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Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night

Wicked Deeds on a Winter’s Night (Immortals After Dark #4)(46)
Author: Kresley Cole

Was she so easy that a mere two earth-shattering orgasms and her unwavering attraction to him could make her forgive their past? As she inwardly answered herself, she thought, Then why fight it? Mari had never been one to fight battles, much less losing ones.

He leaned over her and murmured at her ear, "Show me those bonny br**sts."

"You just saw them!" she cried in exasperation, though she was secretly pleased by how much he seemed to appreciate her body.

"If I had my way, witchling, you’d never wear a top again."

She was biting the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling but didn’t want him to see, so she quickened her pace. "Shouldn’t you be concerned with getting me safely out of the jungle?"

"Come, then, remind me what I’m so happy to die for."

He was so… wolfy. So teasing. And Mari realized this was kind of fun. She half-expected him to play-trip her and start nipping at her ears. And she suspected she’d love it.

She waited, giving him enough time to drop back and assume she was ignoring him, then turned with her brows – and her top and bra – raised, flashing him. He took a stutter step, tripping over his feet. With his hands over his heart, he fell to his knees; she yanked her clothes down and whirled around, continuing on with a goofy smile.

But he was right behind her in an instant. "You good girl," he rasped. "Give us a feel, then." She swatted at him. "Tease."

"Temptress," she countered.

"Aye, that you are. No’ ten minutes ago, you made me come till my eyes rolled back in my head, and already you’ve got me randier than I was with my first milkmaid."

She turned and tapped her chin. "Hmm. Would you like me to wear a corset and bend over a pail?"

His jaw slackened. "Only if you want to see a man instantaneously spill his seed."

She gazed at his thick erection. "Sounds like a date, then."

He groaned, rushing up to her side again. "I’m a heartbeat away from taking you aside and bending you over the next boulder."

Ha! "Then keep an eye out for one that’s about this" – she tapped her flattened hand at her hip bone – "high."

"Ach, I like this with you! I doona remember the last time that I felt something was… " He trailed off, as if he didn’t quite recognize what they were experiencing.

"Fun?" she supplied.

"Aye, fun. And I believe I’ve discovered the key to you."

"What’s that?"

"If I slake you, in return I get a smiling lass. I like this deal, kitten."

"Damn it, MacRieve, if you keep calling me kitten, then I’m going to start calling you something equivalent, like hound dog – and then we’ll both be losers."

He grinned at that and asked, "So how much of my conversation with Rydstrom did you hear?"

She pressed her fingers to her chest. "Whaa… ?"

"Come, then. I know you were eavesdropping, witch. What did you hear?"

"I heard you say you think I’m sexy. The… sexiest."

"Aye, easily," he said, making her want to preen. "And what about you? You’re more attracted to me than you were to your boy demon."

"Boyfriend. I said he was my boyfriend. And even if I was more attracted to you, I’d never feed your ego by telling you."

"How did you get him to let you go?"

"Why?" she asked, feeling herself softening even more toward MacRieve. "Do you think he had a hard time of it?"

MacRieve gave her an impatient scowl as if her question was ridiculous. And for the second time, Mari thought, I might be in over my head with this male.

But I’m thinking I like it.

"How long were you with him?"

She shrugged. "Almost seven years."

"That’s nearly a third of your life!" he thundered. "Christ, I doona care for that. Did you… did you love him, then?"

"Yes," she answered honestly.

His voice broke lower when he asked, "Do you love him still?"

Over her shoulder, she said, "I guess a part of my heart will always be his."

When she realized MacRieve had stopped, she turned. She found his jaw clenched, his irises turning ice blue once more, and his claws shooting longer and darker. She was witnessing more of the beast even than before.

Mari swallowed, again reminded that this was an adult Lykae male. And one who thought she was the mate he’d ached for over centuries. She was playing with fire. No more teasing, no more toying with the sex-starved werewolf. "Just forget I said anything – "

He pressed her against a tree, out of sight of the others. "I want to stab my claws into this demon’s neck and rip out his goddamned spine."

"MacRieve, just wait… "

His hand shot out, covering the back of her head. He leaned down to her ear. "Tonight, I’m going tae make you mine, Mariketa." His accent was thick, his voice rough, as if even his vocal chords were altered as he began to turn. "This other male might have part of your heart, but I will possess all of your body." He ran his other hand from her neck down to her br**sts, cupping them both in turn. Under his hot, rough palm her ni**les were still throbbing – just as he’d promised. "Mark my words, I will claim you so thoroughly you will no’ recall any other."

Intensity… Gazing up at him, she felt so small and vulnerable and recognized that she should be afraid. Instead she was aroused once more – from his deep voice, from his hand fondling her, from the idea of his taking her hard, possibly within hours.

"After this night, you’ll arch tae my touch and crave my kiss. When the heat is upon you, every inch of your body will recognize mine as its master."

She gave a shaky breath, shocked – and yes, excited – by his words and by his confidence.

"It’s as good as done, witch."


"Oh, no, no. I’ve seen this movie," Mariketa said when they came upon a wooden bridge hundreds of feet above a river gorge. The height was so marked, the river below looked like a thread. "And it wasn’t a comedy!" She scrambled directly back into Bowe, then stiffened. Before she could retreat, he’d wrapped one arm over her upper chest and the other down to her waist.

He’d spooked her earlier – had known it was happening, even at the time. But he’d been filled with jealousy the likes of which he’d never known. And he’d been confounded that her revelation of loving another had felt like a booted kick to the ballocks.

Bowe didn’t need to have Mariketa’s love, he told himself. Just as long as he had her.

So why was he so envious of that faceless demon – the soon-to-be-dead demon who knew what it was like to be loved by Mariketa?
