Read Books Novel

Worth the Risk

Worth the Risk (The Game #4)(23)
Author: Emma Hart

“You really want me to kiss you? Right here?”

“Right here.”

“Right now?”

“Right now.”

Kyle stops in front of me and flattens his hand against the shed wall. I can see the heat in his eyes even in the darkness, and I can feel that same heat emanating from his body into mine. There isn’t a single part of our bodies that are touching but it doesn’t matter.

I can’t breathe. My stomach is clenching in excitement and my heart is pounding against my ribs. Blood and adrenaline rush around my body, and I’m hyper-aware of everything.

Of me. Of him. Of our bodies. Of our breathing.

“Against the shed wall?” he clarifies in a hot whisper.

“I’m already against it.” When did my voice get so breathless?

“I know.” He dips his head lower. “I’m just trying to figure out exactly what you’re asking me. “Kiss me” is kinda vague.”

“And also kinda clear.”

“Depends who you ask.” His fingers brush against my hip, sending shivers and tingles across my skin through my clothes. “And you’re asking me to pin you against your shed wall and kiss you. Right?”




“You don’t know what you’re asking, Roxy. You really don’t.” He shakes his head, moving back from me.

My hands shoot out and grab his shirt, stopping him from turning away from me. “I know what I’m asking, Kyle. Don’t treat me like I’m stupid. You said I’m not just Cam’s kid sister, now prove it.” I look him right in the eyes, both showing him I’m serious and challenging him. “Or just tell me you don’t want to kiss me and go.”

Before I can say another word, his body flattens against mine and pushes me firmly into the wall. His lips crash onto mine, his fingers curl around my waist, and his other hand cups the back of my neck. I slide my hands up his chest and around his neck, my fingers sinking into the hair at the back of his head.

Soft. Hot. Hard. Probing.

All these words flit through my mind but none come close to the way I feel as he sweeps his mouth across mine, kissing me in a way I’ve never been kissed before. His tongue flicks across my closed lips, slipping between them when they part and moves across mine, exploring every part of my mouth, feeling me, touching me, possessing me. It’s primal yet loving, tightening every muscle in my body and turning my legs to jelly at the same time.


The way this feels, the way we cling to each other, the way our lips caress and our tongues battle, it’s intense. It’s intense and consuming and it’s owning me, taking me over. It’s making me and ruining me, because I know nothing will ever top this.

No kiss will ever feel the way this one does.

“Like that?” he whispers, his lips brushing mine with his words.

I nod. “Like that.”

“Good.” He pulls me even closer and puts his knee between my legs, closing every inch of space between our bodies. His hand presses flat against the arch of my back and curves my body into his, and his thumb brushes across my cheek.

I open my eyes, looking straight into his, and hold my breath. I can’t calm the frantic pace of my heart or the speed of my breathing and I sure as shit can’t stop the goose pimples erupting over every inch of my skin.

“Rox,” Kyle whispers, tilting my head back slightly. I don’t speak; I look at him with my lips slightly parted, my eyes wide and my cheeks flushed, waiting for whatever he’s going to say next.

He doesn’t say a thing.

He kisses me again.

And I’m lost.

Chapter Ten – Kyle


I never meant to do that.

I was supposed to drag her from that damn party and shove her through her front door, not have her turn those bright blue eyes on me and play me the way she plays all her guys. And I wasn’t supposed to hold her against her shed while I kissed her. And God did I kiss her… but I couldn’t help it. Ever since I’ve been back I’ve wanted to kiss her as much as I’ve wanted to sort her out and last night I lost it.

It was that spark in her eye – the determination and resolution when she demanded I kiss her – and it was the slight gasp in every word she spoke through her parted lips when I moved closer to her. It was the knowledge we were close, so close, and it was down to me. The choice was mine. Kiss her or walk away.

There was no way I could have walked away. I couldn’t have turned around and left her there, her hair loose and tumbling round her shoulders with her cheeks flushed any more than I could have stayed away from that party when Selena called me.

And I feel like a f**king teenage girl sitting here replaying those moments in my mind. It’s not like it was my first kiss or even just a casual kiss with some girl I barely know. It was different because it was Roxy.

The girl I’ve kept ass**les away from our whole lives.

I can’t believe how much has changed in two little weeks. Fourteen days doesn’t seem long enough to go from seeing her as a sister to kissing her like my life depends on it.

“Fuuuuuuck.” I dig the heels of my hands into my eyes. “What the hell did I do that for?”

“Do what?” Iz asks from my doorway.

I tilt my head to the side and look at her. “Nothing.”

“You’re such a bad liar.” She laughs. “It’s almost like the time you and Cam were four and promised Mom you didn’t eat her freshly baked cookies. She would have believed you if you didn’t have chocolate around your mouth and crumbs down your shirt.”

“Yeah, alright,” I grunt. “I just… I don’t feel like talking about it to you.”

“And what’s wrong with me?”

“Is anything right with you?”

Iz narrows her light brown eyes and crosses her arms across her chest. She studies me, her eyes flitting to each of my features, and a small smile tugs at the corners of her mouth.

“Don’t do your body language shit on me!” I sit up straight.

“You’re guilty but confused. No, wait.” She tilts her head to the side. “Aha. You’re confused because you should be feeling guilty, but you’re not. You think you’ve done something bad, but it felt good at the time. And now you want to talk to me but you’re incredibly freaked out I’ve worked out how you’re feeling by the way you’re sitting.” Her smile evolves into a grin.
