wasn’t serious. She was beginning to believe he purposely painted himself as shallow and hedonistic so the people around him wouldn’t realize he was so sensitive. Somehow it was easier for him to outrage everyone than to allow them to see how deeply he was hurting.

“Enjoy your painkiller,” she said. “Because that’s all the feel-good you’ll be getting here.” She offered him a facetious smile. “And after that things will really go downhill because you’ll be married to me.”

“Wait, I’m the one who’s supposed to put you down.”

“We’re getting to know each other so well, I can actually predict what you’re going to say.”

He didn’t react to her sarcasm. “So…when’s the big day? I’m guessing it’s changed. You’ll want to be married before introducing me to Daddy, am I right?”

Of course he was right. Then Martin couldn’t talk her out of it or disapprove of their living together. “How’d you know?”

“You’ve got to have some way to make them accept such—what’d you call me? A dissolute movie star?”

He was slurring some of his words but she could still understand them. “You’re going to make them accept you, not me. But to answer your question, I say we marry as soon as you’re up and around.”

“I’ll be fine tomorrow. That’s when we’ll get our rings.” His eyes drifted shut. He seemed to be having trouble remaining lucid, but he managed to say something else. “You don’t have to stay here if you don’t want.”

Given his strained relationship with his family, who else would come? One of his bodyguards? His driver or a maid? That seemed so impersonal. “Sorry, but I’ve dedicated my entire day to beating back these nurses, and I won’t quit now.”
