Read Books Novel


“Alex?” Sunshine spoke his name, drawing both of their attention away from the argument. “Would you both like a coffee or some food?” She was holding a blasted towel again. He hated her constantly holding a towel.

“I’d love one, Sunshine, thank you.” Tiny smiled at her.

“How do you know Sunshine?” Alex asked, jealousy hitting him.

“She’s lived in Fort Wills for a long time, Alex. I know her parents, for crying out loud. It’s a small town, and you need to get your head out of your ass or go back to Vegas. I don’t want you around if you’re about to go fucking pussy on me.” Tiny poked him in the chest before heading into the kitchen.

Tiny was right. Something needed to give in his life, and he had to make a choice.

Chapter Six

Whizz left Butch to Cheryl and Michael. He was really happy that he’d visited Butch. Spending time with him made him realize that Butch had only been doing what he thought was right. It hadn’t been and he’d put them all in danger, yet Butch had suffered the most out of the club. The civilians that lost their lives were a tragedy. The Savage Brothers had been a problem even without Butch’s involvement. From what he learned from Lacey, they were determined to seek revenge and use anyone they could to get what they wanted.

The look on Butch’s face when Cheryl and Michael walked in the room would stay with Whizz for a long time. Hope, happiness, and joy had crossed Butch’s face. They were a family outside of The Skulls. Cheryl had really come through for her man. She was strong through and through.

Climbing onto his bike he headed back to the clubhouse. Driving inside the compound walls, he saw Eva had most of the kids in the play area. Tate was sitting on one of the swings watching the chaos unfold. Hardy was sat on the wall beside his bike, smoking.

Parking the bike, he joined Hardy. He turned down the offer of a cigarette.

“Doesn’t your woman want you smoking?” Hardy asked. His voice was gravelly as if he was on the verge of breaking down.

“What’s gone up your ass and took a shit?” Whizz took a seat beside him. The last thing he wanted to do was deal with Hardy. Ever since the truth had come out, Hardy had become bitter. Whizz didn’t know about the other club members but he was tired of dealing with the asshole. Ten years ago, the fucker had made a mistake. It wasn’t anyone else’s fault but his own. Whatever reason Rose had for finally breaking apart was her own. Hardy wasn’t dealing and neither was Rose, and that was the problem. Rose hadn’t really been dealing with it for the past ten years. She’d been pushing it aside as if it didn’t matter. The couple was paying that price now.

“Where’s Rose?”

Whizz glanced at his watch to see it was after lunch. “Is Lacey out with Prue and Angel?”

“Where’s Rose?”

Murphy walked out of the clubhouse, heading toward Tate. Whizz watched his friend kiss her head, and he was shocked by what he saw. Tate smiled up at Murphy, reaching up to cup his face. His friend did the same to Tate. He read the words on her lips. “I love you.”

In all the years he’d known Tate, he’d never once seen her act like a human. This was a first for him to witness. The love on her face tore down the hard assed bitch he’d known her to be.

When the moment was over, Murphy made his way over to them, looking happy.

“Hey, guys, how’s it hanging?” Murphy pulled out a cigarette and took a long drag.

“Fine, you?” Whizz asked.

“I can’t complain. I’ve got a good woman, a good life, and for once in our life there’s no fucking enemy.” Murphy held his arms open with a smile on his face. “We’ve got the world to look forward to.”

“Life’s good for some of you,” Hardy said.

Rolling his eyes, Whizz glanced at Hardy. “For fuck’s sake it’s not the club’s problem that you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants. It would do Rose good if she gets rid of your ass. All you fucking do is moan.”

“What the fuck did you say?” Hardy asked, throwing his cigarette to the ground and stamping it out.

“You heard me. You’re the one who didn’t see what you had in front of you. Like always you wanted something more, something you shouldn’t have. Rose changed herself for you. What did you do?”

“I didn’t touch another fucking woman. I kept Rose with me at all times.” Hardy took a step closer to him.

“Wow, good for you,” Whizz said. “You gave her fuck all while she had to make the effort. What exactly did you do besides keep her pussy on tap for you? You don’t deserve her. Rose should leave your ass and find another man who can give her what she needs.”

Whizz fell on his ass from Hardy’s punch.

“Hold up,” Murphy said, grabbing Hardy.

“You little fucking punk. Come on, get up.” Hardy spat the words back to him.

Wiping the blood from underneath his nose, Whizz got to his feet.

“Everyone’s treating you like fucking porcelain around here because of the shit that happened to you.”

Any other time Whizz would have withdrawn. He’d walk away as the memories would be too hard to handle. Lacey’s face as he slid inside her warm heat invaded every single one of his senses, forcing the bad memories away. He was no longer held in place, scared, terrified. Standing tall, he glared at Hardy.

“And you’re too busy whining like a fucking pussy. ‘Rose is going to leave me. Where’s Rose? I don’t know what I’ll do.’ Be a fucking man,” Whizz said, mimicking Hardy’s voice before returning to his own. He told Murphy to let Hardy go. He wanted to take on the fucker.

Murphy let Hardy go, but Whizz was ready for him. He took the impact from Hardy’s body, sliding to the ground. Hitting his ass hard on the ground, Whizz grunted but rolled, slamming his fist against Hardy’s face. The other man jerked back but not before landing a blow to his stomach. Whizz welcomed the pain as he looked at Hardy.

“You’ve got no idea what you’re talking about,” Hardy said, wiping the blood from his lip.

“You’re right, I don’t. I’ve never cheated on one of my women with a whore. Or was she a sweet-butt? I wonder how many other brothers had her ass before you got to her. Rose was a virgin when you took her. I thought she was part of the club, but she wasn’t, was she?” Whizz asked.

The first time he joined The Skulls, he’d truly believed Rose started out as a sweet-butt. They’d gotten her confused with her friend. Rose had come with a sweet-butt and caught Hardy’s eye. She hadn’t been passed around the brothers like Whizz had thought. There was a lot about the couple he didn’t know.
