Read Books Novel

Wild Man

The bed Brock bought; the sheets and comforter I picked out not with Brock who flatly refused to go shopping for sheets and bought the first bed he laid eyes on which, luckily, was a nice one. But instead I went with Elvira, Gwen and Martha, the former two throwing themselves into this errand with scary abandon and the latter doing it under obvious protest for she still was waiting for Brock to expose the dickhead within.

In his condo, next to the up flight was a down flight that led to the door to another flight of stairs that took you to a full basement with laundry. The lower level above the basement had two smaller rooms separated by a full bath. Beyond the up and down staircase was another short staircase, this only five steps that led you to an elevated kitchen that had a railing facing the living room then a small dining area then a bar that separated a somewhat compact but modern and relatively luxurious (for a rental) kitchen.

As threatened, I had bought Brock new towels and dishtowels and when he moved I added more sets for the boys’ bathroom.

As I would learn considering they were more meddling, nosy and intrusive then even Elvira, one day, without his knowledge and using the key he’d given his mother, Fern, Laura and Brock’s other sister Jill commandeered his ratty-assed furniture, delivered it to places unknown that were so covert even a DEA agent couldn’t track them down (and he tried) then they filled the space with a large fantastic, masculine, comfortable sectional, new square coffee table, a handsome upright chest that held his flat-screen TV, stereo, DVD player, PS3

(for the boys) and DVDs, shelves that held CDs and books and a new dining room set.

Oh, and three new standing lamps and coasters for the living room as well as placemats and an unusual but appealing wrought iron, fat candleholder (with candles scented in

“ocean”) to sit on his dining room table.

Unfortunately, they were not finished illicitly rearranging Brock’s new décor and even more unfortunately I was with him when he walked into his new space, he took one look at it and the air in the room went abrasive as he lost his ever lovin’ mind.

Also unfortunately, all members, even the female ones of the Lucas family shared the trait of their mood invading the room, these three women had attitude, knew Brock since his life began (except Laura, who was five years younger than him), were not afraid of him and gave back as good as they got.

Thus began a shouting match which was loud, long, surprising, intriguing but also a little scary.

I could see that Brock was a man, all man, and his space was his space, his shit was his shit and he did not appreciate the intrusion and that intrusion signifying a trio of women taking care of a forty-five year old man.

And that was all I could see because even though I kept my mouth shut and hung in the kitchen while they shouted it out (though his new furniture was awesome), I agreed with Brock that they were out of line.

This went on for awhile and when I say that I mean a long while and I had the sense they did this not because of new furniture and unwelcome intrusions but more deep-seated issues all of them were dancing around. It got to the point where I feared things that could not be unsaid would be said and therefore I was going to have to step outside my status of new girlfriend and therefore person who really shouldn’t get involved and wade in when Fern pulled out the big (and arguably emotionally manipulative) guns as it was my experience that mothers on the whole had the wont to do.

“If we all haven’t learned something with what’s happening with Cob, Slim, then we’re in trouble!” she shouted and I watched with some despair as Brock’s torso jerked like he’d been struck and the stony look he had froze on his face. “Life is too darned short. Too darned short. I’m a year younger than your father and it is not lost on me that I’m next. So, I’ve decided that my kids are gonna enjoy me and what I can give them while I can watch. Jill and Laura kicked in a little but most of this is from me. This means you won’t get a big inheritance but you weren’t going to get that anyway. It also means I can see my grandsons lazing around on nice furniture in a decent place and I know you don’t think that’s important, but I do. That’s what I want and that’s what I’m going to have.”

She stopped speaking and when no one broke the silence she went on but did it quieter however the words she delivered next packed an even bigger punch.

“My girl endured a nightmare,” she said, my body got tense, Brock’s eyes sliced to his sister then to me then back to his mother when she kept speaking. “I know you pulled in every favor owed to you and I know you ended up owing more than you pulled to make sure that man paid for what he did to my girl. I saw what that did to her and I saw it eat at you, you and my other babies. But you were the only one in the position to do something about it and you did and you didn’t rest until that was done for her. I watched my son exhaust himself to make it so his sister could have some peace after that nightmare and if she wants to say thank you for that and I want to say thank you for it then, Slim, you’re damn well going to let us say thank you and keep your mouth shut about it.”

These words, regrettably, had as profound an effect on me, learning this about Brock, as they had on the familial combatants in the living room. I tried to pull myself together, promptly failed, began to lose it and found my feet rushing out of the kitchen, down the short flight of stairs with my mouth mumbling a trembling, “Excuse me,” as I raced to the other flight, up them, into and through Brock’s bedroom to his bathroom where I closed the door, pressed my back against the wall, slid down, shoved my face in my knees and burst into tears.

I would learn later that Brock had not shared my ordeal with his family. And considering my dramatic reaction, even though Brock was in that bathroom with me about a nanosecond after my ass hit the floor, his Mom and sisters were so worried, they didn’t leave until after Brock calmed me down and left me curled on his bed while he went down to explain and get them gone.

Luckily, thus ended the fight though Brock didn’t give up, he just quit shouting about it.

However, when he couldn’t find his furniture, he gave up and gave in.

Weirdly (or maybe not), this elevated my new girlfriend status seeing as they’d found out I hadn’t been with Brock for a few weeks like they thought but instead quite a bit longer, they sensed there was seriousness to our relationship, I shared a tragic circumstance the like that had been visited on their family which clearly moved them and, although I couldn’t explain how they did it or all the reasons why, I knew I’d been welcomed wholeheartedly into the family fold.
