Read Books Novel

Worth the Risk

Worth the Risk (The Game #4)(58)
Author: Emma Hart

“He’ll soon start washing them. Every sock I see on the floor I’ll chuck in the trash.”

Iz laughs. “That’ll go down well.”

“It’ll teach him to pick them up,” I muse, looking toward him playing football with the guys.

“When did you decide this?”

“Huh? Oh, last week.”

“And you’re only just telling me?” She shoves me. “I’m pissed, Roxy. You’ve kept this quiet for a week?”

I shrug. “We had to talk to our parents first. Mom was unsure, but Dad got it right away and he’s worked on her. She finally came round this morning. Said she’s choosing to focus on the fact I’ll be closer to prospective schools than living with a real boy!”

We both laugh, and Iz sighs. “I can’t believe my best friend is going to move in with my brother. And you’re both younger than me! What’s that all about, huh?”

I glance at Si then back at her. “I can think of a guy who wouldn’t mind keeping you company at night.”

She bites her lip. “One kiss, Roxy. We kissed once, and now you’re all acting like we’re in love. I rarely see him at college. It’s a complete fluke he ended up in Miami like I did, and being on the football team, he has like a thousand little fangirls screaming his name every week.”

I cover my mouth with my hand. “That’s some stamina.”

Iz buries her head in her arms. “Okay, I’m not gonna deny, I’d like to have a go at that stamina. Look at the guy.” She motions in his direction. “He’s all muscle and fitness, and like I told Kyle, he could probably f**k like a  p**n star.”

“You said that to Kyle? For real?”

She sighs happily. “Best moment of my life.”

My lips curl up. “So f**k him. There’s still two weeks of summer left. Get it out of your system, then when you’re cheering his games, don’t let him forget it.”

“Hmm.” Her eyes flick to his butt and back to me. “I have a hunch that cheering might be out of place at a football game.”

We both erupt in giggles.

“What are you two tittering about?” Kyle sits behind me and wraps his arms around my shoulders.

“Nothing you’d want to hear,” Iz replies quickly. “Besides, I think we’re done with that conversation, don’t you, Roxy?”

“Yes, Iz.” I bend my head down so my mouth is covered by Kyle’s arms. “For now.”

“I feel for you, Roxy,” Si says as he sits in front of us. “Living with this dick.”

“Oh, c’mon, Si. It won’t be that bad,” I reply. “After all, I’ll have sex on tap.”

Kyle snorts into the back of my head as Si grins.

Yep. Girls can play the sex comment game, too.

“She’s got you there, man,” Kyle says. “Just think, while you’ll be out finding some poor chick to f**k, all I have to go is go home.”

My eyes slide to Iz’s and I raise my eyebrows. She gives me a look of stone. I grin. Our exchange goes completely unnoticed by the guys. Unsurprisingly.

“…not that many girls,” Si responds.

“I’m calling bullshit on all that!” Iz cries, dragging her attention back to the conversation. “You forget, Si Jason, that I am at every single one of your home games, and you never leave the parties after without some blonde bimbo on your arm.”

My jealousy alarm is ringing off the charts.

Si turns his face toward her and smirks. “I’m surprised you notice. Aren’t you usually too busy being chatted up by the rest of my team?”

“Yep. What can I say? They could teach you a thing or two about taste in girls.”

“Burn,” Kyle whispers into my ear.

“I know plenty of tastes in girls, Iz. In fact, every single one.”

“Oooh,” I whisper back.

“Really? Judging by the way they circle you, I’m shocked you can tell one taste apart from the other. Don’t they all taste like slut?”

“She wins,” we whisper together, then laugh quietly.

“What if I like the taste of slut?”

“Then that proves my theory of you being the only boy on your football team.”

“Give it up, dude.” Kyle laughs and looks at Si. “You’re not gonna win this one. We gotta go play again, anyway.”

Both guys get up to go back to their game. Si bends down and whispers something in Iz’s ear before walking away with a shit-eating grin on his face, leaving her gaping after him.

“Okay, what did he say?” I demand when she’s regained some composure.

She swallows. “He told me I should remember exactly how much of a man he is from our kiss, and if I’ve forgotten he’s more than happy to give me a reminder I’m not gonna forget anytime soon.”

I smile slowly, amusement radiating out of me, then sigh. “Why did you two have to go to school in Miami? This is something I’d love to see.”

“Just… Don’t,” she mutters as Kyle comes running back over.

“What?” I frown when he grabs my hands. “…Are you doing?”

“You’re playing football.” He pulls me up.

I dig my feet into the ground to the sound of Iz’s laughter. “I’m doing what?”

“Playing football.”

“Dunno what you’re laughing at,” Si says to Iz as he pulls her up. “You’re playing too.”

“Fuck no. I cheer, not play!” She fights against his hold, and he laughs, dragging her toward the guys.

“Really, Iz? You think you can make me let go of you?”

“I’m so cheering for you to lose when we get back to college, you cock.” She sniffs and he lets go of her.

“Come on,” Kyle drags me over. “Come play.”

“I don’t play football.”

“You do now.”

I let him pull me over, knowing I have no choice but to. He’s stronger than me anyway… And I really wanna see Iz try to play. She picks the ball up and looks at Si.

“What do I do with this?”

“You throw it…” He smirks.

She throws it into the side of his head.

“Fucking hell!” Si grabs the side of his head.

Iz tilts her head to the side and a satisfied smile creeps onto her face. “You know, I have quite the aim. I might be good at this after all.”
