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Wrecked (Clayton Falls #3)(14)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“I do.”

She seemed to really enjoy it. I liked that she ate. Some girls didn’t, and it just seemed weird. I think I scored points by remembering to make a salad, and not one that came from a bag. After dinner, I cleared the plates while she tried to insist on doing the dishes. I wouldn’t listen and made her sit while I did them. Usually I would have offered her wine, but I was still staying away from alcohol and figured she wouldn’t expect it.

We moved into the den, and I sat down right next to her on the couch.

She brushed some hair behind her ear. “Thanks for dinner.”

“My pleasure.” I put an arm around her shoulder.

She leaned into my arm slightly. “My first impression of you was so off.”

“Hmm. Is that good or bad?”

She turned a little to look at me. “Neither…or mostly good, I guess.”

“What did you think I was like?”

“I don’t know. Maybe stuck up, self-absorbed.”

“Because I had a DUI?”

“Yeah. I know that’s judgmental…”

“Nah, it’s human nature to make assumptions about people.”

She ran her fingers over the edge of her dress. “Did you make any assumptions about me?”

“Of course.”

“What were they?”

“Oh. Well, my initial impression was that you were incredibly beautiful, sweet, smart, and sexy.”

She snuggled into my arm more. “Do you think those first impressions were accurate?”

“Yes. Every single one of them.”

She leaned in and kissed me. It was the first time she made the initial move, and I liked it. I swear, I’d never get tired of those lips; so soft, yet so demanding—absolutely perfect.

She might have started the kiss, but I quickly took over. She was good, but going way too slow. I needed more of her. I pushed my way into her mouth, loving that it made her moan.

The deeper I made the kiss, the more I needed from her. I touched her cheek gently, before letting my hand move to her neck and down to her chest. I cupped one of her br**sts through her dress, wanting nothing more than to get rid of the material separating us.

She had the same idea. She pulled away, and gave me the sexiest look I’d ever seen. She took her hand off my shoulder and used it to untie the halter tie of her dress. The front fell down to her waist. I didn’t even think. I took off her strapless bra within seconds, dying to see what was waiting underneath. I was in heaven. Her br**sts were exactly the way I’d been picturing them since I’d met her. Full but not too big. Perfect. I didn’t waste any time. Using my hands and mouth, I explored both.

She moaned again, pushing her hand under my shirt. She ran it up and down my chest. I made myself pull away from her long enough to take my shirt off. I needed more of her touch.

I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t hoped it would happen, but I didn’t actually expect it to. I thought she’d make me wait forever to have her, and I wasn’t going to push things any faster than she wanted.

I returned my lips to hers, needing to kiss her again. I shifted her so she was lying down, and then held my weight above her. I broke the kiss and pulled her dress down over her hips. I had to see all of her. She was wearing pink, cotton panties. I loved that they weren’t lacy or silk. They were real, down to earth, like her. She reached out and unbuttoned my shorts. She hesitated a moment before unzipping them, like she was nervous.

“We don’t have to.”

“I want to.” With more confidence, she tried to pull them off.

I got up to make it easier. “Let’s go to my room. I want our first time to be in my bed.”

She nodded, and I picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist as I carried her down the hall. I pulled back the covers, before laying her down on the sheets. Watching her lying there in my bed, almost naked, with her hair splayed out across my pillow nearly undid me.

“Aren’t you going to join me?”

“Hell yes.”

I sat at the edge of the bed beside her running my hand over her br**sts and stomach and finally stopping right at her panties. I slipped a finger under the top and pulled them down. God, she was so gorgeous.

I took off my boxers and lay down next to her. “You are the most beautiful woman in the world.” I meant it.

She blushed. “You’d probably say anything right now.”

“No, I already have you naked in my bed. The work is done.” I smiled to let her know I was joking.

“Shut up and touch me.”

“Hmm, I don’t know…”

“Jake, I’m not going to beg.”

“You don’t have to.”

I kissed her, touched her, and explored her in every way I’d been dreaming of since I woke up. I reached into my nightstand, glad I’d picked up condoms when I got everything for dinner. I’d been afraid it would jinx me, but it seemed better than being unprepared. Ben hadn’t commented on that purchase either.

I positioned myself over Emily, ready to finally have what I’d been craving.

She looked up at me. “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you.”

“I feel the same way.” I didn’t wait a second more.


“You’re not actually planning on leaving, are you?” I played with her hair, trying to figure out what to call it. It wasn’t brown, but it wasn’t red.

“Is that your way of asking me to spend the night?” She ran a hand down my back.

“Yes. And if the answer is no, you should be prepared for me to beg.”

“You don’t have to beg.” She repeated my words from earlier.


“You’ve got a comfortable bed.”

“Do I?” I kissed her neck.

“Yeah. I like it.”

“You can join me anytime you’d like.” I moved my lips down just a little.

“That’s so generous.”

“I try.”

She leaned back to give me better access. “I can’t believe I did this.”

“Got taken in by my charm?”

She laughed. It was such a light and carefree sound. “Slept with you on our second date.”

“I take it you usually wait longer.” I hoped the answer was yes. I wanted this to be special.

“Uh, yes. Isn’t the rule at least three dates?”

“There are no rules. And even if there were, technically this is probably our fourth.”
