Read Books Novel

Wild Addiction

Wild Addiction (Wild #2)(26)
Author: Emma Hart

Tyler’s laugh follows me through to the bathroom—probably because he knows I’m not exaggerating.

I jump into the shower, wash off, and walk out into Tyler’s arms. He wraps a towel around my body, grinning, and kisses my forehead.

“Towels. So overrated.”

I laugh and step back, tucking the end of the towel in at the top so it stays in place. I grab the second from him and wrap my hair up. “Overrated but necessary,” I respond, shoving my toothbrush in my mouth.

“Depends on your definition of the word necessary.” He grabs a second toothbrush from the holder.

I pause, stare at it, then point my own brush at it. “What is that?” I ask through a mouthful of froth.

“It’s a toothbrush, baby girl. What else would it be?”

“Cocky prick.” I spit out the stuff in my mouth. “Why is it here?”

“So I can brush my teeth.”

“You are all for stating the obvious today, aren’t you?” I give my teeth another quick once-over and rinse. “I pretty much figured that out for myself, if I’m honest.”

He laughs. “I’m not kicking my sister out of my apartment,” he calls as I walk into my room. “Which means I’m going to have to fuck you here, and since you wear me out with your sexual demands, I’m going to need to stay over, which means I’m going to need a few things.”

“I wear you out with my sexual demands?” I shriek, my shoulders shaking with silent laughter. “Mr. Owner of The Drawer of Sexual Surprises?”

“You named the drawer?” Now, he really does laugh.

“What?” I gaze at him innocently, my eyes wide, and pick some panties from the drawer. “It’s like Pandora’s fucking box in that thing!”

He takes the underwear from my hand and switches it with a bright-pink pair. I roll my eyes and ditch the towel so I can slide them up my legs. He watches me, his eyes following the path of the skimpy material until his gaze hovers over my now-covered core.

I cough, and he lifts his eyes to my bare chest. Shit. Note to self: put on a bra before trying to drag your boyfriend’s gaze away from your vagina.

I grab an equally bright-pink bra from the drawer and put it on, obstructing his view. Thankfully, because my nipples are now hard and achy from the way he was staring.

“Tyler!” I snap. “My eyes are up here.”

“And they are very, very beautiful,” he replies automatically, finally meeting them.

I shake my head and get dressed before he decides he’s going to make me late, because the bulge in his pants is telling me that that’s exactly what he’s considering. I braid my wet hair to one side and apply my makeup, Tyler watching me the whole time.

Angus meows loudly from the kitchen, no doubt unimpressed that his food bowl is empty. I stroll past Tyler and into the room where my grumpy kitty is mewling like he’s never been fed.

“Untwist your tail, Angus. I’m here.” I grab a can, open it, and tip it into his bowl. My cat rubs against my ankle in an affectionate—and very rare—thank-you and dives into the meat.

Someone got kitty sex last night if there’s ankle-rubbing happening.

I locate my phone on the counter and throw it into my purse, which is sitting on the table. “Ty?”

“Mhmm?” He comes into the kitchen, now wearing a shirt, and his hair is done.

“Can you give me a ride?”

“I’ll give you several if you’re asking me that nicely.”

I slap his chest as he pulls me into him. I open my mouth to respond, but he silences me with a long, deep kiss that curls my toes.

“Shut up,” I mutter.

“I’ll drive you to the bar. Why can’t you take yourself?”

I shrug. “I can’t be bothered to drive this morning.”

Now he’s the one rolling his eyes and shaking his head. “Come on, my little lazy bitch. Let’s go.”

I grin and grab my purse before following him out. He wraps his arm around my shoulder in the elevator and lowers his mouth to nibble at my ear.

“Did you say you were making a cocktail menu?”

“Yep.” I jerk my head to stop his nibbling. That shit tickles.

“Put a Blow Job on the menu. You know how I like them.” His breath crawls across my neck, and his suggestive tone warms every spot in my body.

“They can go right under my personal favorite, Sex on the Beach,” I reply, pressing a kiss to his jaw just before the doors open.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say that was a challenge.”

I spin from his hold and grab the car door handle. “Good thing you don’t know better then, isn’t it?”

He looks at me through heavy eyelids and places a hand against the car. “You should be careful what you challenge me to do. You know how I like to win.”

“I’m counting on you winning.”

He unlocks the car with a beep. “Get in the car.”

“Someone’s eager,” I tease. “I have somewhere to be, honey. You’ll have to beach-fuck me another time.”

“Liv.” He pushes off the car and walks around it. “I’m not going to fuck you somewhere right after you challenge me to. I have plans, remember?”

“What am I, penciled in for nine p.m. tonight or something?” I sit next to him in the car.

“Do you want to be?” He glances at me as we pull out of the parking lot.

“Do you have time to fit me in? I mean, I’d hate to mess up your sex plan with a flippant comment.”

“I can squeeze you in, babe. I’ve left a few slots in my diary.”

“Oh, that’s so kind of you. As long as it won’t affect your plan.”

He shrugs. “Plans can be changed.”

I smirk. “So the beach thing?”

“Plans can be changed, but they’re more fun when they’re surprises.” He laughs.

“Which translates to?”

“I’ll fuck you on a beach when I want to, not when you ask me to.”

“You could have just said that in the first place, you know?” I poke his thigh. “Instead of all the plan shit that was a waste of my breath.”

Tyler laughs, stopping outside the bar. He shifts in his seat to face me and reaches a hand out. He curls his hand around the back of my neck and pulls me into him. “Hey, feisty bitch, you’re more than penciled in. You’re written in in fucking permanent marker. Every night.”
