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A Rescued Heart

A Rescued Heart(24)
Author: Natalie Replogle

Ava’s mom picked up the bag by the door. “We stopped at your apartment and got you some clothes, your hairbrush, and makeup. Why don’t you freshen up, it will help you feel better,” she said while handing her the bag.

Her mom had chosen the duffle bag she had used since high school basketball. A small rip on one of the side pockets showed its use, but otherwise it stayed in good condition. For Christmas last year Jake had given her a new bag, but it just wasn’t the same.

“Okay, but then I want to get up to the waiting area. I don’t want to miss Matt’s doctor.” She slipped off the table and looked in the bag to see what clothes they brought. She pulled out sweat pants, a T-shirt, flip-flops and her Chicago Bears pullover sweat shirt.

“Perfect,” she smiled over at her mom.

“I figured you wouldn’t be going anywhere soon and needed to be comfortable.”

Ava went to the bathroom to change. The new clothes warmed her chilled skin. She brushed through her tangled hair, careful not to put pressure on the massive bump protruding from her scalp, and pulled it back in a low ponytail. After washing off the last few traces of blood on her arms she washed her face and applied foundation, eye shadow, and lip gloss. There was no need to impress anyone. She just didn’t want to look like death warmed over.

Walking back into the room she was surprised to see that Derek had joined her parents. They were deep in discussion until she entered. “Hey, you look better. How are you feeling?” he asked.

“Okay.” She walked toward the group, desperate for an update. “Do you have any news on Matt?”

“No. He’ll be in surgery for a while longer. I do need you to come with me. The detective on the case needs to ask you a few questions. It won’t take long and then I’ll personally deliver you to the waiting area to sit around and be bored with the rest of us.” He looked over at her parents.

Ava’s dad stepped forward, “Your mother and I will go down to the cafeteria and get you some dinner while you’re being questioned. Lucy called and said she and the boys are on their way. We’ll come and meet you in the waiting room,” he paused and looked over at Derek, “if that is okay?”

“Absolutely, there is plenty of room.” He opened the door for everyone. “We’ll see you there.”

Ava followed Derek to the office they had set up for questioning. Detective Trevor Hudson met them in the room and shook her hand when she entered. He seemed younger than Ava expected a detective would be. His handsome appearance had her beginning to wonder if that was a prerequisite for being on the force.

After she answered his questions he praised her for how she handled the situation. “Seeing how you and Sergeant Thompson are in a relationship, you did a great job not to let Mr. Connors know. It could have made the situation much more complicated.”

“Did you catch Ray?” Ava asked, trying to keep her anger at bay toward him … and herself. Ray pulled the trigger, but it was her fault for putting Matt in that position. Why didn’t she listen to him and just stay home. The “what ifs” were choking her.

“Yes. He only made it about a mile away from the school before he reached one of our roadblocks.”

Derek turned in his seat and grabbed his water bottle. “Detective Hudson, if you’re done now, I believe Ava would like to get to the waiting room. Matt’s surgery should be over soon.”

The kind detective stood and Ava followed suit. He shook her hand again, “Thank you, Miss Williams, I’ll be in contact if there are any further questions.”

The packed waiting room held people who cared about Matt. Matt’s parents were there, along with her family, Matt’s pastor, and several guys from the department. Ava hugged Matt’s parents and talked with them before sitting down with her family. They informed her that his siblings were coming in from Chicago as early as tomorrow to see him. Derek brought her some ice for her head and she leaned against Josh for support.

She had just fallen asleep on Josh’s shoulder when he nudged her. “Ava, the doctor is here,” he whispered.

Ava straightened and rubbed her eyes. Her headache was not as intense but still a nuisance. The doctor walked over to Matt’s parents and his mom waved her over to join them.

Dr. Ross sat down in front of them and Ava immediately became nervous. “Matt’s surgery went well. He was shot in his left shoulder.” He lifted his arm to show them where the bullet entered. “The reason for his emergency surgery was because of his excess bleeding. We were afraid the bullet nicked his brachial artery.” He used his hand to show which regions of the shoulder, back, chest and arm this entailed.

“I know this may sound overwhelming, but Sergeant Thompson was very fortunate.” He smiled to prove the words he spoke were true. “It was a clean, through-and-through wound. The bullet not only missed this artery but also his heart by a couple mere inches. It also dodged the median nerve. Injuring this nerve would have created complications for recovery and I’m sure his job. He will have a slow, but complete, recovery.”

Questions abounded until everyone felt confident in Matt’s prognosis. “When will we be able to see him?” Matt’s mom asked, upset and in need of seeing her son.

“He’s in the recovery room now, but in the next hour we should be able to transfer him to his room. I’ll have the nurse come and get you when that happens.” He shook Matt’s dad’s hand and then stood. “If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to page me.”

Ava walked back to her family as if a hundred pounds had been lifted off her chest. Matt was going to be okay. Hearing the good news, her family decided to head home and come back tomorrow to see Matt. They offered her a ride home.

“No thanks, I’m going to stay here for the night. But could one of you go get my car at the school and bring it here?” She didn’t plan on leaving anytime soon, but she would need her car whenever that happened.

“We’ll go get it.” Jake looked over at Josh for confirmation.

Lucy came up and wrapped her arms around her. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

After their extended good-byes she sat back down on the couch with the floral print that caused her eyes to cross. The tiredness of the day engulfed her as she leaned back cautiously, resting her head. She had been spending more time at the hospital these days than she liked.

Matt’s dad brought over a pillow and blanket. “Why don’t you take a nap and we’ll wake you up when it’s time to go see Matt.”

Ava looked up grateful. “Thank you, Peter. I think I’ll take you up on your offer.” She fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.

The room was dark except for the overhead light above the sink humming its own tune. Ava sat watching Matt sleeping in his bed. He stirred and rustled, moaning from the pain. His eyes fluttered open and darted over at her.

“What are you doing here?” he asked coldly.

“Oh, um, I was worried about you,” she stuttered. His rudeness caught her off guard.

“Thank you for your concern, but it’s not needed.” He looked up at the ceiling. “Why don’t you go home, I’m sure you’re tired.”

“That’s okay. I want to be here.” Ava reached for his hand, but he moved it before the touch became final.

“Ava, don’t you get it? I don’t want you here,” he snapped.

“But why, I thought you loved me?”

“I do … I did, but I’ve just realized you’re not going to change.” He pointed to his shoulder. “This situation has opened my eyes.” He glared over at her. The coldness from his eyes made her shiver. “I’m tired of having to put so much effort into making this relationship work. Love shouldn’t be this hard.”

“Matt, you don’t mean that. Every relationship takes work. You’ve just had a lot happen today.” Panic rose in her chest.

“Yeah, I’ve had a lot happen. My girlfriend accused me of wanting to cheat on her just because I said hello to another woman. I’m in a hospital bed shot because you wouldn’t listen to me. I’d say that is a long day.”

“I am so sorry. Please, Matt, please. We can work this out.” Ava started begging, holding back no humility.

“Ava, my feelings have changed toward you. There isn’t much I want that is left to fight for. Sorry, but we’re over.” It was as if he poured salt into a wound.

The pain burned.

“Matt, please, no,” she cried, desperate to change his mind. She stood, forcing him to look at her. “Please, I love you. Give me another chance to be worthy of your love. Please love me. Please want me!”

He turned his head away from her as his final rejection. Ava put her head in her hands and let the tears flow.

“Ava, wake up.” Derek patted her shoulder with ease. His touch came before she could focus on his words. “You’re just having a dream.”

Her body jerked as her eyes shot open. Derek’s concerned face came into focus as a mirror of her own. Ava sat up and brushed away the tears threatening to expose themselves. She rotated her shoulder and stretched her arms out in front of her to work the stiffness out of her muscles. “It was just a dream?” She sat confused, still not completely sure.

The nightmare seemed so real.

“Matt’s in his room now if you’d like to go see him.”

He handed her a cup of coffee.

Ava chuckled. “Thanks. Matt told you about my addiction?”

“He has, and I’ve thought about acquiring stock in the mountain grown because of it.” She seized the cup and took a sip. The coffee scorched the tip of her tongue, but there was no need to complain. It didn’t touch the throbbing in her head. In fact, the burn came as a good distraction. Her dream didn’t help the situation and she became nervous to see Matt.

“I don’t need to go right away. You and Matt’s parents can go first.”

“I’m glad you feel that way, because that’s what we did. We didn’t want to wake you. We thought you could use the sleep.”

Ava looked across the room, disappointed, to the empty couch where Peter and Anna had been sitting. She and Matt’s mom had been getting close and she wanted to check on how she was handling everything.

Usually she was a light sleeper. How had she missed all the commotion of them leaving? Her apartment faced the street and on many occasions she woke up from a loud car passing by or people walking around outside talking at high volumes.

“Oh, okay, I guess I’ll go now.” She looked down into the cup, unable to move. She wanted to see him but a part of her still wondered if he would make the horrible dream come true.

Derek caught on to her hesitancy and crouched down, meeting her at eye level. He was still in his uniform and his slanted eyes exposed his exhaustion. Today couldn’t have been easy on him, having his best friend get shot, and yet he made himself a pillar of strength for her in her time of need.

“Ava, there is one thing about Matt that will never change.” He waited until he had her full attention. “Matt will always want you.”

Ava sat up straighter. “How did you … ?”

He snickered at her bewildered expression. “You talk in your sleep.”

Ava’s cheeks glowed with embarrassment. She changed the subject so as to avert the conversation from herself and this new habit of sleep talking. “How is he?”

“Fine, he’s been in and out of sleep, but you can go and sit with him as long as you want.” He raked his fingers through his tussled blond hair. “I’ll take you up to his room and then I’m going home to get some sleep.” He took her arm, pulling her up in slow motion so she wouldn’t spill her coffee. “I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for this day to be over.”

After Derek left, Ava stood outside Matt’s door for a moment to collect her thoughts and prepare for the sight of him all bandaged up. The door squeaked as she opened it. The room was dark except for the glow of the full moon that filtered through the window.

Ava walked over to his bed, shoulders heavy from the day. She stood beside him, holding back the tears. He looked peaceful despite the white dressings wrapped around his upper body along with tubes coming out in every direction. She glanced up at his monitors. Everything appeared good.

Not that she knew what good was.

She pulled the bedside chair closer and reached for his hand as she sat down. His warm hand in hers, while watching his chest rise with each breath, comforted her. She stared immobilized, soaking in every detail of his face.

Thoughts of the dream teased her. It hurt just imagining this man not wanting her. Derek’s words were reassuring, but she needed to hear them from Matt.

Ava stood and leaned over, tracing his hairline with her fingers. She kissed his flushed cheek. “Please still want me. I can’t imagine my life without you. I love you, Matthew,” she whispered softly.

“I love you too.” His voice startled her. He opened his eyes a moment later with a smirk that pulled at her heartstrings.

“Matt, you’re awake! Are you okay? Do you need me to go get a nurse?” she asked in a rush and turned to go get someone before he could respond to the questions that bombarded him.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her back to his side. “You leaving is not an option right now. Stand there so I can get a good look at you.” His voice stayed quiet and his eyes glistened in the moonlight from the tears resting at the brim.

“Honey, are you in pain?” She reached for the button to call the nurse, but he stopped her.

“No, this is just the first time I’ve seen you since you had a gun to your head.” A few tears spilled down the side of his face. He scrunched up his nose and mouth to hold back the emotions. She had never seen him cry before. The rock before her began to crumble. “Ava, I’ve never been so scared in my entire life. When I drove up and saw Ray with a gun to your head … ” His words drifted to a stop.
