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When We Touch

When We Touch (Whiskey Creek 0.5)(27)
Author: Brenda Novak


Olivia knew what she was doing was crazy. She’d never behaved like this before—but she’d never felt like this before, either, never wanted a man like she wanted Brandon. Instead of stopping him when he slipped a hand inside her dress, she encouraged him, shifting so he could reach what he wanted to touch. Only the fear that what they were doing might cause him to injure his leg gave her pause.

“Don’t hurt yourself,” she murmured.

“I’m fine,” he whispered. “All I need is you.”

“But your leg…”

“I’m being careful,” he said, but he didn’t seem to be keeping that promise when he put on a condom and lifted her up against the building.

It was over almost as fast as it had begun. Sheer excitement crashed into frantic need for an incredible few minutes, obliterating every bit of pent-up longing. She could hear the music, smell the roses but all she could feel was Brandon moving inside her.

Afterward, his heart pounded hard and fast beneath her ear and his chest rose and fell as he struggled to catch his breath.

“I’ve never done it at a wedding before,” he told her with a chuckle.

She tilted her head back to look up at him. “I’ve never done it anywhere in public.”

Lowering her gently to the ground, he kissed her temple. “I’m a bad influence.”

“No. It was my fault as much as yours.”

He straightened his clothes while she straightened hers. Then he offered her his hand. “Let’s get out of here, go home.”

She shook her head.

“Do you have to stay for a while? I hope not. I want more of you.”

“I’m sorry, but—” she bit her lip “—this is goodbye, Brandon. I’m not going back to your place.”

His eyebrows drew together. “What are you talking about?”

He wasn’t used to being denied. But she knew it was better to leave him wanting more. To end on a positive memory…

“I’ve got my life and you’ve got yours. I don’t even live here.”

“So? You’re not far. Why not enjoy each other while we can?”

She wanted to walk away while she still had the strength to do it with some dignity. It was important to her self-esteem. He was leaving the country in two weeks, anyway. “Because you were right.”


“I’m not capable of casual.”

His finger tilted up her chin. “What if—” he started but another voice interrupted.

“Olivia? Olivia!”

Noelle was looking for her.

“Where are you?” her sister cried.

“Damn,” she whispered and began to step out of the trees, but he tugged her back. “I’m not ready to let you go.”

She wasn’t sure if he was referring to this moment or their relationship in general. But it didn’t matter either way. “It’ll be easier now than later,” she said. Then she slipped out.

Hoping to rejoin the wedding without bringing attention to herself, Olivia drew a deep breath and smoothed her hair. But Noelle saw her as soon as she entered the room and came straight for her.

“Where have you been?” her sister demanded. “Everyone’s been asking about you. Grandma and Grandpa are tired. They want to say goodbye.”

Olivia struggled to appear serene, but the intensity of what she’d just experienced had left her shaken. “Outside, getting some fresh air.”

Her sister’s eyes narrowed. Had she noticed Olivia’s flushed face and Brandon’s recent departure and put the two together? “Doing what?”

“Nothing.” At the suspicion in Noelle’s voice, she couldn’t help turning to see if Brandon was behind her, but he wasn’t.

Noelle raised one hand to pluck a leaf from her hair. “At my wedding, Olivia? At my wedding?”

Olivia told herself to cross the room and say goodbye to her grandparents and everyone else. But she couldn’t bring herself to stay another second. She’d given this weekend all she had. And still she felt like she’d failed more than she’d succeeded. “I’m leaving,” she said. “I hope you enjoy your honeymoon.”

“Wait! Who’s going to clean up?” Noelle called, but Olivia ignored her. She walked faster and faster until she was outside, running. Her parents and their friends could clean up. Kyle’s friends could help. She’d done all she could.

When she reached her car, she got in, locked the doors and peeled out of the lot.

It wasn’t until she was almost at her apartment that she realized she’d received a text nearly half an hour earlier. It was from Brandon: I wish you’d change your mind.


Olivia never came back. And she didn’t call him. As one day led to the next the week after the wedding, Brandon held out hope that she might relent and see him. He knew what they’d shared was special. Wondered how she could hold out, given the strength of their attraction.

But he didn’t hear from her. He told himself to move on without her. He’d known all along that he wasn’t the kind of man she needed. He was too caught up in his career. And right now he had a battle of epic proportions on his hands if he expected to get back on a pair of skis. He didn’t need to be involved with a woman who could distract him the way she could.

Everything he told himself was logical and true, but that didn’t make her any easier to forget.

By Wednesday, he broke down and called her. She didn’t pick up, but he left a message on her voice mail. “Call me. This is nuts. I want you so much I can’t think straight.”

On Thursday, he texted her twice. “Are you really going to do this to me?” and “I smell you, taste you every time I close my eyes.”

He was dying to see her again and he made no effort to hide it. But that didn’t seem to matter. Although he tried calling her one last time, he received no reply.

Friday, when his parents invited him to dinner, he accepted immediately and was grateful for the diversion—until Kyle and Noelle showed up. They must’ve returned early. They were supposed to be on their honeymoon until Sunday night.

“Did you have a wonderful time?” his mother gushed as Bob let them in.

“It was—” Noelle sent Kyle a sulky look “—fine.”

“Fine?” Paige blinked in confusion. “You went to Napa Valley. There isn’t a more beautiful place on earth.”
