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Wild Temptation

Wild Temptation (Wild #1)(54)
Author: Emma Hart

I cry out when I feel him hit the end of me. He stops abruptly, grabbing the back of my hair and yanking my head up. I didn’t realize that it had dropped, that I wasn’t looking in the mirror anymore.

“Look.” Short. Sharp. Demanding.

My cheeks are flushed red, my eyes shining with building pleasure, my lips swollen and parted. My chest is heaving, and I can even see the tremble of my knees.

“Good girl.”

He f**ks me again, slower this time but just as deep. After releasing my hair, he brings one hand round my body. He squeezes one of my br**sts then drops his hand to my pu**y.

“Watch in the mirror. Watch as I play with your clit and bring you to a second orgasm you’ll be denied.”

I gasp. His fingers brush my clit, a movement I see and feel. Every rub of my clit is in time with his c**k stroking inside me. Every one is perfectly synced, meant to tease me and push me even further.

Heat floods my body. My muscles tighten. Everything in me is ready for the sweet release of the pressure balled deep inside me.

Until he lets me go once more. His hand drops from my clit, his c**k leaves my channel, and his fingers fall from my hip.

And I’m standing here, naked, panting, desperate.


Tyler touches his lips to the base of my spine. He kisses up my back until his c**k nudges my opening once more.

With his hands on my hips, his c**k pushing inside me, and his breath across my skin, I whisper, “Please.”

“Please what? You want me to f**k you? Spank you? Make you come?”

“All of them.”

“You don’t control this, Liv.”

“I’m not trying to control it, but you never said I couldn’t beg.”

His eyes meet mine in the mirror. “I quite like it when you beg.”

“Please,” I repeat. I finish on a moan when he fills me entirely.

He doesn’t respond again. But his eyes stay on mine as he moves inside me. Long, slow, hard, fast, gentle, rough. He varies, holding on for a ridiculous amount of time, teasing me until I’m wound so tight that I know I’ll explode.

“Look at you. Not me. At you.” His fingers circle my clit. “Watch as you come.”

One roll of my throbbing clit is all it takes.

I scream, actually scream, as pleasure overrides every sensation in my body. Blinding me, overwhelming me. My hands fall with the intensity, and Tyler holds me to him—a fact I’m vaguely aware of.

My legs are shaking. My heart is thumping. My blood is rushing through my ears, deafening me to the point where I barely hear Tyler’s orgasm follow.

I can’t do a thing but surrender yet again to him. To the flood of insanity filling my body and trembling my limbs.

Slowly it subsides, and I come back down from the crazy high. Tyler’s arms are wrapped tightly around me and his face is buried in the side of my neck. The tie is gone—my hands are free. I crook one arm round and sink my fingers into his hair, wanting to hold him, too.

Needing to hold him.

I need to hold him. I need him to hold me. I need him.

The revelation shakes me.

I need him.

In a way I’ve never needed anyone before. He understands me. He gets me. He gives me what I want the way I want it without question. No judgment. No hesitation.

With Tyler, I can be myself.

And I need him.

He pulls out of me, oblivious to the shitstorm in my mind. The shitstorm with a startlingly clear outcome—I’m in too deep to get out, but not far enough to stay.

He leaves to go to the bathroom. I stay here, standing, staring at myself in the mirror. I lean against the edge of the bed and pull off my shoes, discarding them on the floor by my closet.

One-thousand-dollar shoes just got thrown on the floor. But really, who cares when your biggest fear is now a reality?

The drunken haze that left in the car is back, complete with a head-spinning blur. I stagger, grabbing the foot of my bed to steady myself.

Tissue wipes along my center—but not from my hand, but I know I can trust Tyler. A minute later, he comes back and lifts me up.

He lays me in bed, tugs the covers back, and climbs in next to me. He wraps his arms around me, and I lay my head on his chest, squeezing my eyes shut. In fact, I do more than just that. I wrap one of my arms around his body and hold him as tight as he’s holding me.

“Did I hurt you?” he whispers, breaking the silence.

I shake my head. “No,” I reply just as quietly.

He nudges my face up and kisses me. Gently. Softly. Reverently. “You are so perfect for me it scares me.”

It scares you? Scares you?

I rest my cheek back against his shoulder, burying my face into his neck. He curls into me, drawing me even closer, breathing me in. And the words fall breathlessly from my lips without warning or thought.

“I’m addicted to you. And that scares me.”

He flexes his fingers against my back, and that’s the only indication I have that he heard me. I don’t blame him for not replying—it’s not every day you get told that someone is addicted to you.

Just when I think he’s asleep, when I’m on the brink of it myself, he whispers, “I was never not addicted to you, my beautiful, flighty bitch.”


He’s still here.

I open my eyes slowly, fighting the heaviness of the sleep that wants to pull me back under. Light filters in through my open curtains, illuminating Tyler’s face with the early morning sun. I let my eyes fall over his face, lingering on each one of his features.

His dark eyes are closed and the deep-brown lashes that frame them are fanned across his cheeks. I’ve never really paid attention to them before, but looking close up, I can see that they’re long and curled at the ends. They’re girls’ eyelashes—perfectly formed and totally worthy of eyelash-envy.

His cheekbones are defined just so, sitting on either side of the perfect nose. Or almost perfect. From this angle, I can see a tiny bump on the bridge of his nose. Somehow, it makes him more real. Especially when my gaze follows the strong, shapely line of his jaw and falls onto his mouth.

Soft. Pink. Curved at the corners.

“Morning.” The husky tone of his voice sends tremors down my spine.

“Morning,” I whisper, running my thumb across his bottom lip.

“Enjoying the view?” Tyler opens his eyes. They’re shining with laughter.

“It’s not bad. Probably better than yours.”

He grins. “I gotta say, I’ve never seen anyone look so cute with panda’s eyes.”
