Read Books Novel

Worth the Risk

Worth the Risk (The Game #4)(29)
Author: Emma Hart

“I can’t believe you just said that.”

“I’m sorry – is that right reserved for fully trained jackasses?”

Roxy climbs out of the car with fire in her eyes and jabs a finger in my chest. “You’re a real prick sometimes, you know that?”

“Yep.” I grin slowly. “And you love it.”

“I don’t. I f**king hate it.” She storms past me.

“Only because I’m the only person that can shut you up.”

She pauses on my doorstep. “I’ve been shut up many ways, Kyle. Many ways.”

She’s f**king with me again. She knows it and I know it. I don’t know what it is but she just can’t help herself. No matter what happens we always end up back here, both of us fighting. The problem is, I love pissing her off. If she’s pissed off she’s not hiding from me.

My long strides swallow up my front yard and I stop behind her. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her back into me. Her back slams into my chest, and I reach up and pull her hair to the side. My lips move close to her exposed ear, and she shivers.

“I’ve told you before. Don’t f**k with me, Roxy. Don’t even try it. Stop playing your little games with me, because you won’t win.”

She swallows and takes a deep breath, her back heaving against me.

“Oh – and I can shut you up. And you know I can do it f**king good. Keep giving me your shit and I just might have to remind you of that.”

She really does take a deep breath this time, and her whole body goes tight. My fingers are splayed over her taut stomach, and she turns her face into mine. Her eyes are bright in the darkness when they meet mine, and her voice is breathy.

“Is that a threat?”

“No. It’s a promise.” I release her stomach and push my front door open. “Get in.”

“You’re not taking me home?”

“Roxy, you asked me not to so I’m not going to. You can stay here tonight. And quite frankly, I’m reaching the point where I don’t care if you stay in my sister’s room or mine, so get your ass in and go and find her before I make your f**king mind up for you.”

Her staying in my room would be disastrous since I have kissing her on the brain and a growing hard on inside my pants.

She scoots inside and I follow her up the stairs, knocking on Iz’s door at the top.

“What do you want?” my sister calls through.

“Present for you.”

“If it’s another stink bomb you can suck it.”

I glance at Roxy and smirk. “No, but she’s definitely a ticking bomb with her temper.”

She smacks me. I grin.

Iz opens the door and looks at Roxy. “I guess we’re having a sleepover. Good job I raided Kyle’s stash of candy.”

“Bitch,” I mutter, turning to my room before I change my mind about Roxy’s sleeping arrangements.

Chapter Thirteen – Roxy

“Mothereff,” I mutter, looking at the mug of coffee attached to the end of Iz’s arm. “My head hurts.”

“That’s because you were hammered last night,” Kyle wanders into her room.

“Dude, we could have been naked in here!” Iz cries at him.

He smirks and points to me. “Take it.” Then at her. “Leave it.”

“Go f**k yourself,” I mutter. Yep, I’m still sore from yet another fight between us last night.

“Still giving me shit, Rox?” His eyes twinkle.

“I’ll give you shit until you realize you can’t shut me up for longer than five minutes.” I chuck the covers off, sit up, and take the mug from Iz.

Kyle’s eyes flick to my legs and travel up my body. “There are alternatives to shutting you up, now I think about it.”

“Can you just control it for five minutes?” Iz shoves him toward her door. “Take your sexually active mind and go and get yourself off or something.”

He laughs as she slams the door behind him and shakes her head at me.

“How do you put up with that?” she asks me.

“I play him at his own game. It works for a while.” I shrug and sip the hot coffee.

It works until he touches me and whispers something in my ear. Then he unravels me, tearing me apart until it takes everything I have to step away from him. Last night was particularly testing. I cried, we fought, then he turned on the sexy. And f**k, can he turn on the sexy.

There’s nothing more dangerous than a guy who knows how to turn you on with his words alone.

Kyle knows exactly what to say and when to say it. Hell, he knows how to say it, from the speed he talks to the inflections he puts on words.

He’s such a bastard.

“He’s such a horny teenage boy it scares me,” Iz mutters. “Anyway. Finish that coffee, get dressed, and let’s get out of this house.”

I glare at her, and she grins.

Yes, boss.


“You’ve got hearts in your eyes.” Selena smirks.

“You need to lay off the cartoons, idiot.” I throw a fry at her.

“She’s right,” Iz agrees. “You have a crush on my brother.”

I turn to her. “Says the one who’s had her eyes glued to Si’s butt for the last half an hour.”

“He has a nice ass. What can I say?”

“Dude. That’s my cousin!” Selena makes a gagging noise.

“I have to listen to my brother and Roxy bitching at each other ten times a day. I never thought I’d say this.” Iz looks at me. “But I almost wish you’d just go away and get it over with.”

“So many things are wrong with that statement,” I reply. “Mostly you telling me I need to sleep with your brother. Which, by the way, isn’t going to happen.”

Selena grins and glances at Kyle. “Oh yes,” she says dryly. “Because that would be absolutely f**king horrific to sleep with him. Who in their right mind would be attracted to that body and those eyes?”

I narrow my own eyes. “I never said I wasn’t attracted to him.”

“No need to be pissed off because she’s pointing what most other girls in this town think,” Iz whispers in my ear.

“I am not pissed off!”

She grins.

“Come on, Rox,” Selena says with amusement. “Just go over there, run him down, and slap your lips on his. I bet he has a killer kiss.”

My cheeks flush, and I know it’s given me away when her eyes widen.
