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Wild Cat

Wild Cat (Shifters Unbound #3)(74)
Author: Jennifer Ashley

Cassidy reddened. “Maybe I didn’t want to.”

“No?” Diego let his voice go soft. “But I’m not Shifter.”

She moved toward him, her tight dress all kinds of good. “I haven’t turned it down, Diego Escobar, because the mating frenzy is driving me crazy, and the mate-claim gives me an excuse to jump your bones.”

“Yeah?” Diego smiled in the darkness and slid his arm around her. “Do you want to jump my bones now?”

She growled low in her throat. “You know,” she said, kissing his ear, “after I shifted back and got dressed—I didn’t bother putting on my underwear.”


Diego went still, and she scented his pheromones sharp on the air.

“Mi ja, why do you tell me things like that?” he asked.

Cassidy loved his voice. She lifted herself over him. “To make you want me.”

“How could you think I don’t want you? But there’s not much room in this car. I say we go home. Fast.”

“Can’t.” Cassidy kissed his face, her unfettered br**sts pressing his shoulder and chest. “I need you right now. I’m going insane.”

She reached around for her zipper and squirmed out of the top half of her dress. Diego’s eyes went dark, and he kissed her skin with warm lips.

Somehow he got them into the small backseat. Cassidy yanked open Diego’s pants while he laughed, then she scooted up her skirt to prove she really was commando.

“Damn, woman.” Diego wrapped his arms around her hips and brought her down to him. “Oh, yeah, there you go. I love how tight you always are.”

Cassidy wanted to shout out how good he felt sliding in. “I love how you fill me up,” she whispered.

She clenched her fists. She wanted to savor every moment, but her body kept thrusting against his, needing to soothe the burn.

He clenched his fists. “Slow down, sweetheart,” he said. “I want this to last.”

“I can’t.” Cassidy pushed herself down on him again. Diego ran his hands over her back, making calming sounds.

Not so much lovemaking, she thought, as frenzied, burning need. He was pressing up inside her, stretching her so wide. He claimed she was tight, but it was him, so big. He reached her secret places and filled them.

Diego murmured to her in his wine-dark voice, hands calming. Diego was her perfect counterpart—matching her wild Shifter frenzy with soothing warmth. A safe harbor for a woman who’d been tossing about in misery.

She loved him.


Cassidy got her mouth on his neck and suckled, hard. Diego groaned. She nipped and licked, sucked and pulled. Diego thrust into her, his touch no longer soothing. He caught her fire, and they both burned.

“Damn you, Cass.”

More hot thrusts, and then his release. Cassidy rode him awhile longer, searching for the peak, finding it when he rubbed his thumb over her very wet opening. She screamed out loud, and then she was falling, falling, landing on Diego’s strength. He pulled her close and held her, keeping her safe.

Cassidy found Eric the next morning sitting at the kitchen table contemplating six Collars laid out across the dark wood.

Diego had dropped her off last night, saying he wanted to check up on Xavier, who’d gone back to Mamita’s. Cassidy kissed him good night, thinking it was just as well. Diego’s scent alone was enough to trigger her frenzy, and she feared burning him out. So much complication, falling in love with a human.

Cassidy helped herself to a heaping pile of eggs and bacon that Jace had left on the stove and sat down opposite Eric. “Hey,” she said. “You all right?”

Eric leaned his arms on the table, his gaze fixed on the Collars. “I hate this.”

One of the Shiftertown leader’s duties—assigned by the humans—was to find any un-Collared Shifters in his territory and bring them in. Once Eric had Collared them, they’d be turned over to the humans to be registered and assigned to whatever Shiftertown the human government thought they should go.

“Are you going to report them?” Cassidy asked.

She ate heartily, her brother’s distress touching her but unable to dent her mate-frenzied appetite.

“No.” Eric lifted his gaze, jade green and empty. “I’ll have Neal futz the database and make it look like they’ve always been here. I don’t want those women sent to the ends of the earth, maybe separated from their cubs. They’ve been through too much already.”

Neal Ingram, their Guardian, could access a computer network the Guardians had set up amongst themselves, unknown to humans. They had all kinds of information in their database, sharing across all Shiftertowns. Most Guardians had learned to be expert hackers as well. If anyone could slide the females into the humans’ information undetected, it would be Neal.

Eric returned to staring glumly at the Collars.

Cassidy finished her eggs and scraped the plate. Jace had added green chile salsa to the scrambled eggs, the way she liked them.

Eric sighed and pushed the Collars away. “I can’t do this, Cass. They thought they’d be safe forever from taking Collars and moving into Shiftertowns. If Miguel had been a better leader, they wouldn’t have been wrong.”

“Then don’t make them wear them.”

Eric shook his head, skimming his hand through his short hair. “What happens if someone finds one of the females running around without a Collar? She’d be arrested, interrogated, and the Collar slapped on her anyway. And then they’d come here for the others.”

“Then put the Collar on them,” Cassidy said.

Eric gave her an aggrieved look. “You’re a lot of help, Cass.”

“I’m only trying to point out that you don’t have much choice. If the females don’t take the Collars, they’ll have to hide the rest of their lives—or pretend they’re human, and I don’t think they’ll be able to. Peigi’s taller than I am, and everything about her screams Shifter. She’d be arrested in a heartbeat. Or hunted down. Do you want that?”

Eric shook his head. “But how do I make them understand why they need to take the pain? Why they should be restricted and monitored?”

Cassidy laid her fork across her empty plate. “Eric, Shifters agreed to take the Collars because we knew that capitulating to the humans was our only chance at survival, remember? The Collars were the price we paid to band together and grow stronger, and besides, they keep us from killing each other. That’s all you need to tell them.”
