Read Books Novel

Wicked Burn

Wicked Burn(59)
Author: Beth Kery

“I came because I was ready, Vic.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

She raised her jaw stubbornly, stung by his relentless contempt. “It means that I wasn’t ready before, and now I am,” she replied. She saw the subtle change that her answer wrought on his rigid features.

The screen door slammed shut behind her, signaling Tim and Andy’s exit from the house. Vic blinked at the sound before he leaned closer to her face, his thigh brushing her own, his eyes spearing into her.

“I don’t care what the fuck you’re ready for, Niall. You may have finagled your way into Meg’s life, but you better stay clear of mine. Understood?” he asked in an ominous, quiet tone before he shook her arm slightly for emphasis.

“It’s you who doesn’t understand, Vic.”

“Is that right?” he asked with an ugly twist of his shapely mouth. Tim’s and Andy’s footsteps crunched on the gravel thirty feet behind them. “Well, I’m real happy in my ignorance.”

“You don’t look very happy,” she countered softly.

She felt the tension leap into his muscles, saw the flash of potent anger in his light eyes. For a second Niall thought he looked furious enough to strangle her. Instead, he released her and stepped back abruptly, as if he’d suddenly realized he was holding an intimate conversation with a poisonous snake.

“I don’t care what you think I look like. Just stay away from me,” he ordered before he turned and headed toward the path that led to the barn.

Niall felt her determination flagging in the face of Vic’s harsh dismissal. She’d known rationally that he was going to be angered by her presence on the farm. But logic couldn’t have prepared her for the impact of his boiling fury. As she and Meg spent a relaxing morning puttering around Meg’s garden and then preparing lunch together, Meg assured her on several occasions that Vic’s temper at her being there was a good signal, not a bad one.

Meg hadn’t stood in the face of Vic’s rage, however. Niall was far from confident that Vic would ever give her the opportunity even to voice her explanation for her actions last fall, let alone that he would listen with a compassionate ear to her apology.

But her sole mission on coming to the farm hadn’t just been to reclaim Vic. She looked forward to teaching the art history class this summer, no matter what the circumstances. Being exposed to Donny’s raw talent and having him agree to take the class made her even more excited to teach this summer. She spent an hour that morning finalizing her lesson plans and organizing the materials she planned to use for her first week.

Vic refused to eat the lunch that she and Meg had prepared when the men returned from the fields. Instead, he barked at Donny from the driveway that he was taking him home and that they’d grab lunch in El Paso. Donny looked slightly disgruntled by the change of plans but rallied quickly enough.

“Uh . . . I guess I’ll see you . . . uh . . . at school then,” he said awkwardly to Niall after he’d grabbed his sketchbook off the table and shuffled toward the back door.

Niall noticed the look of longing the teenager gave the platter of fried chicken she’d just placed on the table. “I’m glad you’ll be there, Donny. Here. Take a piece with you,” she offered, handing him a napkin and nodding at the plate. He’d come from the stables about ten minutes ago and had already asked at least five times how long it was until they’d eat.

“I’ll get you registered, Donny. You just make sure you show up on Monday on time,” Meg added for emphasis before the boy bolted out the screen door with a napkin-wrapped drumstick in one hand and his sketchbook in the other.

Niall watched as he talked animatedly to Vic through bites of chicken as they walked to Vic’s truck. Vic’s head tilted slightly as he listened, his manner reminding her poignantly of the silent, stoic man with whom she’d fallen in love.

“They seem like they’re really close,” Niall said wistfully.

Meg glanced around from the counter. “They are. Eerily so. You’d never guess that they first met only half a year ago,” she said with a small laugh. “Vic thinks that I suggested he hire Donny on solely for the boy’s sake. Donny had been ditching school back in November, and then he got caught by the police with beer and pot in his car several weeks later. He was headed down a path that was bound to end up with him bunking with one of his brothers at the county jail—or worse, in Pontiac or Joliet Prison. Donny deserves better. You see how bright he is. I have to admit I’ve grown really fond of the kid. I’ve gotten to know him pretty well. I should have, considering how much time he spent in my office his freshman and sophomore years,” Meg joked as she placed the bowl of potato salad on the table.

“But I asked Vic to hire him on to help out in the stables as much for Vic as for Donny. Vic was so withdrawn after Christmas. I thought he needed something to pull him out of himself,” Meg continued. She glanced out the door thoughtfully as Vic backed his truck skillfully out the long drive. “And you know, I think I did a pretty good job of things. Donny needed a strong male role model, and Vic needed . . .”

Niall looked over at Meg sharply when she paused.

“He needed someone to need him,” Meg finished softly.

Niall’s heart felt like it skipped a beat. Had Vic’s depression originated from the fact that he’d fallen in love with her, just as Niall had with him? Or was his melancholy more based on the fact that he’d cautiously allowed someone else into his life after Jenny, only to believe that Niall had betrayed him just as callously? The expression on Meg’s face made Niall cringe inwardly with guilt.

“I’m sorry I hurt him, Meg,” she said softly. “No matter what happens between Vic and me, I want you to know that I appreciate you giving me this chance.”

Meg’s faraway look faded as she focused on Niall. “I like you, Niall. Mom and I were so bummed when you canceled your visit at Christmas, and you know how thrilled I am about having you here now. But I’m mostly doing this for Vic . . . and the kids at school, of course. Don’t think I don’t know that El Paso High is very lucky to get someone of your caliber as an instructor,” she added as an aside before she sighed. “I know Vic’s a stubborn ass at times, but I love him.”

“I do, too,” Niall said quietly.

“And it’s a good thing,” Meg stated with a wry grin as Tim and Andy came up the steps. “Because it looks like my little brother is bound and determined to prove that he couldn’t care less about you, Niall.”
