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Wild Temptation

Wild Temptation (Wild #1)(46)
Author: Emma Hart

I look at my fluffy, pink slippers. “I’m really not dressed for Aaron’s standard of restaurant.”

“So get off your ass and get changed.”

I swing my legs around with a huff. My eyes glance over at her—she’s wearing skinny jeans, but they’re teamed with a loose, sheer blouse, a fitted blazer, and a pair of darling Chanel heels. I would know because I’ve been staring at them lovingly online for weeks.

“And if I don’t?”

She rolls her eyes. “Then you won’t hear about Aaron’s fun, new project.”

“I need to hear about it?”

“You do. It’s important. So move.” She strolls across my apartment, her clicks clacking. She grabs my arms, yanks me up, and shoves me in the direction of my bedroom. “Heels. Nice jacket. Go.”

Yes, Mom.

I do as she said, forgoing my comfortable slippers and sliding on my new Louboutins. I grab a pale-pink blazer from my closet and switch it with my sweater. I leave the tank top on. She isn’t getting me out of that.

“Fine. Let’s go.” I run my fingers through my hair to fluff it and grab my purse.

“Tyler will be there.” She glances at me suggestively.

“Mmph. Two weeks ago, you were warning me off him.”

“Two weeks ago, you didn’t have that goofy, little smile on your face you do now.” She laughs, unlocking her car.

“Go f**k yourself,” I mutter, getting in. “You’re driving? To dinner? Wow.”

Day’s eyes cut to me. A small smile is teasing her lips. “It took me ten minutes to convince him that, yes, we’re going to dinner, but I’m going to pick up my best friend and I’m not going to do that with the Stone army.”

I snort. Stone army. “And Tyler probably would have pissed me off before I even got off the sofa.”

“Liv, the way you slouch around, you’d scare him off.”

“Pssh. Have you seen his apartment? Smears on the glass, empty cookie packages on almost every surface… I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a dead bird in there somewhere.”

Dayton laughs loudly. “Yeah, this is true. Tyler’s not exactly tidy. Clean, but not tidy.”

“There’s nothing clean about Tyler.”

“I’m trying to work out if I’m disturbed by that or if I want to know more.”

Both of us break into a fit of giggles, only disturbed by the ringing of my phone. I check the screen and, on seeing Tyler’s name, drop it back into my purse. There’s nothing he can’t say to me in a couple of minutes.

We pull into a parking lot outside Alessandria’s, a gorgeous Italian restaurant. Aaron and Tyler are standing by Tyler’s car, waiting for us, and both smile when we get out.

“No,” Dayton says, walking toward them and glancing at me. “I definitely want to know more.”

I clap my hand over my mouth. Of course she does. When her escorting job required it, she could be the queen of kink. I wonder what Tyler would have said if he’d seen her working rooms—more specifically, the kinky room.

“Know more about what?” Aaron questions, wrapping an arm around Dayton’s waist.

“Oh, nothing you’d be interested in, baby.” She beams at him, and I stifle my giggles.

No, Aaron would definitely not be interested in his cousin’s emerging kinky side.

“Well?” Tyler asks, resting his hand on my lower back. “What does she want to know more about?”

“Nothing you don’t already know everything about,” I whisper, leaning into him.

“You talk about our sex life?” He sounds equal parts amused and horrified.

“Not in so many words,” I answer truthfully. Well, I haven’t. Not really.

“Mmm.” He pushes me through the open restaurant door and toward the table Aaron and Day are already seated at.

“Mmm? What is mmm?” I glance back at him.

He smirks, his eyes dancing with delight. He says nothing as he pulls my chair out for me, but then he lowers his mouth to my ear and whispers, “It’s the sound I’m going to make next time I’m running my tongue along your pu**y.”

I swallow, fighting a shiver. Goddamn this man. My eyes follow him as he takes a seat opposite me, next to Aaron. His gaze never falls from mine, the connection never breaking, the intensity never wavering.

Sometimes, looking into his eyes is like looking into something I never imagined I could have.

Finally, I pull my eyes from his as the waiter pours us each a glass of wine. He sets the open bottle in an ice bucket at the end of table, and I grab a menu to stop myself from looking back up at Tyler. Perusing it is nowhere near as gorgeous as looking at him, but it beats letting anyone see the blush rising up my neck and flushing my cheeks.

Like, seriously. How does he even have the balls to say shit like that in public?

He knows it’s true. That’s how.

And now I’m thinking about him laying me back on my bed, opening my legs wide, and licking me. Great.

“I bought a bar,” Aaron announces once we’ve ordered.

“So what’s new?” Tyler asks dryly. “With Dad?”

Aaron shakes his head and takes a drink of his wine. “Nope. Outright this time.”

“Wonders will never bloody cease,” Ty mutters fondly.

Dayton rolls her eyes, and I’m half-tempted to join her. These two are more like brothers than cousins.

“And,” Day prompts him.

“And I want you to run it, Liv.”

I’m sorry. What? I choke on my wine and set the glass down. “I’m sorry. What?”

Aaron’s lips twitch on one side. “I’m sorry—wasn’t I clear? You’ll be running it.”

“Hold up.” I lift my hand. “I will be running it? Are we forgetting how to ask people things?”

Dayton snorts. “Yes, Aaron, honey. Remember your manners. We went over this last week.”

I nudge her thigh and she high-fives me beneath the table. So we’re kids at heart. Sue us.

“Hilarious,” Aaron quips. “Let’s try again. Liv, I’ve bought a cocktail bar about two blocks from your apartment. Would you consider running it for me?”

“That’s really not enough to make an informed decision. I need more details.” I lean back in my chair, cross my legs, and look at him over my wine glass.

Holy f**k, is he really offering me to run a bar?

“You spend far too much time with my fiancée.”
