Read Books Novel

Wild Addiction

Wild Addiction (Wild #2)(6)
Author: Emma Hart

“Gross.” I make a swipe for the bag, but he holds it to the side. “Tyler! You’re such a fucking child!” I jab him in the bicep.

He winces, dropping his arm, and I take the chance to grab the bag.

With a laugh, I say, “Ha! Who has the food now?” I get up and run around the table, digging in for my burger. I unwrap it and tear a bite off in a very unladylike way.

Hey, if the guy can fuck me on a regular basis, he can deal with my eating habits.

“Liv,” he says slowly, standing, his eyes dead on mine. “Give me my burger.”

I shake my head.

“Liv.” An undercurrent of a threat is in his voice, and despite the small thrill it sends through my body, I take another bite of my burger.


“The burger.”

I shake my head for a second time. “Nope. You take my food, I take yours.”

“You took it back.” He cocks an eyebrow, taking slow steps toward me.

I back up until I hit the counter. “And I’m keeping it.”

He sighs, letting his shoulders sag. “I didn’t want to do this, but…”

Quicker than I can move, he darts around the table toward me. He flattens his hands on the counter on either side of my body and rests his hips against mine.

Dipping his head, he runs his nose along my jaw. “Are you going to give me the food?”

“Are you trying to seduce me into giving you it?” I gasp at the feel of his tongue flicking against the tender spot below my ear.

“I’m not trying to seduce you, Liv. I am seducing you. I don’t try.” His lips brush along my neck, just below my jawline.

My eyes flutter shut, and he settles one of his hands on my hip. His fingers edge beneath my sweater and my shirt, tantalizingly rubbing against my skin, and I tilt my head back. He continues his exploration of my neck with his mouth, humming against my skin, whispering into my neck, pushing his hardening cock into my thigh…

“Thanks,” he says, grabbing the bag and stepping away.

Oh holy hell fucking no!

“Going somewhere?” I snap out, discarding my burger to the side and grabbing his sweater. I tug, spinning him.

Amusement and desire battle in his eyes. “To the sofa. To eat.”

“Oh, no, you’re not. You’re going to come over here and finish what you just started, Tyler Stone.”

He sets the bag on the kitchen table and studies me. “Am I adding demanding to my list of adjectives for you?”

“Go ahead.”

A smirk teases his lips. “Okay, my demanding bitch.” He comes back to me and stands in front of me without touching me. “What exactly am I supposed to be finishing?”

I look up at him. “Don’t play dumb with me. You can’t come over here, turn me the fuck on, then walk away like my panties aren’t soaked.”

“They’re soaked, hmm? Just from that?” He traps me with his hands again. His breath fans across my mouth, and I lick my lips.

“Why don’t you find out?” I challenge, his eyes sparking immediately.

“In that case…” He hooks his fingers in the waistband of my jeans and tugs them down over my ass.

I gasp as he wraps his hands around the backs of my thighs and lifts me up onto the counter. Perching on the edge, I watch as he pulls the jeans from my legs and dumps them on the floor. He runs his hands back up my legs, spreading his fingers wide when he reaches my thighs, and pauses just before his thumbs touch my thong.

“I think I will.”

Tyler nudges the material of my thong to the side in one jerky movement. His thumb brushes along my pussy, circling my clit quickly. I gasp and he groans.

“Good girl.” His voice rumbles through me as he lifts his hands and eases my sweater over my head.

My shirt quickly follows, and as he steps closer, he cups both of my breasts. He kisses along the cup line of my bra and up. Deftly, he undoes my bra and it falls down my arms.

“I can’t decide if I want to tie your hands or have them in my hair,” he whispers in my ear, rolling my nipples between his thumbs and fingers.

I wrap my legs around his waist and tug on his sweater and shirt. He releases my breasts long enough to pull them over his head then pulls my body against his. The movement is hard, and my lips part at the exact time he touches his own lips to them.

Tyler’s tongue sweeps through my mouth in familiar, easy movements, desperate movements, needing movements. His fingers slide up my thighs, probing, squeezing, and they leave me only long enough to undo his belt and shove his jeans down.

He grabs my wrists and flattens my hands behind me so I’m leaning back and slowly rubs the end of his cock against my wetness.

“Please,” I whisper.

It’s been two days. Two long, seemingly torturous days since I’ve had him inside me, and I’ve never been so desperate for him. For that fleeting feeling of completeness and rightness.

In one swift movement, he’s inside me and gripping my hips. His teasing movements of earlier are gone as he drives himself relentlessly into me. It’s raw and unbridled.

It’s perfect.

He sucks hard on one of my nipples, making me cry out in both pain and pleasure. He does the same to the other then slides a hand up my back, fists my hair, and pulls my mouth down to his. His kiss is as rough as his fucking, every thrust of his tongue matching that of his hips.

It doesn’t take long for that sweet heat of an impending orgasm to overwhelm me. I reach forward and tangle my fingers in his hair the way his are tangled in mine. I break the kiss and rest my forehead against his, breathing heavily, moaning with almost every exhale.

“Liv. Fucking hell, Liv,” he groans, moving even faster. “God, I need this. I need you.”

His words are my undoing. They scare me and thrill me and consume me. I clench around him, my world utterly silent except for the rush of blood in my ears and those three final words spinning inside my mind.

“I need you.”

I come back down with a crash. His arms are tight around me, and both my arms and legs are still wrapped around his body, holding us together.

But they’re not really holding us. The thing that’s holding us is the strength of our addictions. It’s gluing us to the other, all while we’re trying to make something potentially beautiful from something incredibly ugly.

“Oh, look at that. We went straight to dessert.”

Tyler’s words make me laugh, and I pull back. His eyes are bright, much brighter than before. If that doesn’t tell me the intensity of his addiction to sex, I don’t know what will.
