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He was torn in two over what to do. In all of his life he’d never left anyone behind. Zero had proven time and time again his loyalty was to The Skulls.

“I’m not letting them do anything alone. Do you think I like the thought of my men and their women hurting? It f**king kills me inside.” Tiny slammed a palm to his chest. “Just once I’d like to get by in peace, but we’ve all got a f**king past, and it always comes to bite us in the ass one way or another.”

“Get the f**k out,” Devil said, looking around the room.

Tiny gave a nod of his head for his men to leave.

“You can’t leave them alone.” Devil faced him with his arms folded.

“We’re not going to leave them alone. We can’t exactly go following them on our bikes either.”

The far door opened. Tiny had left his cell phone on for Eva to hear the whole conversation. There were tears in her eyes, and she held a set of keys out toward the men.

“I know where they’re going,” she said. “I’m tagging along. I know the road quite well.”

His heart gave out. Eva was a strong woman. She matched him in all things.

“Baby, I can’t let you drive us out. He’s a lunatic.”

“So? I grew up with lunatics, and I’m no stranger to a man’s anger. I will not stand idly by while Zero and Prue die because of this f**ker.” Eva held the keys to her heart. “You’re taking me, or you’re not going anywhere.”

Walking forward, Tiny watched her take a step back. “Baby, go and get in the f**king car. We’ve got a man to f**k up.”


“You don’t have to do this,” Zero said, glancing over at his woman.

They were sat in the car about to pull out of the lot.

“I have to do this. He killed Trevor. I’m not going to let him take this from us.” She was rubbing her temple, staring straight out of the window. He caught sight of the diamond ring on her finger. When all of this was over he was going to marry this woman and claim her for his own.

“That doesn’t mean you’ve got to stay with me,” he said. “This is not your fight. I hurt this man, tortured him. He’s coming for me.”

She shook her head. “We’re in this together.”

Taking her hand, he pulled out of the compound seeing his men, The Skulls, watching them all go. Butch was there at the end. Zero bit his lip seeing his friend watching them leave.

“We’ll get through this. It’s going to be fun.”

He chuckled. “You’re the first woman I know who will find this coming fight fun.”

“I’ve never been in a true fight before. This is going to be hardcore.” He felt her hand tremble within his.

“Where do you want to go for our honeymoon?” Zero asked, changing the subject.

“Really? You want to talk about that now?”

“Why not? We’re going to have that conversation anyway, so why not now?”

He worked his way out of the town, watching everyone pass as if nothing had happened.

“I’d like to go somewhere hot,” she said. “How about the Caribbean?”

“Nah, I don’t want the Caribbean. I want somewhere cold so you’ve got no choice but to wrap up warm with me.”

“If it’s warm we can be na**d without fear of dying,” she said. “I’ll even wear a bikini for you.”

Zero groaned. The thought of seeing Prue in a skimpy swimming set was too much. His c**k thickened, and all he wanted to do was drive them to the nearest airport and take her away.

“We’re going to the Caribbean, and you’ll wear a lovely bikini, which I can take off with my teeth,” he said.

She giggled. “You’re insatiable.”

“I know, but it’s all directed at you.”

They talked for the first fifteen minutes of the drive about their wedding. He knew his brothers wouldn’t accept being in suits for the wedding. Prue didn’t want them in suits. She wanted the men to wear their leathers as she walked down the aisle in a white wedding dress.

“The boys are going to love you,” he said, laughing.

“It’s what I want. We’ll pay the church the proper money for us to get what we want.”

“Okay, I’m game if you are,” he said. “Tiny will help pay for the wedding, or at least the club will.”

For several minutes they were silent. Zero recognized the road. He’d not been down this road for a long time. Memories of Trevor dying in his arms were too much.

“Where are we going?”

“Trevor stayed in a hotel room when he called me. He was bleeding out and knew they’d come to finish him off in a hospital. Before he died he wanted to talk to me about you. He asked for me to keep you safe.” He laughed. The sound was hollow. “How f**king safe am I keeping you when I’m leading you to the man who killed your brother?”

She squeezed his hand. “Don’t let that happen. What happened afterward?”

“I burned the building to the ground. No one else was inside the hotel either. Only the person on reception who was too late in calling for help, so the whole building burned to the ground. Since then it was demolished, rebuilt, and is now an abandoned factory. The economy really hit the factories hard. A lot of places closed down, and not all of them have been rebuilt.” He rubbed at his temple.

“Why is he doing this?”

“He wants us on edge. This is where Trevor died in my arms. He’s going to test us by throwing everything at us.” Zero shrugged. “We’re strong together, baby. We’ll get through this.”

“I love you,” she said.

“I love you, too.”

They were silent as the building came into view. It was such a horrid vision, and he couldn’t help but imagine Trevor placing a hand on his shoulder.

You can do this.

Parking the car, he climbed out staring at the building. Rubbing his eyes, he tried to clear his vision. Staring at the factory he saw several windows were smashed, and the whole building itself looked like it was crumbling. Graffiti coated the walls with names or pictures. One picture was of a c**k with large balls.

Shaking his head, he looked down at the floor. Prue grabbed his hand. “We can do this. We’re in this together. We’ve always been in this together.”

Feeling her strength, he took several steps forward. He paused when he saw a man wearing a hood walk out of the building.
