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When We Touch

When We Touch (Whiskey Creek 0.5)(14)
Author: Brenda Novak


By the time Brandon arrived at Sexy Sadie’s, Kyle was already there. But he didn’t have to worry about Olivia leaving with his stepbrother. She was clutching the bar for all she was worth, wouldn’t even stand, despite Kyle gripping her shoulders and urging her to get up.

“Let go of her,” Brandon said, coming up on him from behind.

At the sound of his voice, Kyle whipped around. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I came to take her home.”

Fisk had watched him walk in. Now he hurried over to address them. “I don’t want any trouble, boys.”

Brandon lifted a hand to reassure the bartender that they weren’t going to cause a scene but kept his focus on Kyle. “She doesn’t need your help, bro. I’ve got it from here.”

Olivia turned a beseeching expression on him. “Don’t let him take me, Brandon.”

“I won’t, honey. Just get your purse off the floor, and we’ll go home and look through the telescope.”

Her pretty blue eyes filled with tears but she blinked them back. “That’s…good.” Releasing the bar, she got up, managed to sidestep Kyle even though he reached for her and staggered right into Brandon’s arms.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” she said, clinging tightly to him.

He let his arms close around her, once again feeling that inexplicable protectiveness he’d experienced all those years ago when they danced at prom.

The menacing look on Kyle’s face made Brandon wonder if he’d be able to keep the promise he’d just given Fisk. Kyle didn’t seem willing to let Olivia go without a fight. “You need to take her to her parents’,” he said, his voice threatening, low.

Fisk stepped forward. “Come on now. Let Brandon handle it, Kyle. I shouldn’t have called you. You have no say anymore.”

“I’ll let her leave with someone else but not him,” Kyle shot back.

Brandon arched an eyebrow. “She’s the one who called me.”

“Olivia—” Kyle started but she wouldn’t even look at him.

Brandon backed off enough to see into her face. “Do you want to go to your parents’ house? Your sister’s probably waiting up for you. You know how concerned she is about your welfare. You wouldn’t want Noelle to worry, right?”

“You son of a bitch,” Kyle ground out.

“I’m just asking the question.” Brandon spread his hands, smiling when Olivia insisted she definitely didn’t want to see her sister.

“That comes as a real surprise, honey,” Brandon said and returned his gaze to Kyle. “I think she’s made her desires clear.”

A growl sounded deep in Kyle’s throat and he clenched his fist as if he’d throw a punch.

Prepared to put Olivia behind him in case he had to defend himself, Brandon stiffened. But Fisk grabbed Kyle before he could do anything stupid.

“Calm down, buddy,” Fisk said in a low voice. “I’m sure you could cause some serious damage, but I think your brother could, too. You don’t want to wind up with a shiner for your wedding.”

“Don’t hurt him!” Fresh tears caught in Olivia’s long lashes when she saw Fisk shoving Kyle back. “Please, don’t hurt him.”

Her panic over Kyle’s well-being showed that she still cared about him, and that took the fight out of him. Dropping his hands to his sides, he watched her with such agony that, for the first time ever, Brandon felt a degree of sympathy for his stepbrother. Maybe the way Kyle’s life had intersected with his own wasn’t what Brandon would’ve wished for, but Kyle was obviously in a great deal of pain.

“I’m sorry.” Kyle shook his head. “I’m so sorry.”

He was speaking to Olivia, but she didn’t respond to him. She’d already closed her eyes and turned as if she couldn’t bear to look at him another second.

“I won’t let anything happen to her.” Brandon had to offer his stepbrother that much comfort as he guided her out.

Chapter 7

Brandon felt like he deserved a medal. He’d managed to stop Olivia when she’d started peeling off her clothes. There’d been one moment when he’d almost succumbed—when she locked her arms around his neck and tried to pull him into bed with her. She kept insisting she could do casual sex and, Lord, did he want to believe her. With her body up against his, the silk of her panties coming out the back of her loosened shorts, he’d nearly thrown honor and decency to the wind. Thoughts like, “Just one kiss, one taste, one touch…” went through his head but considering the desire raging through him, he’d known that was all the spark it would take to start a conflagration. Sternly reminding himself that she wasn’t in any condition to give consent, he helped her remove the shorts she was so intent of getting off but refused every advance.

And now he was paying the price. Tense and completely unsatisfied, he tossed and turned while the girl he’d dreamed about for over a decade lay in the next room wearing nothing but her T-shirt and a pair of pretty panties. He felt her soft skin in his mind every time he closed his eyes.

The memory alone made him hard.

He could only hope she’d want him as badly in the morning, but he knew her better judgment would take over by then. As much as she thought she wanted a wild affair, something to fill the sudden loneliness, it was all too typical of being on the rebound. She wasn’t the type to take sex lightly, which was why he’d always been careful to keep a safe distance. He wouldn’t be good for someone like her. He was too devoted to his freedom.

Frustrated with his inability to shut down, he rolled over to search for his phone on the nightstand. For the past hour, he’d been debating whether to send Kyle a text. He figured he might as well be gallant all the way around.

She’s in the guest room asleep. Safe and sound. Get some rest. Big weekend ahead.

He hoped that would bring Kyle some peace.

A return text quickly confirmed that Kyle was still awake, which wasn’t a surprise. If Kyle felt half as torn about his upcoming marriage as Brandon suspected, he might walk the floor all night.

You better not have touched her.

“So much for trying to do you a favor,” he grumbled and scrolled through his pictures, looking for one his mother had sent him, months ago, from Thanksgiving. It was a group shot with Kyle and Olivia and the whole family.

As he stared at her image, at her and Kyle smiling for the camera, he remembered how difficult it had been to see them together. He didn’t want to sacrifice the life he had, but she’d always been a temptation. He’d hated the idea that his stepbrother, of all people, would end up with her, knew it would make every family event a challenge.
