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Wings of Fire

Wings of Fire (Guardians of Ascension #3)(29)
Author: Caris Roane

A half laugh broke from his throat, but he shook his head. “You don’t know what it was like.”

“And you don’t know what it was like for me. I survived without going mad because I could turn to you day or night and see you, voyeur you. And every night when I went to bed, we’d make love even though we couldn’t touch. I’m alive, my mind is functioning, because of you.”

“If I hadn’t been lax that day … I allowed you to wander too far away from me. I had my back to you while I talked to Thorne. I was foolish. If it had been anyone other than Rith, you could have been raped, or worse.”

His eyes grew distant once more. Instinctively, she knew that he wasn’t just thinking about her and his failure to keep her safe on his property. But wherever he had gone pissed her off. She had no intention of letting his memories affect this moment, or her gratitude, or her desire.

She stepped back from him. Using both hands, she cupped her br**sts and rubbed her thumbs in slow circles over her ni**les.

He blinked and frowned. “What are you doing?”

“You know what I’m doing. But you didn’t get to watch me. I was the voyeur. I saw your long fingers work your c**k but you couldn’t see me. I want you to watch this time. I want you to see what I did to myself. It’s only fair.”

He drew in a long deep breath. His gaze fell to her br**sts and her thumbs. A heavy wave of sage rolled over her; she had to step back to keep her balance. She smiled.

“Tangerine,” he murmured.

“I know that’s what you smell, Antony, when I’m near. You suck the tangerines, because that’s what I would taste like in your mouth, that’s why you plunge your tongue inside while you come. Tell me I’m right.”

“Yes.” He blinked several times. “Don’t do this. We should talk, figure everything else out. This … this can’t be wise.”

She moved one of her hands slowly down her belly and used a finger to rim her belly button. “I want your tongue here.”

He groaned. Good.

She moved her hand lower, descending, now sifting her fingers through her dark triangle of hair. She spread her legs and another groan flowed from him.

He tracked the movement, breathing hard. The smell of sage was so thick in the air that she could taste it on her tongue.

She leaned forward just a little, slid her finger lower, and dipped it into the core of her body. “This is what I did, Antony. I pretended this was you, sometimes your cock, sometimes your finger, sometimes your mouth.” She closed her eyes and moaned.

When she heard a growl, she opened her eyes, but he hadn’t moved. She spread her legs a little more and kept working her finger in and out. She was enjoying the sensation—but what turned her on more was the look that slowly reworked his face. His eyes darkened. His nostrils flared as he sucked in air hard. His fangs emerged.

Oh, God, his fangs. Her neck throbbed with need in direct response to the muscles of her core. She licked her lips.

Pleasure now flowed through her and intensified. She was so wet. “Antony,” she whispered. Her gaze skated over his broad shoulders, the sculpted muscles of his pecs, his abs, the lines leading to his groin, the heavy strength of his thighs. She was breathing so hard just looking at him. But when a growl filled the space between them, an orgasm swept over her with such force that she staggered as she cried out.

He moved to her in a blur, caught her, dragged her against him. He kissed her hard, thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth. His hips drew back and she watched the kilt and briefs disappear, folded somewhere. He was suddenly naked. Just what she wanted.

She couldn’t look anywhere but at the size of his cock, at the veins thick and doing what they did best. She still couldn’t breathe. He picked her up. With a wave of his hand, all the glass shards drifted to the far corner of the sink, a sound like rain. He drew a towel from the rack by the shower and set it down. He planted her bottom on the towel then pushed her legs apart and moved his hips between.

She settled her hands on his shoulders. Her mind had turned to mush. “Do it, Antony,” she whispered. “I need you.” Damn, she felt ready to cry for no reason, but she had wanted this for such a long time.

He held his c**k in his hand and breathed hard, his chest expanding with each breath. Her hips rocked. She reached down and touched him. He groaned and flinched.

“Shit,” he murmured.

He was holding back. She thought she understood why but she didn’t care. Right now, he belonged to her. She didn’t care what happened afterward.

She scooted to the edge of the counter, using his shoulder to keep her balance. Sliding her legs around his hips, she rocked her pelvis forward, took his c**k in her hand, and guided him to her opening. She made little grunts between pants and cries. “Do it,” she cried.

He shuddered and began to press into her. He moaned as inch by inch he made his way into her body. He was so damn big and she hadn’t been used in a long time but it was wonderful.

“You feel so good,” she cried.

“I don’t want to hurt you but … aw, hell.” He grabbed her bu**ocks with one hand and shoved into her … hard.

She cried out. Maybe it hurt a little; she couldn’t tell.

“God, you’re so wet.”

“What else would I be?”

His mouth landed on her neck, and he began to suck at her skin. She started maneuvering his lips. She knew what she wanted, where she wanted his mouth. She bent her neck sideways, and when his lips landed over her vein she cried out.

His hips surged forward then pulled back. Her body shed fluid. He glided, stroked, pushed and pulled. Heaven.

His tongue rasped over her vein now, long smooth glides. “Is this what you want?”

“Yes. Yes.” She panted, she moaned, she thrust her hips into his as he surged forward. “Take my vein.” The words were a hushed command from between dry lips. “Oh, God. Please, please.”

“Parisa” tumbled from his mouth. “I want to stop, but I can’t. I feel I should give you time, but I can’t. God help me.” Her neck was wet as he struck. The flash of pain went straight to her core and tightened her as pleasure followed and began to build.

Her cries now filled the steamy bathroom. His hips thrust as he began to draw her blood into his mouth. He groaned low and deep in his throat, a rumbling sound that could have been a growl, the sound of a beast taking what was his.

The smell of him rose and thickened in her nostrils. The orgasm rolled down on her hard and she screamed and cried out. He continued to pump, fast now, grunting. His body moved in a slow wave as he released her vein, his shoulders arching back as his hips moved forward. He shouted as he released into her, his c**k thrusting and solid.
