A Shade of Kiev (Page 21)

A Shade of Kiev (A Shade of Vampire #8)(21)
Author: Bella Forrest

A part of me was still in denial, half believing that I’d wake up tomorrow to realize that this had all been some kind of crazy dream. The truth was, my mind simply had no idea how to even start wrapping my mind around the task. I wasn’t capable of friendship. And with that witch, of all people? I grimaced as I recalled my last encounter with her.

I haven’t exactly made things any easier for myself.

I felt stifled by the room. The walls felt too close. I left to take another walk into the night, this time alone. I walked through the forest until I reached the large wall that surrounded the island. I walked next to it, following it wherever it took me around the small island, past woods, lakes, hills, until finally the wall melted into the base of a rocky black mountain.

I looked up to gauge its height. I could reach the top by leaping, but my limbs were hungry for the challenge of the climb. Gripping hold of some rocks at its base, I began my ascent. I didn’t stop until I reached its peak. Hoisting myself up onto the grassy plateau, I realized that I was not alone.

A group of four vampires sat in a corner, their backs facing me as they dangled their legs off the cliff, looking out at the ocean. It was only after taking a better look that I realized one of those vampires was Matteo. I considered jumping back down again before anyone noticed me, but it was too late.


Matteo had turned toward me, a look of surprise in his eyes. He smiled and beckoned me over. Once I’d reached him, he stood up and, placing a hand on my shoulder, said, “I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”

He led me to a quiet corner away from the others and turned again toward the ocean.

“This is our best vantage point,” he said.

I could very well believe that. The view was breathtaking. I could see for miles in all directions around the island.

“And it’s here that I would like you to come to serve your duty as guard.”

I looked at him, not sure how to break the news to him that Saira had already appointed me to a duty. I couldn’t tell him what my task was, but she didn’t tell me I couldn’t say that I had a task.

“Saira has given me work,” I said.

He raised a brow.

“Oh? What’s that?”

“She forbade me to tell you.”

“Very well.” He smiled knowingly and nodded. “Sounds like Saira. I won’t interfere.”

Please do interfere, I thought. I would have happily offered to guard the place for twice my fair share of time if it meant freeing myself from what Saira had in store for me. I had half a mind to request this of him. But the idea of asking favors from him was too uncomfortable for me to entertain.

“Did Saira already go through the rules of this island with you?” he asked.

I shook my head.

“Well, then I had better do so now. We don’t want you getting into any more sticky situations.” He smiled, eyeing me. “Don’t worry—we’re not as strict as The Tavern. That doesn’t mean you can take our guidelines lightly, mind you. We’d have anarchy otherwise.”

“I understand,” I said.

“Good. Our rules are actually similar to The Tavern’s. But self-defense is not a crime here. Deliberate unprovoked violence, however, is punishable by permanent expulsion. Stealing from any of us will also have you expelled. As for contributing to our community, normally you would take your turn at night duty, though it seems that Saira already has you occupied with other things. Other than this, you will take part in whatever missions or expeditions we undertake.” He turned his eyes toward me.

I nodded.

“Sounds simple enough.” I looked back out toward the ocean. “What are they?” I couldn’t keep myself from asking, seeing the silhouettes of dozens of islands in the distance.

“Our neighbors,” he said with a grimace. “All pirates. This whole area is notorious. That’s why we can never afford to be lax on security.”

“Do you have many attacks?”

“Oh, yes. Sometimes on a weekly basis. There are often new pirates passing through these waters who are willing to try their hand at stealing some unearned goods.” He pointed downward. The remains of seven bodies hung skewered on pikes—apparently ogres. “That’s what we do to those who try to plunder us.”

There was an uncomfortable pause as I watched the skeletons swaying in the wind.

“Well, if that’s all, captain, I think I’ll head off.”

“Good luck,” he said, grinning.

I turned away and rushed down the mountain. I continued my tour around the island, occasionally passing a thick snake slithering in the undergrowth, or a deer-like animal with twisted horns I couldn’t quite put a name to.

As each hour passed, I felt worse and worse about my assignment. I didn’t know how I would be able to spring from where I’d left off with Mona into having her accept me as a friend. My ego twinged at the thought of apologizing for my behavior, even though I did regret the way I had handled the situation.

I hated the idea of chasing after her. I wasn’t used to jumping through hoops. Not for anyone, other than my father.

Worst of all, I still didn’t have control over my blackouts. If she aggravated me again, I felt nervous as to how I might react. I had managed to contain myself back on the ship, but it had been a struggle I had no desire to repeat.

Eventually as the sky began to lighten, a warm orange glow appearing along the horizon, I returned to my room in the tunnels. Sitting down on the old mattress, I leaned my back against the wall and stretched out my legs.

I didn’t leave my room for the entire day. I just sat there, looking at the dirt walls and steeling myself for what was to come. Complaining and protesting were pointless. This was the first task that Saira had given me and—as much as I detested the control she had over me—if I didn’t complete it, she would have me thrown off of the island. I would be cast adrift and would surely perish in the ocean.

Maybe I would find an alternative place to stay in the coming weeks, but I had nothing of the sort yet.

My best course of action was to swallow my pride and get this madness over with as soon as possible. After that, Saira would assign me to guard the island like the rest of the vampires. The job I should have had to start with.

A knocking at my door broke through my thoughts.

“Enter,” I called.

A large ogre swung the door open. On seeing me, he smiled and held out an oversized hand. I stood up and shook it.

“I’m Brett,” he said, his mustard-yellow eyes lighting up. “I’m doing some roasting up on the hill nearby. There will be blood, too. Since you’re new, I thought you might welcome the chance to meet some of us.”