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Wild Cat

Wild Cat (Shifters Unbound #3)(32)
Author: Jennifer Ashley

Diego’s T-Bird waited in the middle of the parking lot. Shifters’ cars, older but well kept, were parked in one defined area, while the human cars, mostly new, mostly expensive, sprawled everywhere else.

Diego unlocked the car. Cassidy got inside, slid off her shoes, and put her feet on the seat while Diego went around to get in on the driver’s side. He put the keys into the ignition but didn’t start the car, resting his hands on the steering wheel. It was quiet, almost peaceful out here after the noise of the club.

“So tell me more about these Fae,” he said.

Cassidy wrapped her arms around her knees, her tight white skirt sliding up her thighs. “You’re curious for someone who didn’t believe in Fae half an hour ago.”

“Things change. I read that Shifters claim Fae created them, wanting Shifters to be their hunters and fighters. Bred them how?”

Cassidy shrugged. “You don’t want to know. I don’t want to know. Fae have strong magic, and they’re far more technologically advanced than humans—as long as the technology doesn’t involve iron. Fae weakened with the rise of iron, and Shifters rebelled and got free of the Fae. You don’t need me to tell you this. I’m sure it’s all in the files at your police station.”

“I thought the Fae connection was just a legend. The files were full of statements by biologists that Shifters are genetic aberrations.”

Cassidy shot him a smile that made his uncooperative hard-on stiffen even more. “Thanks a lot, Lieutenant Escobar.”

“I meant that in the best way.”

Her smile deepened. Diego remembered the kiss they’d shared in the dark in her living room, the winding-up hot kiss he wanted again. He’d gotten another taste in the club, but he hadn’t wanted half the Shifter population and his own brother watching him lick her mouth, tangle her tongue.

Cassidy slid across the seat to him. “I’ve been trying to cover the Fae scent on you,” she said, touching his chest. “So the other Shifters will leave you alone. Want me to keep trying?”

The stiffness was definitely not going away. “Maybe you should,” Diego said.

Cassidy rose to kneel on the seat, and warm, silken woman filled Diego’s arms. He cupped Cassidy’s hips and pulled her to straddle him as he opened her hot mouth.

He kissed her, each stroke going deeper, her tongue dancing across his in the best tango. Their mouths melded, lips moving, searing, seeking. She tasted like heat and honey. He ran his hand up her back, pressing her closer, still kissing.

Her lithe body rocked against his, br**sts firm against his chest. Diego ran his hand down the leg that folded on the seat beside him, finding the sweet softness of her thighs.

“Cass,” he whispered. “I can’t get enough of you.”

Cassidy made a little noise in her throat. Diego roved his hands over her back, found the catch of her dress, unhooked it. Bare back met his fingers.

A sound outside the window made Diego open his eyes. Eric?

Not Eric. Diego saw the barrel of a rifle, then heard a pop of the trigger and Cassidy’s gasp as the tranq dart went into her side.


Diego yanked the dart out of Cassidy the next instant, but too late. Cassidy wilted, unconscious, her weight pinning him to the seat.

Softly running feet sounded outside, getting away.

Diego lifted Cassidy gently onto the passenger seat, checking her pupils and pulse. She was all right, just deeply asleep.

Diego got out of the car, sliding out his pistol at the same time, took cover, and scanned the parking lot. There, a flash of movement between cars, someone sprinting with impossible speed to disappear behind the club.

Diego went after him, yanking out his cell phone as he went. “Xav, I have a situation.”

“Where are you?”

Diego knew Xavier would be moving out of the club even as they spoke. “Parking lot. I’m in pursuit of a guy, tall, black hair. He popped Cass with a tranq rifle. She’s in my car. Make sure she’s all right.”

“You got it.”

Xav’s voice vanished. Diego jammed the phone back into its holder and ran around the back of the club—to find nothing. He heard a scrape and looked up to see a foot leaving the ladder to the club’s roof.

Hell, why can’t anyone stay on the ground?

Diego stowed his gun and climbed the ladder. Halfway up, his heart pounded so hard he thought he’d puke, and his sweat-slick hands slipped on the rungs.

Don’t look down. Don’t look down.

Diego made himself keep climbing. One rung at a time.

I’m going back to the damn counselor. This has got to stop.

He was at the top. Diego had to consciously open his fingers to let go of the railing long enough to make the final step off the ladder.

The man was all the way on the other side of the roof, minus the rifle. Diego took cover behind the large cooling units and drew his pistol. Just because the man had dropped the rifle didn’t mean he didn’t have another weapon on him.

Diego worked his way rapidly across the roof, keeping to cover. When he was five yards from the tall, slender man, Cassidy’s assailant suddenly spread his arms and leapt into empty space.

“Ay!” Diego ran for the edge, stopping three feet from it, his stomach roiling. He inched forward and peered over. Nothing.

“Damn it.” Diego couldn’t jump down to pursue without risking breaking his legs—or neck. Back to the ladder.

He’d run a few feet when he nearly tripped over the tranquilizer gun. He touched it, his mouth going dry. The rifle had come from LVPD. He’d checked out one of this exact make and model two days ago, and besides, it had LVPD stamped on it.

Diego left it where it was, more interested in catching the guy first. He’d send Xav up for the rifle.

Now to get down. As Diego approached the ladder, his breathing came faster. And faster.

Idiota. It was just a ladder.

Diego stashed his Sig and gripped the bars, felt with his foot for the first rung. It wasn’t there. He panicked, his heart hammering off the scale.

Cass. I have to help Cass.

First he had to find the effing step. His foot kept feeling for it, missing. Had someone taken away the ladder?

It’s bolted to the f**king building. Get a grip.

He was gripping—way too hard. Xavier would have to take up the chase. Diego couldn’t even let go to call for help.

Somewhere in the dark parking lot, Cassidy screamed.

The sound spiked through Diego’s dry-mouthed panic. He slammed his feet to either side of the ladder and slid downward, hands moving rapidly to keep up.
