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When Summer Comes

When Summer Comes (Whiskey Creek #3)(86)
Author: Brenda Novak

If her parents were taken aback by this announcement, they didn’t say so. Maybe they could tell by Callie’s reaction that he was as significant to her as he claimed.

“Nice to meet you,” Dr. Yee said.

“Likewise,” Levi responded. “So back to her necklace…”

Dr. Yee shook his head. “Like I said—”

Lowering his voice, Levi broke in before the doctor could finish. “I heard that bit about standard procedure. But it’s a small thing to ask, right? I mean…you’re dealing with human beings in this hospital, and that means some exceptions should be made, depending on the circumstances. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Yee looked to her parents. They’d given in to him so far, but now they seemed to think better of it. “It obviously means a great deal to Callie,” her mother said.

“And we’ve asked if she could have it many times,” Boone added.

With a thoughtful frown, the doctor collected his clipboard and started out of the room. “I guess there could be worse things to work around should surgery become imminent. If it’s that important, I’ll see what I can do.”

Levi followed him out. “And, Doc?”

Dr. Yee turned. “Yes?”

“What can we do to get her a transplant?”

He seemed genuinely concerned when he said, “Nothing, except pray that a liver becomes available. I’ve categorized her as status one. That gives her the highest priority.”

“How much more time do we have?”

“Maybe a few days,” he said.

* * *

The Fourth of July came and went with Callie mostly unconscious. Her parents were at her bedside constantly through those days. She knew that. Her friends were often there, too, especially Kyle and Baxter. Even Gail and Simon had pulled themselves away from their commitments in Los Angeles. Several of the nurses had asked about her connection to the big movie star. But the person whose presence meant the most was Levi, probably because having him there was such an unexpected gift. She could hear him talking to her parents or her friends, and it brought her a measure of peace to know he cared enough to come back to her, that he was committed to what they’d shared, despite her situation.

She wished she was stronger and found it ironic that her female vanity hadn’t deserted her even at such a dire point. But she made a conscious effort not to worry about how she looked. She had so little time left. She figured she might as well enjoy the pleasure of having Levi there, holding her hand. Although the hospital had relented and given her the necklace, it didn’t seem nearly as important now that she actually had him with her.

“Hey, you. How are you feeling?”

Callie managed to lift her heavy eyelids to see Baxter. He’d come at a time when she had no other visitors. Her father had driven her mother to a doctor’s appointment, and Levi had left to get a shower and something to eat. Her parents had given him the key to the farm, so he was staying there and taking care of Rifle. That seemed fitting somehow. Callie wished more than anything that she could go home with him and see her dog, but at least the two of them got to stay at the farm for a while longer.

“Fine.” She tried to smile for Baxter’s benefit.

“You look good,” he told her.

She knew he was lying. She couldn’t look good. But he did—as always. He smelled good, too.

“Do you want me to read to you?” he asked.

Ted had been coming to the hospital and reading his latest book. Even his editor hadn’t seen this one. She loved his stories, but she also liked it when Baxter read from various magazines. In keeping with his personality, he focused on sensational tidbits, like the mother who beat off three robbers with a broom, or the reality TV star whose cosmetic surgery didn’t turn out quite as planned.

She nodded. But then she realized that she hadn’t spent any time alone with Baxter in the eight days she’d been in the hospital and decided she’d rather talk—if she could.


“What is it?” he said.

“How’re…things with…you?”


“You…seeing anyone?”

“Not right now. But Noah is. She’s another groupie, loves professional cyclists.”

“I think…he knows,” she said.

“That I’m g*y? Maybe.”

“So why…why not address it? Just you…and him. Privately.”

He didn’t answer for a few seconds. Then he said, “I’ll promise you this. You get well, and I’ll tell Noah that I’m madly in love with him. Fair enough?”

She attempted a laugh. “Now I know…you don’t think I’m going…to make it. Or…or you wouldn’t commit…to that.”

“I’m trying to motivate you to keep fighting.”

Levi had given her enough motivation already. She was hanging on with everything she had, hoping that a liver would become available. “Okay. I’ll keep…fighting.”

He looked as if he was about to say something else, but Gail and Simon came into the room.

“Mind if we crash the party?” Gail asked.

Callie was so tired, but she mustered a smile. “Giving…the nurses another…thrill, Simon?”

He grinned at her. “I’ve told them I just look like Simon O’Neal, but they’re not buying it.”

“How are the kids getting along without you?” Baxter asked.

“They’re doing great,” Gail said. “We have a fabulous nanny. She may bring them out here in a few days. Once Callie gets a liver, she’ll be in the hospital another week or two, so it makes sense.”

If Callie gets a liver, Callie thought, but she didn’t have the energy to say it. She knew they wouldn’t want to hear her talking negatively, anyway.

“What about Simon’s work commitments?” Baxter asked.

“Hey, he’s not the only one with work commitments,” Gail teased. “But we’re managing. Callie’s more important than anything going on in our professional lives. We’re all pulling together. Right, Cal? We’re going to hold out until we get what we need.”

Callie gathered her strength. “Hope it comes…soon.”

“So do we.” Gail sat on the other side of the bed, across from Baxter. Simon stood behind her and massaged her shoulders while she talked. “About that guy who’s been hanging around.”

The reference made Callie smile. She knew Gail was joking, that she remembered Levi’s name. “Yes?”
