A Shadow of Light (Page 35)

A Shadow of Light (A Shade of Vampire #4)(35)
Author: Bella Forrest

And that’s what we did the whole time. We waited. And we waited some more. Then we waited some more.

It felt like an eternity and I was furious that I hadn’t laid eyes on a single human. Once I realized that none of the humans were about to emerge from the caves, I was livid. “Let’s go in!” I announced out of pure impulse.

“Are you sure?” one of the men I was with asked. “What if there are vampire guards in there? The humans could still be in a lockout. It’s not the first time Felix would be wrong. I mean, he’s had some pretty messed up information before.”

A slew of curses escaped from my lips. “I don’t care! I want blood and I am going to get it!”

I should’ve learned my lesson. Anything I did out of pure impulse usually got me into a lot of trouble. We stormed the opening of the Black Heights and sure enough, the entrance that led to The Catacombs was sealed. They’re still in lockout. How?

I turned to the other side—to the area of the mountain caves that led to The Cells, the island’s prison system. My heart sank when Xavier emerged with twice as many men as I had. From outside, we could make out Yuri leading another group of vampires.

“Do you really want to die tonight?” Xavier cocked his head to the side. “Because I don’t share Derek’s beliefs that we ought to keep you alive. I really don’t mind ending your lives.”

“You insolent son of a…” I began to spit out, but paused mid-sentence when the men surrounding me began lifting their hands in surrender. “You cowards! The lot of you! All bloody cowards!”

I attacked Xavier and was able to send him crashing to the ground. I was about to rip his heart out but I was immediately held back by the other men. I knew I looked like a manic fool shouting out curses, but I didn’t care. I hated the idea that Derek had once again outsmarted me. The humiliation was more painful than the betrayal.

“It doesn’t matter. We still hold the port!”

At that, Yuri scoffed. “I wouldn’t say that. Derek’s a pretty good swimmer. So are Cameron and Liana.” He then narrowed his eyes. “Wasn’t it Cameron who rescued you from that shipwreck five hundred years ago?”

“I’m going to kill you! I’m going to kill you all!”

I had no idea how it had happened, but for the first time since I had established The Shade, I spent the night as a prisoner of the kingdom that I ruled. Sitting in a dungeon at The Cell, it felt like I was on the brink of insanity.

How could my own son do this to me? Doesn’t he realize that if I fail at my mission to take over The Shade, it would be the end of me?

I was whimpering like a child. How could I not? The darkness was never kind to those who failed. This is it. This is the end of me. He may not know it yet, but Derek just murdered his own father.


The reaction on Felix’s face was priceless. He clearly never saw it coming. The swim from the shore of the lighthouse to the underwater portals of the port was long and exhausting, but all we had to do was stealthily get from the portals we used to get people transferred from the submarines to the port and recover our strength inside one of the submarines.

Felix and his men were really lax in their guarding of the port, thinking the only way we could get in was through the staircase. Thus, when Cameron, Liana and I emerged from one of the submarines, they all looked shocked.

Felix, whom I’d always known wasn’t much of a fighter and was more of a coward, immediately made a run for it.

Those who weren’t able to run surrendered. It seemed none of them were willing to die for whatever cause it was that they were fighting for. I breathed out a sigh, hoping that Xavier and Yuri were able to take my father by surprise too.

After we had finished our planning at the Crimson Fortress, we decided to postpone the general assembly. I instructed Gavin and Ian to spread the word that the general assembly was to be at a later date and that they were once again going on lockout until we could eliminate the threat Felix and Gregor were placing on them.

What I would’ve given to see the reaction on my father’s face upon realizing that The Catacombs was still on lockout. I had just walked out of the port to breathe in the fresh night air when I heard a familiar voice calling my name.

“You did it.” Corrine approached and as I turned to face her, I was surprised to see her smiling. When she usually looked at me, Corrine always seemed to have a look of disapproval on her face, so this was different.

“We did it,” I clarified, although I wasn’t exactly sure what it was that we did. We regained control of the port and the riot at The Catacombs was over, but I still had to figure out how to get to Sofia and there was still a threat of attack from the other covens.

“I’ll try to get a response back to the covens as soon as possible.” Natalie gazed at me with concern as if to ask me if I was sure I wanted to meet with the other coven leaders.

I couldn’t help but wonder if there was some way she was being heard by the other covens. She seemed to be extremely guarded with what she said.

She embraced me and whispered, “Don’t go,” so softly, I barely heard it.

I nodded at Natalie before saying, “I’ve been thinking about the meeting and I think it would be better if my father goes on my behalf. He’s usually the one who speaks to the other coven leaders. He once was the ruler of The Shade. He’s more capable of handling these things than me.” And if Gregor goes, that means I won’t have to worry about him messing things up here at The Shade.

“Derek, they want you.” Natalie shook her head. “If you don’t go, then they are going to attack.”

I was momentarily confused by her. One minute, she was whispering for me not to go then the very next minute, she’s telling me that I have to go. I narrowed my eyes at her before finally realizing what she was doing. She was trying to warn me while still accomplishing her job of delivering a message—the other covens’ message that it was necessary for me to be there. I heaved out a sigh, knowing how difficult it was for her to stay neutral even despite the fact that she cared about me.

“If what they want is a road to diplomacy, then they would accept my representative with open arms. It shouldn’t matter if I don’t appear in person.”

“You were warned.” A hint of a smile appeared on Natalie’s face.

I nodded. “Warning taken. However, it’s in my best interest to remain at The Shade for now.”