Read Books Novel

Who I Am with You

“You know, Taylor, you can still ride. The doctor is just saying you shouldn’t compete.”

“What fun would it be if there’s no competition?”

“Oh, darling, I will have to show you how fun it could be,” he said, and his changing tone made her stomach tighten with need again.

It seemed they couldn’t get through a single conversation without the sexual tension going all supernova on them. But instead of offering him her lips, she continued resting her head against his shoulder as he went on explaining what he would need to do in order to open his company. Though truly fascinated, Taylor found herself growing tired.

Soon, she fell asleep against him, her last thought that she was right where she belonged—safe in his arms.

Taylor checked for the tenth time to make sure there was no one around. Yes, they’d been at the cabin nearing a month, and no, she hadn’t seen anyone, but still, she was nervous as she glanced out at the trees and tried to work up the courage to do what she really wanted to do.

Travis had been away all morning, running errands in town. She should have just gone with him, but she’d woken up with a headache and figured she’d lie down and relax. She could go to town in a couple of days. She was beginning to miss people.

Not that she thought about anyone else when she was with Travis. He was just that sort of guy, the kind who made her forget there was a whole world out there waiting for her. When Travis was around, time seemed to stand still. If the two of them could just remain in their small piece of paradise forever, she wouldn’t feel the desire to race again.

No. Get real. She was a racer. That was her destiny, what she was meant to do. Racing dwelled in her soul. She wouldn’t become a woman who wrapped herself so much around a man that when he disappeared from her life she no longer had a purpose. She’d watched too many of her acquaintances fall into that trap. When the relationship shattered, they were shattered, too.

Taylor looked around again—still no sign of anyone. She finally began peeling off her clothes. She’d wanted to go skinny-dipping since her second day at the cabin, when Travis had stripped down and dived in.

It was something she’d never tried before, and since she was on a new adventure, she was going to be brave and just do it, be the woman she’d been before the wreck. Her fingers shook as she took off her shorts and top, and stood there in only her bra and panties.

Then, taking a breath of courage, she unclasped her bra, letting it drop to the ground, and before she could lose her nerve, she slid her tiny panties down her legs and stood completely naked on the diving rock.

The sun shining down on her bare skin felt glorious, and she wanted to revel in it for a while, but she was still too afraid that eyes in the forest might be watching her, so she bent her knees and dived smoothly into the cold, breath-stealing water.

After swimming around the large pond several times, she adjusted to the temperature, then floated on her back and again worshipped the sun. She couldn’t help but smile.

Why hadn’t she ever done this before? She was a risk taker, or at least that’s what she’d been a few months ago. If everyone knew the fears that had been running through her now, they wouldn’t believe it was her. Slowly but surely, however, she was getting to be herself again. She hadn’t jumped once at a strange noise in the last two weeks. That was progress!

“Well, well, well. This is a nice surprise.”

The sound of Travis’s voice—he was almost yelling—made Taylor lose concentration, and she quickly sank beneath the surface of the water, then popped back up, sputtering as she coughed out the water she’d just inhaled.

“What are you doing here, Travis?” She was praying that the water covered her.

Her embarrassment grew by leaps and bounds when she saw that he was holding her panties, dangling the blue silk from his fingertip, and that his mouth was shaped into a huge grin.

“I got back and wanted to find you, Taylor.”

His eyes were focused on the water in front of her, as if he could see her nakedness. Not possible, she told herself.

“Well, you found me. Go ahead and go back to the cabin. I’ll be there shortly.” She was trying to stay afloat while looking at him. Not an easy task.

“I think I’ll join you instead.” He let her panties drop back onto the rock and began pulling his tight T-shirt above his head, giving her an excellent view of his beautifully sculpted chest.

“No. Really. You should head back,” she gasped when he unbuttoned his jeans and stuck his thumbs into the waistband.

The look he sent her before pushing those pants down had her heart leaping for joy. She tried to tamp down the excitement, but when the denim descended below his hips and his glorious erection sprang forward, she knew she was done for.

He was already hard, excited . . . ready, and just from knowing she was naked. Why should she even begin to fight this anymore? Her body knew what it wanted, and her heart did, too.

Travis didn’t say anything as he dived into the water, then glided easily toward her. She made no attempt to flee. Hell, her arms wouldn’t have cooperated right now even if she’d wanted them to.

So when he reached her, his eyes boring into hers as his body brushed against her now heated skin, there was only one thing to do.

“Yes,” she whispered.

Travis didn’t need any more confirmation than that. Hauling her against him, he locked his lips to hers as the two of them sank below the surface of the water in a passionate embrace.

When they both came back up, gasping for air, Taylor didn’t know what she wanted to do more, hold on tight or swim to the nearest shore.
