Read Books Novel

Worth the Risk

Worth the Risk (The Game #4)(60)
Author: Emma Hart

“You know, I was worried about taking your girl into a frat house,” Maddie admits. “But I think she’ll handle herself just fine.”

“Hell, if she can deal with Kyle, she can take our guys.” Megan grins.

“I’m nowhere near as bad as Braden and Aston!” I argue. They both give me a look. “Okay, only on Saturdays.”

“And its Saturday today,” she reminds me. “So shut it. Hey, why don’t you guys come to the frat house tonight?”

“I don’t know…”

“Come on, you know no one will believe us if we say you have a girlfriend,” Maddie teases.

“Oh, ha ha ha.”

“Let’s go.” Roxy looks up at me. “We have nothing else to do.”

I can think of plenty of other things we could do.

“Sure?” I pull her closer to me, and she nods.

“We don’t have to stay long, do we? We’ve still got unpacking to do.”

“Hey! I have an idea.” Maddie’s eyes twinkle. Oh no. I know her ideas. “We’ll take Roxy for coffee and you can unpack!”

“I hope you like Starbucks,” I murmur to Roxy and kiss her before the girls grab her from me.

“Love it,” she whispers back. “Be good and unpack for me.”

“It’s not the thing I was planning to unpack, but whatever.” I kiss her again and Megan whisks her off.

“We’ll bring her back in one piece!” Maddie yells over her shoulder.

“And with a whole new impression of you!” Megan giggles.

Roxy smiles at me and shrugs as they lead her down the stairs.

I watch her go with a smile on her face. If anyone had to turn up and take her away, I’m glad it was those two. They’re crazy as hell but have the sweetest hearts, and even though I know they’ll tell her everything they know about me that she doesn’t, I don’t care.

I just want her to be happy here.

I walk past the bathroom and see our toothbrushes on the side, and my face breaks into a grin.

Yep. She’ll be happy here, if only because I’ll bend over backward to make it so. My eyes are drawn to the picture of me, her, and Cam after a football game, and I nod to the picture.

“Promised you I’d look after her, didn’t I?”

