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You Don't Know Jack

And somehow his hand found its way up her skirt, where she was wearing a scrap of nothing for panties. “Oh, Jamie, damn, what kind of panties are these?” He tugged at the spandex material and cupped her.

“Seamless panties. So you can’t see lines on my butt.” Then she gave a startled yelp as he sank inside her with his thumb.

She groaned, she shuddered, as he started to move in her. Jack held her waist, his mouth still on her breasts, and moved his finger with a desperate sort of urgency. The words weren’t there yet, weren’t making sense, but he had to show Jamie, had to reach in and grab her and not let go.

Needed her with him.

Nails clawed at him as she squirmed, rocking herself onto his finger in total abandon. There was a long pause, where Jamie went completely still, and her wide eyes locked with his. Then she came, shattering over him with soft desperate pants that were the most beautiful sound Jack had ever heard.

“That’s amazing, Jamie. Beautiful.” He kissed the side of her neck, her chin, the corner of her mouth, overwhelmed with what he was feeling.

And suddenly the words were there, gushing out of him like an unlocked fire hydrant.

“Jamie, I love you. I want to marry you.”

Jamie’s mouth fell open. Her jaw moved. But nothing came out.

Jack pulled his hand out from between her thighs. Let her skirt drop. Watched Jamie, this woman who had brought contentment to his life, which had been feeling aimless and dissatisfying.

“I’ll give it all up, Jamie, all the money. Donate it wherever you want me to, if it’s going to come between us. Just tell me who to give it to, and it’s done.”

“You really mean that, don’t you?” she asked, her voice quiet, awed.

“I do.” And it didn’t even hurt to say that. He meant it.

He took a small step back, amused at her reaction. He’d never seen Jamie at a total loss for words before, but she was staring at him, mouth so wide he could drive his Beemer on in. “Now let’s get you decent and rejoin the party.”

“Decent? Oh, God, I must look awful!” Her hand went to her head, patted her hair. She fussed with her skirt, until every inch from the waist down was covered and she looked like a respectable bridesmaid once more.

Except for the high color on her face, and the shine in her eyes. The rumpled state of her skirt, and the swollen bottom lip. The disheveled hair and the crushed top of her dress. Her still very much bare breasts, which didn’t seem to want to go back where they had come from, no matter how much she tugged and pushed.

Respectable? Hell, she looked like she had just been thoroughly loved. Which she had. By him.

Jack couldn’t help but grin. “Here, let me help you.” He palmed her left breast with one hand and tried to lift the dress with the other, and stuff everything back where it was supposed to be.

The door flew open, and a voice called out, “Jamie? Are you in here?”

His sister’s voice.

The bride.

Oh, damn.

Jamie tried to step back, but his hand was still in her dress, so he went with her. Jamie let out a whimper.

“My mom said you weren’t feeling well, so I wanted to make sure you’re okay—” Caroline’s words were cut off by her gasp. “Jamie? Jonathon? What are you doing?”

The obvious answer would be that he was feeling her up, which was wrong, since he was trying to help her back into the dress. Yet it wasn’t entirely a falsehood either, since he had been touching her breasts sexually just a minute ago. But that seemed kind of complicated to explain. There had to be an easier answer.

Jamie wasn’t going to answer at all. She was motionless and facing him. Her cheeks were stained red, and her green eyes were huge.

It was up to him to smooth this one over. He said with a shrug, “Jamie’s having some problems with her dress. She keeps, uh, falling out.”

He dropped his hand, which left the blue fabric askew, only covering half her breasts. It had her looking like Pam Anderson trying to wear a tissue as a blouse. “I was just trying to help,” he added lamely.

His sister’s face contorted into incredulous disbelief. It wasn’t a good look with the veil and the dress. Then she started toward them, shaking her head. “Keep your hands off my bridesmaid, Jonathon. Jamie, didn’t you use double-sided tape?”


For which Jack was very grateful. He’d have never gotten the dress off her if it had been taped to her skin. “That sounds medieval, Caroline.”

“It’s the best way to keep a strapless dress up.” She jerked her thumb toward the door. “Move along, show’s over. We’re going to have to take Jamie’s dress completely off to do this.”

“That doesn’t bother me,” he said, most sincerely. “I can be an extra pair of hands in case they’re needed.”

Besides, he had just told Jamie he’d toss over ten plus million dollars for her. Big moment, major declaration, all of that. He’d kind of like to stick around and see if she had any other response to that besides open-mouthed shock.

Caroline laughed. “Get out.”

“Shouldn’t you be out there throwing your bouquet? I can handle this, honestly. You know I’ve always been a problem solver.” But he was already heading for the door, knowing Caroline wouldn’t trust either him or Jamie not to make a mess of it.

If there was a job to be done, Caro liked to do it. Besides, Jamie didn’t look as if she’d be speaking anytime soon. Maybe a few minutes with Caroline would unlock her lips.

“Go dance with Brad’s mother. I don’t want her to feel neglected by our family.” Caroline was digging in a travel tote and emerged with a roll of tape and scissors.

Yikes. Jack didn’t want to see whatever she was going to do with those. “Alright, I can see you have this under control. I’ll go play charming host at your bidding, Caroline Davidson-Black.”

Caro stopped and smiled at him. “That sounds so awesome. I’m actually Brad’s wife.”

“Yeah.” Jack felt emotion reach up, choke him. Close off his throat, and prick his eyes. “Times are a changin’, aren’t they?”

“Only in good ways.” Caroline patted his cheek with her smooth, cool hand and smiled. “Now leave us women to the mysteries of double-sided tape.”

“Okay. See you in a few.” He paused at the door. “Jamie, remember your promise.”

She was spending the night with him, one way or the other.
