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Tears filled her eyes. “Alan?”

“The very one, but I’m not as pretty as I used to be. Another thing to add to the list of things to thank Zero for. He’s not going by Lucas anymore, I must remember that. He’s Zero now. Strange name if you ask me.”

“You’re dead,” she said, whimpering. His finger was running up and down her cheek. She couldn’t move. The fear tightened inside her, gripping her. She was held in place by that very fear. Zero told her all about what he’d done to this man. Prue thought he was dead, yet here he was, ready to hurt her.

“I was dead, or at least he thought I was dead,” Alan said, looking down at her, smiling. She’d never seen a look so evil before in her life. “Zero needs to learn to check or watch when he’s killed someone. I wasn’t dead, and there was someone special in my life who dragged me out of the building. She saved me.”

Who would save this monster?

“You killed my brother.”

“He was selling me out. I treated him like I do all traitors. I kill them. It wasn’t personal. Trevor knew what he was getting into, and if he didn’t, then he was a f**king fool. A dead fool now.”

She whimpered as his fingers glided around her neck. He could kill her so easily.

“I can feel your pulse.” His fingers caressed over the pulse in her neck, the threat there in every touch. “It would be so easy to take all that away. No one is here to stop me or to protect you. You’re at my mercy to do with as I please.”

Reaching up, she gripped his arm, trying to stop him. “Please, don’t.”

“I’ve been watching you, Prue. You’re innocent. It’s a shame really. If it wasn’t for your brother and Zero, I would have left you alone.” He tightened his grip cutting off her air supply. Scratching at his arm, she panicked, the pain making it hard for her to struggle. Alan leaned in close. “I was going to give him a quick death, but after everything I’ve gone through, the years of pain and getting back to where I am, I’m going to take my time.”

His lips were so close to her ear.

Her vision was getting blurry, but he suddenly released his hold. His hand lay around her neck, but there was nowhere else for her to go. Whatever he had planned, she would have to take it, hoping that Zero would save her again.

“I’m going to play a game, and you’re going to be a messenger,” he said. His hand glided down her neck to land on her breast. She cried out, going to stop him from touching her. A knife landed against her throat. “I don’t think so, pet. You will let me do what I want, or I will make it hurt a hell of a lot better.”

“Please,” she said, hating herself for begging her brother’s killer for mercy. “Don’t kill me.”

“You’re in no position to beg, baby. Now, release my hand.”

Hands shaking, she moved away, fisting her palms at her sides. She sank her nails into her skin, trying to find some sanity over what was happening.

This was why Zero tried to kill him and failed. Tears spilling out of her eyes, she bit into her lip to stop herself from calling out.

“I’m surprised Zero hasn’t f**ked you. You’re so f**king beautiful,” he said.

She was disgusted with him. His hand moved down her body drawing the blanket down with him.

Nails sinking into her flesh, she closed her eyes trying to find a happy place as his hand covered her mound.

Don’t think. Don’t think. Don’t think.

Feeling ill she concentrated on the blade of his knife against her neck.

He touched her over the hospital gown. “See, all you need is the right incentive to give me what I want,” he said. “I could f**k you right here and now, and all it would take is the blade against your throat to let me.”

Not making a noise, she prayed for a nurse to find her and to take him away.

Please, please, please.

She chanted the words over and over again, begging for some relief. Prue was happy for anyone to come to her rescue and stop him.

“However, I will f**k you when the time is right.” He removed the blade and replaced the blanket over her legs.

Opening her eyes, she saw he was smiling. The tears fell thick and fast from her eyes. “Why won’t you just kill me and get it over with?” Her voice broke, and she felt like such a coward.

“Why do that when I can have so much fun keeping you alive?” Alan gazed across the room. She saw he was thinking. What did Zero do to him to make him so vicious? Wait, she knew what he did, but why was he back now? Fuck. Her thoughts were all over the place. Had Zero told her the truth, or had he kept some of the shit he’d done to Alan from her? “You know, Zero taught me something ten years ago. He taught me that patience can make this game fun.”


“Consider it a game of cat and mouse. Guess what you are?” he asked.

The evil lurking in his eyes kept her quiet.

“The game is going to begin. I hope Zero is ready for what I’m about to do.” Alan leaned down, invading her space once again. “You’re going to be so much fun. I see now who I can use to make him suffer.”

“Why wait all these years?” she asked.

“There’s nothing like waiting to make the game so much sweeter. Enjoy what you’ve got left of your life, Prue. It’s going to be f**king fun.” He kissed her head and left.  

When he left she panicked and started to scream. The nurse charged in, releasing the clip on her morphine. A man covered in ink and wearing The Skulls leather jacket entered the room.

“What’s going on?” he asked, staring from her to the nurse.

“You shouldn’t be in here,” the nurse said.

“I don’t give a f**k.”

Prue was panicking. She was scared of what was about to happen. Whatever Alan had planned, he was going to relish every second of making them both suffer.

“Get Zero. Please, I need him. Get Zero.”

The biker nodded and left the room.

“You need to calm down, honey.”

“No, I need him. Please, he needs to know what’s going on.”

Another doctor entered the room. Her heart was racing. Perspiration dotted her brow.

I have to get out of here. Zero is in danger. I’ve got to warn him.

“What’s going on?” the doctor asked.

“She’s panicking. We need to calm her down.”

Prue shook her head. She couldn’t speak as she struggled to breathe. No, she couldn’t calm down. Alan could get to her no matter where she was. No one cared. The only person she could trust was Zero. Where was he? Why wasn’t he here? A mask was placed over her mouth, and she was eased down on the bed. Staring at the nurse she saw the nurse was telling her to calm down, but Prue couldn’t hear the words.
