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Wild Temptation

Wild Temptation (Wild #1)(71)
Author: Emma Hart

I lie back down and slide the thong over my hips and down my legs. I kick it off my ankles and it lands…well, somewhere. I can’t see.

“I want to see you running your hands down your body. I want to see you palm your gorgeous tits and tease your ni**les until they’re hard. That’s it. Just like that.”

I part my lips as I roll each nipple between my thumb and finger. A dull, desperate throb starts in my clit. It’s begging me to touch it the way I am my ni**les.

“Keep one hand there, teasing your tit, and slide the other down your stomach. I want you to imagine me watching. I want you to remember what you saw a few days ago, the way I looked at you when I walked into your hotel room. Remember how much I want you and how desperate I am to touch you myself. Now slide your fingers over that smooth mound and find your clit. Now rub.”

I can’t breathe. Goose pimples are covering my skin, lust is burning my body red hot, and his voice is sending tremors through me with every word he says. And I’m aching—god. I’m aching so much already. Aching for him, for his touch, for his cock.

“Fuck, Liv.” He exhales loudly, the growl in his words making me moan quietly. “That’s it. Keep rubbing your clit. I can see how wet you are. You’re so f**king wet I want to throw this camera across the room and f**k you right now.”

So do it, I want to say.

“Instead, I’m going to stand here and watch you slip your fingers along your pu**y and inside yourself. I want you to imagine they’re my fingers f**king you, curving inside you.”

I tilt my hips up as I push two fingers into myself.

“Imagine it’s my thumb rubbing your clit. Imagine it’s me making you feel this good, touching you the way you like. Imagine it good and imagine it hard, because when you come, your work isn’t done. When you come, I’m going to sit on that bed and sit you on top of me.”

I moan.

“I’m going to take off that blindfold. Then you’re going to f**k me the way you’re f**king your hand right now. And I’m going to slap your arse the way you like it and make you cry my name.”

My muscles clench around my fingers as I come hard. It rushes through my body with the force of a tidal wave, throbbing and pulsating.

“Thank f**k for that,” I hear Tyler say over the rushing in my ears.

The blindfold is whipped from my eyes and I open them in a haze, closing them again at the brightness of the room. Tyler wraps his arms around me and lifts me onto him. My knees lie on either side of his hips so I’m straddling him, and he grabs my wrist.

“Open your eyes. Now.”

I force them open, half squinting. The squint soon disappears when he draws my two fingers into his mouth and licks them clean of my come.

“Mm. It was a waste of an orgasm, I admit,” he breathes over my lips. “So now you get to give me one. I’d have you suck my cock, but after that, it’s hard enough to have you f**k me.”

“Still imagining me bent over the bed, huh?”

“One day.” He squeezes my ass and guides me over his cock.

I thread my fingers behind his head and lower myself down. He slides into me easily, his size and hardness no match for my wetness. Both of his hands settle on my ass and guide me as I ease into a rhythm. I grind against him, riding him slowly but deeply.

I twine his hair around my fingers to get more grip as my speed increases. Blood pumping, skin tingling, breath catching. The feelings are rampant in my body, heightened when his palm connects with my ass.

“I’m trying really hard right now not to f**k you,” he hisses. “Because you feel so, so f**king amazing on top of me, but I need to come so bad.”

“You want it hard?” I whisper in his ear, sensing a shift in the dynamic.

“Yes, Liv. I’m telling you to f**k me hard.”

“Telling me?” I still and tug his hair.

His fingertips dig into my skin. “Asking you to f**k me hard,” he bites out. “Bitch,” he adds.

I smile. “Are you sure? I’m a little wild.” I raise my hips and slam back down onto him to prove my point.

Despite the groan that leaves him, he says, “I can handle you, babe. Don’t doubt it.”

“You asked for it.”

I squeeze and start a new rhythm—harder, faster, tighter. My hips tilt and gyrate as I bounce on him, each time completely taking his c**k inside me. His fingers grip me tighter and tighter, his body tenses harder and harder, and my own body reacts.

I tug his hair and move faster. Tyler takes my mouth in a rough kiss, and right now, it’s about the release. About the tightly coiled tension in us and between us finding its release. And it’s close—so close.

Then it’s here, crumbling on top of us both. I let go of Tyler’s hair and wrap my arms around his neck as he kisses me even harder. His arms circle my waist and he tilts his hips up so he’s firmly encased inside me as he comes.

I shudder, breaking the kiss, and bury my face in his neck. My body is racked with orgasmic spasms, making my pu**y clench around his cock. He rubs his hands across my back in a random pattern that’s soothing and calming to me.

“Jesus, Liv. Fuck, f**k, f**k,” he whispers against my skin.

“Is that good or bad?” I shiver.

“Good. Jesus, it was more than good.” He kisses my shoulder. One of his hands leaves me and he tugs the sheets from beneath us.

We roll over and he pulls out of me in the process. With one lingering kiss on my lips, he ghosts his fingers down my body and peels off my stockings and my heels. Then he throws them on the floor and joins me in bed. Swiftly, he holds me against him and the covers over us.

Moving into him is automatic. Tangling one of my legs between his and laying an arm over his side is subconscious, the same way he hooks one of his legs over mine and runs his fingers through my hair. His other hand is wrapped around my body and cupping my neck, the one thing anchoring me to him.

If only it were. If only his arm were anchoring me, grounding me, into this f**ked-up relationship with him, it would be easier. If it weren’t his need to push me to limits and discover desires I didn’t know I had… If it weren’t his insistence to always put me before his wants… If it weren’t the way he looks at me, the fact that, when he smiles at me, it’s a little wider than normal, or the fact his eyes sparkle a little brighter when I touch him, it would be so much easier to live with.

It would be so much easier not to feel myself become wholly addicted to him. Right now, encased in his arms, I’m not sure I’ll be able to go another day without him touching me. I’m not sure I’ll manage twelve hours without hearing his voice.
