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Wrecked (Clayton Falls #3)(47)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“You’re choosing a date night in Clayton Falls over Wilmington?” Becca asked incredulously. She was such a city girl. Not that Wilmington was a bustling metropolis or anything—but it was a heck of a lot bigger than Clayton Falls.

“I have my reasons.” They were good ones. “How long are you keeping him for?”

Molly shook her head. “I don’t want to know why you’re asking that.”

“Just so I can time everything up.”

“As late as you want. I figure Noah can fall asleep at our place. I don’t mind keeping him over night, but I doubt Emily’s going to go for it.”

“I’ll be right back.” I needed to make a phone call to an old friend.


“It was so nice of Molly and Ben to babysit tonight.” Emily took a bite of her chicken parmesan. We were having dinner at La Trattoria, a new Italian place that just opened in town. The chef had relocated from New York a few months before. It was the first new restaurant to open in years, so I figured it was about time we tried it out.

“Oh, come on. You know Ben didn’t volunteer.”

She laughed. “Maybe not, but he agreed.”

“I don’t think he can say no to Molly.” I finished off my Pasta Diablo.

“You say it like it’s a bad thing.”

I shrugged. “Not bad, just fact.”

“I think it’s sweet how in love they are. Their story is so romantic. High school sweethearts reunited years later.”

The waiter came over and cleared our plates.

“You’re not thinking about reuniting with anyone, are you?” I knew Austen wasn’t actually in love with her, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have feelings for him.

“Not at all. The only one I’m thinking about is you.” She looked down at the table. She always got so shy when opening up about her feelings. She didn’t need to be.

I reached across the table and took her hand. “How’d I get so lucky?”


“To have you. Sometimes I think I’m still unconscious or something and I’ll wake up.”

“You’re conscious.”

“Good.” I squeezed her hand.

We ordered chocolate cake for dessert. We shared it, but I let Emily have most of it. I loved watching her enjoy each bite.

“Are you up for a movie?”

“Sure. Should we check the times or just head over?” She knew the closest movie theater was in the next town. It would be a fifteen minute drive.

“I have a better idea.” I paid the bill and we walked out to her car. “I’m glad we dropped Noah’s car seat off with Molly in case they need it.”


“You’ll see.”

She figured out where we were going as soon as I told her the first turn. “The drive in? That’s what we’re doing, isn’t it?”

“You did say you might be interested in the real experience.”

She laughed. “Why not?”

She parked the car in the empty field. “So we just need to find the correct station, right? Isn’t that how these things work?”

“You weren’t actually planning to watch the movie, were you?” I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned to her.

“What else would we do?” Then her eyes widened with understanding. “That’s why you mentioned the car seat…”

“You up for it?” I grinned.

“We’re not kids, Jake.”

“No, so what’s the problem?” I decided to take matters into my own hands. I leaned over the center console and kissed her, unbuckling her seatbelt while I had her distracted. She moaned, and I continued the kiss. She still tasted faintly of chocolate. I slipped a hand under her sweater and she ran her fingers through my hair. “Still not interested in moving to the back seat?”

She looked out the window, and a look of understanding crossed her face. “Why are we the only ones here, Jake?”

“They only show movies on Fridays and Saturdays. An old friend of mine manages this place.” I smiled. “I told him to pick any movie, because we wouldn’t be watching it.”

“You got your friend to come into work and set up a movie just so we could make out in the backseat?”

“Make out? I did buy you dinner, you know.”

She smacked my arm playfully. “You’re something else.”

“I know I am.” I reached over her and pushed open her door.

“You’re sure no one else is going to show up?”

“I promise.”

I didn’t waste any time once we were in the backseat. I wanted her so bad. Emily’s Camry wasn’t huge, but it had more than enough room. I had those cowboy boots of hers off in seconds, and her sweater and jeans didn’t last much longer. She pulled off my shirt, and unzipped my jeans. I groaned as she grabbed me just as I was moving down over her. I unclasped her bra and slid off her panties. It was dark, but the faint light from the movie screen and the moon was enough to illuminate her amazing body. She was perfection—absolute perfection—and she was mine.

“I love you so much.” I kissed her lips gently, letting my hand glide down her body. “I love you so damn much.”

“I love you too.” She pulled my head back down to hers. “I need you, Jake. I need you, now.”

“Anytime, anywhere. I’ll never make you wait.” Sex with Emily was beyond incredible. It’s like nothing else in the world existed when I was inside her. I used to wonder if sex with the same partner got boring after a while, but it was the opposite. The more I was with Emily—the more I got to know every inch of her, just made it better—more intense. She called out my name, digging her nails into my back, and everything else faded away.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I was one of the first guests at Becca and Gavin’s party. I was going to wait for Emily, but she insisted I go ahead.

“Hey, Jake!” Becca hugged me when she opened the door. She was wearing a very un-Becca like outfit, a sparkly red top. Becca usually went for black.

“Looking festive.”

She punched my arm lightly. “We’re celebrating my engagement, and it’s Christmas time—I’m dressed very appropriately.”

“Is he giving you a hard time?” Gavin strolled over. As much as the former Clayton Falls cop and I didn’t see eye to eye, he wasn’t a bad guy. He tried to act all serious, but even he couldn’t hide his good mood.
