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Wild Attraction

Wild Attraction (Wild 0.5)(6)
Author: Emma Hart

My hands move across his stomach and around to his back, loving the smooth heat of his skin. He releases my hair and pulls back. He lowers his hand to the clasp of my bra and unclips it, pushing my bra away and freeing my br**sts.

He cups them, this time skin on skin, and I inhale at the sensation. He brushes his thumbs across my ni**les, hardening them instantly, and when his lips buzz down my neck, my back arches.

His thumbs teasing my ni**les and his mouth against my skin is a heady combination.

Then his mouth replaces his thumb and it’s his tongue rubbing across my sensitive skin, and I moan.

“Mmm.” The sound vibrates against me as he trails his mouth to my other breast. “You have gorgeous tits. Tell me, babe, does your cunt taste as sweet as they do?”

Holy hell. I moan again and push my hips up. My pu**y is achingly wet. My legs curve around his waist and I push myself against him again. My hips grind, feeling the hardness of him against my softness.

He pulls his mouth from me, lets go of my br**sts, and slides his hands down my body. They reach my hips and he grips, stilling me. His fingers dig in to my skin, a sweet pressure.

“You can do that later. Now, though, I’m intrigued by your taste.”

His fingers hook inside my panties and slowly, teasingly, tantalizingly, he pulls them down my legs. He grips my ankle and kisses it, humming low as his lips drag up the inside of my thigh.

“Now, you can f**k my face.”

I gasp again when he drops to his knees, my legs falling with him. I’ve never met anyone so achingly blunt about sex or what they want. Every word sends thrills down my spine to my core. Every sentence wraps around me and turns me the f**k on.

Those thoughts are silenced when he spreads my legs. A chill falls over me, but it lasts just seconds before he runs his tongue along my pu**y. From my opening to my clit, he moves along me in one long lick. He groans, and I wonder if he knows how hard his fingers are digging into my thighs.

But I don’t care. I like it. I more than like it.

He works his tongue, sliding it back and forth across me, slipping it between my folds. The tip of his tongue flicks as he moves, adding extra pleasure, and my hips move with him. Against him.

I writhe, my hands reaching down to fist his hair and hold him against me. My legs tighten and he pushes his tongue right inside of me. I have no idea what he’s doing but it’s crazy.

Heat covers me, my body is tight with tension and anticipation, and I need—

His thumb against my clit, rubbing and pushing, and the release.

My legs clench around his neck as my pu**y clamps down on his tongue. I moan loud, trembling as the orgasm rips through me.

He releases me and my legs fall limply down. The sound of a zipper undoing fills the air and I force my head up to see him pulling his pants down.

His underwear follows and his c**k springs free. Pre-cum glints on the end and I lick my lips. I want to move forward, to take him in my mouth. Taste him.

He smirks and rolls a condom on slowly. I don’t know where it came from, but I don’t care. His hand slides to the base of his dick and he comes back to me, grabbing my hips.


He pushes me up the bed, his lips still curved, his eyes never leaving mine. “Lift your legs.”

Lift my—what?

He grabs my ankles and rests them on his shoulders. My eyes widen as his c**k nudges my opening. His hands grip my thighs as he pushes inside me.

I resist, if only because he’s bigger than he looks, and reach for him.

He shakes his head and grabs my hands, holding them to the sides, keeping them pinned against the bed. “You don’t touch me,” he orders huskily. “You lie back and you let me f**k you. But no touching.”

I inhale sharply and try to nod, but he slams into me hard and I drop my head back. Fuck. He fills me entirely, his c**k buried deeply inside me.

“Good. Now I’m going to f**k you and you’re going to come, and you’re going to come f**king hard. Understood?”

Holy f**king hell. “Yes,” I breathe, my legs opening to take him further.

His pace is relentless, every pound inside me harder than the last. His balls slap against me and he releases my hands to grab my ass.

“Hands on your thighs,” he demands, tilting my hips up.

I do as he says and grip my thigh as the angle of my hips allows him deeper, further…

He spanks me sharply and I cry out loudly at the connection. Then his hand is there, massaging, the softness out of place with how hard he f**ks me.

“Like that?” he asks, slapping me again.

My answer is a moan.

I do. I love it.

Every thrust inside me is a rush of heat and building pleasure, each stroke teasing my pu**y and making it tighten around him.

“Shit. Come here.” He pulls out of me and pulls me up. He sits in the chair next to the bed and like he did in the bar, grabs my ass and tugs me on top of him.

My knees settle by his hips, and he releases my ass to reach between us and guide himself back inside.

My fingers barely brush his chest before he twists them behind my back and holds them together with one hand.

Desire rushes through me as he flexes his hips into me. This is slower but just as hard, and I want to touch him, want to pull him closer, make him move faster, push me over the edge, but I can’t.

His hands holding mine means I can do nothing but kneel here and let him f**k me however he wants.

I’m helpless to my pleasure.

I breathe out a series of moans as he f**ks me right. I want to tell him there, right there, don’t stop, but all that comes out is a cry of pleasure. His hand connects with my ass again and it just makes me hotter, wetter, more needing for the end.

He pulls me forward and drives into me faster. “You have a gorgeous pu**y. Tight and wet. It’s perfect,” he whispers into my ear. “And you like it rough, don’t you, babe? You love it when I spank your arse and f**k you hard, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I reply, dropping my forehead to his shoulder.

“I can feel you tightening around my cock. Do you want to come? You feel like you do. Do you want me to f**k you harder?”

I gasp as he does, fully pushing his hips up. And he moves, faster and harder and deeper.

I tremble and every muscle in my body clenches. Heat, sweet heat, explodes through my veins and I scream.

I actually f**king scream as the orgasm hits and rips through me violently. I clamp down on him, my nails digging into his hand still restraining me. Still he moves, still he pounds, until his own groan mingles with my weakening cries.
