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When Summer Comes

When Summer Comes (Whiskey Creek #3)(60)
Author: Brenda Novak

Aaron wasn’t ready for a child, anyway. He hadn’t lasted in rehab, was still using. Dylan saw him at Amos Auto Body, the collision repair shop they owned, every day. He witnessed the results of Aaron’s actions and worried about him constantly.

“She tell you about the ultrasound?”

“No.” Cheyenne came forward to perch on the edge of the bed. “Did she tell you something about an ultrasound?”

“She knows the gender of the baby.”

That Dylan was the one who’d learned this surprised Cheyenne. Other than to say the father was some guy she met when she was in Phoenix at Christmas, Presley had been tight-lipped about the baby, especially with him. She didn’t want any of the details of her life leaking back to Aaron. She knew if he contacted her, she might break down and see him, and that would be the worst thing for her and the baby. “What is it?”

He grinned. “A boy.”

Of course it was a boy. That seemed to be all the Amoses could create, not that she was going to remark on it. “Oh, my gosh! I can’t believe she didn’t tell me! A boy! And…and did she say if everything looked…okay?”

Because the pregnancy had started out while Presley was drinking and doing drugs—and nearly ended in an abortion—they’d been concerned about how the fetus might be developing. Presley had enough challenges just fighting her addictions and keeping a steady job. Cheyenne feared she wouldn’t be able to cope with a child who had serious medical issues.

“Everything’s fine. Presley’s told you that before.”

She couldn’t help double-checking. “That’s great.”

He laughed. “God, I love that silly smile on your face.”

“What silly smile?” She grabbed one of the decorator pillows he’d pushed off to one side and threw it at him, which caused the dogs to scramble off the bed.

Catching it, he tossed it back, and Lucky barked at them both. “The one that says you couldn’t be happier.”

“It’s a miracle she’s reached this stage, Dyl. Those days after Anita died…when she took off and I thought I might never see her again… They were terrible. I’m thrilled that she’s doing so well.”

“It’s too bad she doesn’t live in Whiskey Creek anymore. Stockton’s a dive.”

“Not everyone thinks so. Anyway, it’s a bigger city, where she’s been able to find a cheap apartment and a decent job.”

“You call working at a thrift store a decent job?”

“She likes it.”

“You’d be more involved the pregnancy if she was here,” he pointed out.

But then she might fall back in with Aaron. Cheyenne knew Presley was still in love with him. The two of them couldn’t be in close proximity, or they’d start seeing each other again, and Presley would slide downhill. “It’s better if she’s not around her old friends.”

“You mean Aaron. I know that. He wouldn’t be a good influence.” He put the TV on pause and turned to look at her.

“What?” she said.

“Speaking of babies…”

Something in his expression made her cheeks flush with warmth. “Yes?”

He caught her by the wrist and pulled her toward him. “I was wondering if you might be interested in making a baby with me.”

Her heart lodged in her throat. She’d been waiting for him to ask. She knew if she brought it up, he’d say yes just to ensure that she wasn’t denied anything she really wanted. But it was important to her that he crave a child just as much. “You’ve raised your brothers,” she said. “Are you sure you’re ready to start a family? What about your father?”

“What about him?”

“He gets out of prison next year. We could hold off until after that…until he’s back and settled in, doing whatever he’s going to do with his life. Then you’ll feel more settled yourself.”

He smoothed the hair out of her face. “I’m not going to plan my life around his release. At this point, I don’t even know if we’ll have a relationship.”

“But you want a child.”



“Because I love you.” He kissed her tenderly. “Get in bed. Let me show you how much.”

The phone rang. But Cheyenne ignored it. She’d have to catch up with her friends later because right now nothing mattered more than Dylan.

* * *

Baxter knew what this call was about and wasn’t entirely comfortable participating. He couldn’t break his word to Callie, but he didn’t want to lie to everyone, either.

“Cheyenne’s not picking up. She must’ve fallen asleep,” Eve announced as soon as everyone else was on the call.

“We could do this tomorrow,” Baxter said. Hopefully at a time when he wasn’t available….

“No, everyone’s got to work,” Eve responded. “I’ll fill her in later. I don’t think we should put this off any longer.”

“Put what off?” Noah asked.

“Something’s going on with Callie,” she replied. “Haven’t you noticed?”

“She hasn’t been showing up for coffee much,” he mused. “Is everything okay with her business?”

“She doesn’t seem to care about her business anymore,” Eve said. “From what I can tell, she’s turned it over to Tina.”

“Because she’s getting the farm ready to put on the market,” Kyle explained.

“You think that’s it?” Eve again. “You saw the way she acted on Friday.”

“Have you tried asking her?” Noah wanted to know.

“We’ve all tried,” Eve said. “She avoids us when she can, gets off the phone if we start to push, rarely returns a call. I’m just…so worried. Has she said anything to any of you that might offer some clue as to what’s going on?”

Baxter cringed but remained silent.

“She’s said nothing to me,” Kyle told them.

“Are you sure?” Eve pressed. “I feel that if anyone can unravel the mystery, it’d be you.”

“I don’t know what’s wrong with her,” Kyle insisted.

Baxter wondered if Kyle was squirming with guilt. He had to be asking himself if he’d had a hand in how she was behaving.

“I couldn’t be there Friday—” Riley entered the conversation “—so I don’t know how she acted, but I agree she’s been more aloof than usual.”
