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A Perfect Blood

A Perfect Blood (The Hollows #10)(134)
Author: Kim Harrison

"Hi, Rachel," she said, her smile fading as she looked from me to Al, standing beside me at the table. Clutching Ceri’s arm, she whispered, "Is that him?"

"Yes!" Al exclaimed as Ceri disentangled herself from Winona, gave him a dry look, and physically pushed him out of the way so she could set the lamp on the table. "I am Al!" he continued, looking almost hurt, but upon bending closer to Winona, still standing at the edge of the light, his goat-slitted eyes widened. "My God, what did that bitch do to you?"

Winona lifted her chin as Ceri hissed at him to behave, and I smacked his shoulder with the back of my hand. But I had to agree that she looked monstrous, especially in the early dark of a snowy evening. "My apologies," Al said, sincere enough, I suppose. "Winona, to better gauge my student’s possible success, may I . . . inspect you?"

Winona looked fearfully at Ceri for advice, but she’d gone to pick up Ray. Standing beside Trent, she gestured for Winona to approach Al. "It’s okay," I added, and Al gave me a sidelong look.

"Oh, I doubt that," he said, but Winona had been brutalized so badly that Al held little threat. At the bench, Trent and Ceri had a hushed argument. Clearly they hadn’t united entirely on their child-rearing guidelines when it came to demons. Trent wanted to take the girls into the vault, and Ceri wanted to use it as a learning experience. Me, I was leaning toward the vault.

"You may look," Winona said softly, her feet tapping the slate as she came forward into the light. I watched Al’s face, not hers, as he leaned closer to her, breathing in her scent. His hand came out, and she stiffened.

"I won’t harm you," he said formally. "May I touch you?"

I thought it was weird how careful he was being, like she was important or fragile, and after a moment’s hesitation, she nodded. He took her hand with an almost painful care, turning her stubby fingers over to trace the lines of her gray-skinned palm, studying it carefully. I remembered waking up in Al’s kitchen once feeling that fragile, seeing him with curly red hair and a thinner body, one quickly hidden once he knew I was awake.

I backed up to the edge of the light, watching as Al turned her hand over to study the top. It looked tiny in his, and Winona’s lips parted when he rubbed his thumb over it gauging the thickness of her pelt. Worry came from nowhere. I could fix this, couldn’t I? What if I made it worse?

"You have a pouch." He made it a statement.

"You’re not seeing that."

Her fear was obvious, the lantern’s light making her look even uglier as she pulled her hand away. Al’s brow furrowed, and his fingers twitched. He wanted to touch her again, but was afraid of what it might look like. "I thought so," he finally said. "Wings?"

Winona blinked, looking at me like I had the answers. "No. Should I?" she said, and I remembered the ruin of the woman under the museum floor.

Taking a step back, Al straightened to his full height, seeming to tower over her. "I’m not sure," he said in a rare bit of honesty. "There are schools of thought that say we had wings once. I occasionally have dreams of being able to fly. It could be . . . nothing."

"You don’t remember what you used to look like?" Winona said, and Al made a face, clearly uncomfortable.

"No," he admitted, taking her hand again and lifting it as if showing her off. "I don’t believe that we looked like this – entirely. But you’re in a unique position to help us remember."

Ceri’s breath hissed in as she jiggled Ray. "Winona is not going into the ever-after to help you!"

Winona backed up, arms around herself as she pulled out of Al’s touch. His hand fell to his side, and he looked disappointed even as he studied her, how she moved, how she clearly could hear things we couldn’t, her ears flicking everywhere.

I licked my lips. "Chris’s data said she was producing more demon enzymes. How can she be that far off from being a demon?"

Al walked around Winona, his eyes never leaving her. "You, Rachel, are producing more demon enzymes than Winona, and you look nothing like her. True, much of Winona’s appearance is closely tied to several genomes that are responsible for the expression of the proper enzymes, but this?" Again he took her hand and pulled her into taking a clicking step forward with him into the light. "No. Every witch has the capacity to look like this if the right genes are turned on at the proper time, but as a species, you never looked like this, no matter how far back in the genetic history you go." He hesitated, dropping her hand. "Still, Winona, you are very intriguing as you are. I offer you a choice."

Ceri patted Ray’s back as she came forward to stand with me. "She’s not going to help you."

"I’m not talking to you," Al said to Ceri, his eyes on Winona. His gaze was so intense, she blushed.

"No!" Ceri insisted, and he sighed, looking away from the troubled woman. "She would be poked and prodded as you tried to figure out what was turned on correctly and what was a mistake. No. You fix her, or you leave her alone."

Al lost his serious air, again becoming his customary shallow, self-centered self. "I can’t guarantee my student’s magic will leave you any better," he said, distancing himself. "At least now you can breathe, eat, and take a shit without help."

I stiffened. "That’s not what you said a minute ago!"

"Yes, it is." Al turned to Winona. "Well?"

Ceri dramatically threw a hand into the air and turned her back on all of us, and Ray fussed when her view of Al was eclipsed. It hadn’t been the resounding encouragement that I was hoping for, and my gut clenched as I exchanged a look with Trent. There was a faint hint of excitement in him, a desire to know if I could do it, and I felt my heart thump. Lucy had finally quieted, her little face determined as she wobbled at her dad’s knee.

"I want to be normal again," Winona said as she gazed down at herself. "I trust you, Rachel. Whatever happens. I want to do this. Please."

Oh God. She wanted to do it. The butterflies in my stomach turned to lead and hit bottom. I’d been working up this curse for a good three weeks. It was mostly cosmetic, and ninety percent of it was concerned with her face. She might end up being forced to be a vegetarian, or the horns might grow back. But at least I now knew how to do a transformation curse and end up with body hair only where I wanted it.

"Okay," I said, and Al’s breath exploded out of him in impatience. "Winona, it shouldn’t hurt. I’ve already twisted the curse and stored it in the collective. I just have to touch you and say the magic words. If it gets too unbearable or you think it’s going wrong, say the invocation word again, and it will reverse."
