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A Perfect Blood

A Perfect Blood (The Hollows #10)(133)
Author: Kim Harrison

"Al!" Ceri shouted, and with a flash of burnt amber, the beautiful horses fell to the earth and turned into squirming maggots. I recoiled, and Lucy howled her outrage. Ray simply looked surprised, the emotion appearing far too mature for her tiny features. Ceri’s lips were a hard line as she stood, Lucy struggling in her arms.

"If you touch my children," Ceri threatened, and Al threw a hand dramatically into the air.

"Tish tosh. I do not want your babies. What is a demon for if not to scare?"

Lucy tight in her arms, Ceri stalked forward, her hair starting to float. "You aren’t scaring them, you are charming them!"

Al grinned, showing his flat, blocky teeth. "I am scaring you, love," he said, reaching out to tickle Lucy.

The little girl squealed in delight. Ceri yanked her back, and Trent sucked in his breath, clearly furious. I wasn’t all that happy, either, and I understood their dilemma. Putting the babies down might only make them more vulnerable. Taking them from the room might have the same result. There was no safe place if a demon wanted you and was free to roam about. The only way to fight a demon was to not look away. Not even to blink. The only thing keeping Al civilized was . . . what? I didn’t know, and it made me uneasy.

"Perhaps we should leave, Rachel," the demon said, his voice having a mocking lilt, and Ceri’s frustration flashed over her. "I don’t think we’re welcome here."

"You said you could help Winona," Ceri said as she jiggled Lucy, trying to get her to stop reaching for Al, and Al’s smile grew wicked.


Al was looking at me, and a wave of worry made my stomach clench. "I think I can. I’ve been working on it," I said as I looked at Ceri, glad when she moved Lucy farther from Al. "I have a curse prepped, but I don’t know if it will make things worse or better. I’ve never tried mixing curses before."

Ceri took my hand and gave it a squeeze. "It’s an honest answer."

Ray cried out to get Al’s attention, and Trent frowned, holding her closer when the demon blew bubbles at her like kisses, each one a different color. "I can help Winona," Trent said darkly. "We don’t need a curse. Or you, demon."

Surprised, I turned to look at him, seeing his slight flush. That wasn’t what he had said before.

Al, too, huffed, his back to us as he stared up into the foliage. It was starting to get dark, and there were little lights up there where the fairies were, tiny fires in the trees. "It was a curse that changed her," he said as if he didn’t care. "Only a curse can reverse it, not wild elf magic, and it will be Rachel’s curse," he said, turning to me as I made a noise of protest. "I know I can do it," he said, his hands behind his back as he looked up to the snow collecting on the ceiling. "I want to know if you can. Besides, you’re the only one who knows what she looked like before."

I fidgeted in the chair. "What if I make her worse?" I asked, and Al shrugged as if he didn’t care. His hands, though, were still clasped behind his back. It was one of his few tells, and as I looked at Ceri, she raised an eyebrow in question, recognizing it as well.

"Should I get her?" Ceri asked, bouncing Lucy on her lap to distract her.

Al pulled a watch from a tiny pocket by way of a gold fob. "I wish you would," he said distantly. "She sounds fascinating."

"It isn’t fascinating, it’s horrible," I said sourly, but looking at Ceri, I saw her hope, her confidence. "I’ll try it if she wants to risk it," I said, and Al threw up his hands in a small exclamation.

I suddenly found myself holding a slightly squishy Lucy as Ceri stood, plopping the babbling baby in my lap. "I’ll get her," Ceri said breathlessly, then ran down the path, her soft shoes almost silent.

"Ceri," I called as I held the baby out from me, but it was too late.

Lucy was craning her neck to watch her mom, a sound of dismay coming from her. Her little face screwed up, and she started to cry. "Trent, some help here?" I said, but it wasn’t until Al strode forward saying, "Let me," that Trent got to his feet and intercepted him, taking both babies and moving to a bench just down the way.

I exhaled in relief as he put space between the girls and Al. They’d grown another month older since I’d seen them last, and Lucy was standing now, holding Trent’s knee and wobbling as she fussed for her mother. Ray wasn’t happy, either, looking more mad than anything else, her little face squished up in annoyance as Lucy filled the air with her noise.

"Al – " I whispered, wanting him to do the curse instead, but he shook his head.

"No," he said, his head down as he examined the tiny spear now sticking out of his arm. Apparently the fairies didn’t like him. "Your curse seems fine. The last thing I want is you embarrassing me."

"Liar," I said, and he turned to me, shocked.

He plucked the spear out and dropped it, clearly wanting to protest, then seemed to collapse in on himself. Expression bothered, he glanced at Trent, trying to wrangle the two babies into some semblance of quiet, then came close to me, his boots with the silver buckles rapping smartly. I leaned back in my garden chair, and he put a hand on the table, almost pinning me there. "Hell, Rachel," he breathed into my ear, and I stifled a shiver at his dusky form around me. "I don’t know what I’m doing, either. If you screw it up, it looks like another stupid-Rachel moment. If I screw it up, it looks as if I don’t know what I’m doing, and while the first is embarrassing, the second is intolerable."

He pulled back at the sound of hooves on stone, his red eyes wide. "Chin up, chest out, stand up straight," he said as he yanked me to my feet, smacking my gut and shoulder in quick succession until I stood before the table, scowling at him. "Don’t say anything. Ceri thinks I’m a god."

I knew that wasn’t true, and I edged away from him as he waited with one arm behind him, one before, as if he was meeting royalty. Somehow he’d gotten from the outskirts to the center of the patio, looking as if he belonged among the ferns and Victorian garden furniture. Ceri and Winona were dusky shadows as they came around the bend, a small garden lamp lighting their path. Trent pointed them out to the girls, and Lucy’s wail turned plaintive with little mmmumm-mums and half bounces for Ceri to come and pick her up.

Winona looked up as I said hi. She was in a comfortable, long-sleeved sweater and floor-length skirt, but her gray-skinned, ugly face with its curling horns and abnormally pointed chin put her far from normal. Her head made her top heavy, and her goat-slitted eyes reflected the light like a cat’s.
