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“When it comes to you all I want to think about is sex.” He took her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist. “There’s something I want to give you.”

“Yeah, I know what you want to give me. You tell me every chance you get.”

“It has nothing to do with my hard cock.” He chuckled then winced. “Stay here.” Getting to his feet he went to the drawer that had all of his toys. Closing the drawer he moved to the top one, pushing his underwear out of the way. Beside his gun lay a small square box. He took it out, walking as best he could back to the bed. She still stood beside his bed, waiting.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

Taking her hand in his, he stared up into her shocking green eyes. “Prue, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

“You’re proposing?”

“Yeah, I’ve got the ring, and I just said the words.”

Her gaze went to the ring he held in his palm then to his eyes.

“Are you kidding me?” she asked.

“No, I want you to become my wife.”

She pulled away from him, snatching her hand back. “Angel and Sophia are inside the hospital. You’ve got bullet wounds, and Alan is winning left, right, and center, and you decide to propose to me?”

“I thought this would be a good time to get it out there.” He held the box open, shaking it for her to look. “Have a look. What do you think?”

“You’re only proposing because you know you’re not going to survive,” she said, folding her arms underneath her br**sts. “Alan kills us, and you don’t have to marry me.”

“What world are you on?” he asked. “I’m proposing because I’ve promised my brother to bring them Alan’s head. I’ve got every intention of surviving.” He held up the ring. “Come on, come and have a look. You’ll like it, I promise you.”

“No,” she said, staying where she was.

“What? You can’t say no. You’ve not even seen the ring yet.”

“I’m not going to agree to marry you until Alan is gone. Once his threat is gone, ask me again, and I’ll see about it.”

Zero frowned. His anger spiked. Getting up, he advanced toward her and was pleased that she stepped back going toward the wall.

“This is insane. What are you doing?” she asked.

When he had her trapped against the wall, he rested his arms on either side. He used his body to keep her trapped.

“You’re not going to marry me?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Marry me,” he asked.

“No. Ask me when we’re alive and Alan is gone.”

Leaning forward, he claimed her lips, slamming his tongue deep into her mouth. She moaned, sinking against him. Her hands wrapped around his body, holding onto him as he took possession of her mouth. “Marry me?”

“Why do you keep asking?”

They were so close. Her breath fanned his face.

“We both know it’s what we want. Wear my ring and become my wife. We’re going to survive this. You need to stop being worried about what is not going to happen.”

She rested her head against his. Her palm slid down his chest.

“Do you always get what you want?” she asked.

“Most of the time. Wear my ring, and give me what I want.” Zero waited for her answer.

“Okay, I’ll wear your ring, and after we’re done, you better f**king marry me.”

Laughing, he retrieved the ring from the box where he’d left it on the bed. He placed the ring on her finger and saw it was a perfect fit.

“We own each other now.” Kissing her fingers, he squeezed her hand. “I’ve got to go to this meeting now.”

“I’ll help you down.”

Together they made their way downstairs. He left her to go into Tiny’s office. Most of the men were there, including some men from Chaos Bleeds. The door closed shutting out the rest of the club. The noise diminished, and there was only the silence in the room.

“I want to thank you for coming,” Tiny said, looking at Devil.

“I like to think our two clubs are friends, Tiny. You call and I’ll come, isn’t that right, boys?” Devil asked his crew.

They mumbled their agreements around the room.

Sitting back, Zero rubbed his head feeling the beginnings of a migraine.

“I’m hoping this is the last time you get a call from me. You ever need The Skulls, you just call.”

“No offence, but you guys attract trouble. I’d rather not curse my life with you coming to town to help,” Devil said, chuckling.

They all had a little laugh at Devil’s words.

“Let’s get down to business,” Tiny said. “Zero believes Alan will be working out of one of the abandoned buildings somewhere.” Zero watched as he picked up a file. “Whizz supplied all the information and was going to meet with one of his people to help him figure out a trail Alan took.”

Opening the file, Zero checked each one wondering where Alan would settle down to do whatever the f**k he wanted to do.

“Ned has heard of him, but it has been ten years since any news of him has made the rounds through Vegas,” Alex said, resting his head against the wall.

“What took you so long finding that shit out?” Butch asked.

“Some people don’t like to talk. Lucky for us, Ned is an excellent person in getting the silent to speak.”

Zero would bet money the other man was telling the truth. Ned Walker, Eva’s father, was a f**king menace.

Tiny’s private line started to ring. “What the f**k could it be now?”

He watched Tiny pick up the line. There was silence for several minutes, and it was only Tiny squeezing the receiver that alerted the room to the tension.

“What’s going on, Tiny?” Devil asked.

No response came, and then he lowered the phone, pressing a button as it went onto speaker phone.

“I’d like to play a game.” Alan’s voice came over the line. “Three people get to know one man, and now all three are gone. One f**ked him, the other protected, and the other he thought he was in love with. How many women do I have left?”

Gritting his teeth, Zero stared at Tiny, who was looking at him.

“Zero!” He answered the question while everyone remained silent.

“Ah, the man himself. I take it a couple of bullet holes didn’t stop you from leaving the hospital. I thought you’d be by Sophia’s side, begging her forgiveness.”
