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Wicked Cravings

Wicked Cravings (The Phoenix Pack #2)(41)
Author: Suzanne Wright

Dodging the claws, Dante struck at his neck, aiming for his pressure points and easily taking him out of the equation. As he’d expected, the second the others watched their brother fall unconscious, they suddenly seemed unsure and rattled. Unfortunately, it didn’t completely discourage them from doing what they’d come to do.

One of them lunged at Dante, only to receive a kick to the ribs that took the breath from him and put him on his ass. Not someone who fought fair when he or any of his pack were threatened, particularly when it was Jaime, Dante didn’t hesitate in delivering another kick—this time to the face, making blood spurt from his attacker’s nose.

Two came at him this time. Dodging the blow aimed at his temple, Dante gripped one of his assailants by the throat, lifted him easily, and sent him colliding into the other wolf who had been heading for him. Both of them crashed into one of the vehicles and bounced to the ground, groaning.

One managed to jump to his feet and again flew at Dante, subjecting him to a series of blows and kicks. After some ducking, weaving, and blocking, Dante ended the duel with a palm-heel strike to the face.

Catching Dante off guard, a fifth brother came at him from the side and would have managed to sink his teeth into his throat if Dante’s reflexes hadn’t been as perfect as they were. He ducked, causing the male to topple over him and fall flat on his face. Swiftly, the other wolf bounced to his feet, but before he could make any further threatening moves, Dante swung his arm in an unnaturally fast, fluid motion, and his fist connected heavily with the male’s temple. His head flew to the right, and his entire body went limp as he awkwardly dropped to the pavement with a heavy thump.

Knocked out cold.

Seeing no sign of the other two males, Dante’s heart leaped into his throat. Jaime. He twirled sharply and cursed at the sight he found. There was Jaime scowling down at two guys. One was trying to snap a dislocated shoulder back into place, but didn’t seem to be having much luck—most likely because he was dizzy as all shit. The other guy was curled on the ground, cupping his balls with what looked to be a broken wrist and glaring at her through blood that was dripping from an ugly gash above his eye.

More surprising, there wasn’t a scratch on her. In fact, she looked cool as a cucumber. He could sense that her wolf, on the other hand, was royally pissed. Huh. She’d been paying more attention during training than he’d thought. Good girl.

“I’ll get you back for this, bitch,” the male cupping his balls managed to grit out.

She gave him a patronizing smile. “I know this must be painful for your ego. Try not to think of it as being defeated. Just think of it as being beat up by a girl.” Shuffling sounds had Dante’s head whipping around. Other than the two who were still out cold, the brothers behind him were back on their feet, apparently ready for more. Also, Jaime’s dizzy victim had now snapped his arm back into place and was dragging himself to his feet, just like the brother beside him. Not good.

They all looked ready to dive on Dante and Jaime as a unit, but then all seven suddenly stilled as the most riveting sound Dante had ever heard filled the air. It was no surprise to see Ivy behind Jaime with her arm outstretched, her palm facing outward.

When Jaime had explained that Ivy was a Siren and that her voice could lure those around her into a trance, he had been expecting it to be choir-like and angelic. It was anything but. There was no real way to describe it. It was smoky, husky, and velvety, but not low or quiet. No, it was powerful, and it was commanding the attention of each of the brothers, who were no longer intent on advancing on him and Jaime. Instead, they stood gaping at Ivy, totally under her spell. When she stopped, they remained where there were, motionless and mute.

“Dumb shitheads,” muttered Ivy. “Sorry I didn’t hear them sooner.” Before Dante or Jaime could say anything, a gold Chevrolet Tahoe pulled up. Tao and the enforcers dived out. “You took your time, didn’t you?”

“Luckily, Ivy stepped in.” Jaime watched as Tao, Trick, Dominic, Ryan, and Marcus all stared in amazement at Ivy. Tao’s jaw was at risk of hitting the floor. Ryan was gulping hard as his gaze wandered over her. Dominic was wearing the most flirtatious grin ever. Trick was practically drooling. Marcus’s eyes were shining with lust. And Dante…well, he spared Ivy a brief glance before returning his attention to the brothers. So Ivy was right, Dante was immune to her sexual lure.

He was so getting lucky later.

Suddenly Dominic’s expression turned impish, and she knew one of his cheesy lines was coming. He cocked his head at Ivy. “Screw me if I’m wrong, but haven’t we met before?”

“Knock it off, Dominic,” Jaime complained before giving Ivy an apologetic look. “You’ll have to excuse him. He has a habit of dishing out cheesy lines. It might be some kind of disorder—we’re looking into it.” To her surprise, Ivy seemed amused rather than irritated.

Dominic put his hand over his heart, feigning hurt. “That wasn’t cheesy. I can’t believe you’d say that.”

Finally snapping out his ogling, Trick took in the state of their attackers and his brows arched.

“How long will they stay like that?”

“Until I free them from the trance,” replied Ivy, glaring at the brothers with hate in her eyes.

“Or kill them, whichever.”

“Cool,” said Marcus, to which Ryan grunted his agreement. “You okay, gorgeous?” Marcus tentatively asked Jaime, keeping his distance, as if he expected her to snap any moment now.

Tao frowned at her. “Good thing Dante got here and dealt with them before you lost control and ate them.”

“Don’t, Tao,” growled Dante.

“If you must know,” said Ivy cockily, “Jaime dealt with Assholes Number Six and Number Seven over there, and yet here she is, calm and collected. So give her a f**king break or I might just break that jaw of yours that’s still hanging loose.”

Jaime wouldn’t have thought it possible for Dominic’s grin to turn any more flirtatious, but it did. He was looking at Ivy like he wanted to own her. Oh for the love of God.

Dante went to Jaime’s side and rubbed her back soothingly. “Sure you’re okay?” She nodded. “Fine.”

“Good. Get your stuff from your locker. I’ll have Tao drive you back to pack territory while the guys and I take care of those pricks. You really don’t want to see what comes next.” He was right, she didn’t. She knew the guys would make an example of them to ensure they got their message across so that it never happened to anyone in their pack again.
