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Accidentally in Love with...a God?

Accidentally in Love with…a God?(Accidentally Yours #1)(13)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Guy immediately accused me of being bad luck, and if I were a superstitious person, I would’ve believed the universe was trying to tell me something. But it wasn’t. Because that would be just be crazy-talk.

Now, after ditching the Jeep, successfully hailing a third-class, chickens-ride-for-free bus, bound for Bacalar—near the Belizean border—and five hours later, I was almost to Guy. This was it. But why weren’t my legs moving me off the dang bus?

The other passengers, all locals, turned their heads to dish healthy portions of glare in my direction. The inconsiderate tourist was holding them up.

“Aquí se puede esperar por un taxi,” said the driver, pointing to the side of the road.

A taxi? In the last hour, I hadn’t seen more than two cars on the road.

The driver turned all the way around in his seat and gave me a nasty look. “Señorita? Se sale o me voy.”

“What are you waiting for? Get out,” Guy pushed.

I quickly glanced out the dust-coated windows, seeing nothing but a long stretch of highway ahead and dense dark green jungle on either side of the road.

The portly driver revved the engine to make his point.

“I’m going, I’m going! Don’t shut the door.” The back of my white sticky-wet tee-shirt made a ssshhhlep sound as I rose from my vinyl seat. As soon as I stepped out, peeling my sweat-soaked khaki shorts from my rear end, the doors of the silver bus screeched shut. A cloud of black exhaust engulfed me and the engine rumbled away.

I prayed the driver was right about that taxi. Because being dumped on a sad, lonely highway in the middle of the jungle, sounded like the plot from a bad horror movie. Or at the very least, a paranormal Lifetime mini-series entitled: Things Young Women Shouldn’t Do When Traveling Alone in Mexico While Going to Meet a Mystery-Being Who Was Trapped in a Mayan Ruin by Evil People; But She Can Hear Him in Her Head, and Needs to Set Him Free; Because He’s Driving Her Bat Shit Crazy, and Might Be the Only One Able to Help Her Uncover the Truth About Her Grandmother’s Disappearance.

“Yeah. Let’s hope he was right about that taxi.”

I slung my red backpack over my shoulder and walked a few yards down the road to take cover from the sun under a large-leafed tree. I could start walking, I thought, but again, I wasn’t sure where I was. I just knew where I wanted to be. My guidebook noted there was a lakeside eco-resort called the Mayan Sun. It was ideal for bird watchers and hikers to access the trails around the lake. Those trails also happened to reach several isolated ruins and a few ancient ceremonial pools. Guy and I agreed that would be the best way to pick up the trail leading to him.

I took one long, slow breath. The heat was suffocating, and the dank air smelled like a hot, moldy shower, reminding me that after a five-hour bus ride, I needed to find a bathroom. No way I’d go into that jungle to squat with the critters. No, señor.

“Frigging-a, Guy. You never told me how hot it is here.” I moved my ponytail to the top of my head—ignoring how stupid I must look—pulled out my water bottle, splashed a little water in my hand, and ran it over my neck.

Not where I am, it is cold in here.”

“Oh. Sorry.” I felt my skin crawl. We hadn’t spoken about his prison. Not because I didn’t ask, but because he wouldn’t tell me. He said it was too dreadful to describe, but according to him, I wouldn’t have to go inside. I’d just have to stand in the doorway of the temple and recite the phrase he taught me in Mayan.

I shivered. There was still the chance I was heading straight for a trap, and everything he’d ever told me was a bunch of bull. No turning back now, Emma, I thought. You’ve gone over every angle, and this is the only path with a potential exit. Get it over with.

I pulled my guidebook from my pack and began thumbing through the pages. “Okay, so you said you’re one kilometer northwest of the lake, right?”

“Yes. Yes. Do you see a taxi yet?” he asked.

“Impatient much?” I looked down the road, listening for the hum of a car, but heard nothing except the sound of bugs clicking in the jungle. It was downright creepy. “Guy? How does it feel?” I wondered if he’d say anything to tip his hand.

“Being trapped? It sucks, as you like to say. But you’ve kept me connected to the world. I’ll admit, in your early years, Barney and Sesame Street weren’t very exciting. Then you started to grow, and I watched the world grow through your eyes. You showed me a side of the world I never knew existed. And…” His voice became low and pensive. “I am awestruck by the woman you’ve become. So aware, strong willed. So pure hearted. It has been an amazing gift, Emma. You are an amazing gift.”

I didn’t know what to say. Aside from being very direct and unexpected, it was, well…sweet. Quite possibly, the nicest compliment anyone had ever given me. “Guy?”

Several moments ticked by before he answered, “Yes?”

“Why are we connected? Why me?”

He sighed. “Because you are special.”


“It is something in your DNA.”

“What is it?”

“DNA? Well, it is a chain of nucleotides—”

“I know what DNA is, Guy. What makes mine different?”

“We are in a bit of hurry, and explaining could take hours.”

“I think I’ll head into the pueblo and get lunch.” I crossed my arms.

“Fine. Your genes have something…extra.”

“Extra? Like what?”

“That, my dear woman, is all I can tell you without going into a science lecture on quantum physics and genetics.”

“What? You can’t say something like that and leave me hanging.”

“You would never believe me, no human would.”

“Except—you’re telling me I’m not a regular human?”

“Even so.”

How could he treat this so casually? My head was spinning, trying to put the pieces all together. “Does this have something to do with why you’re trapped there?”

“No. I am here because I was tracking a group of men—evil men. They found out and set a trap.”

“And you’re sealed inside of some Mayan ruin in the middle of the jungle. Yes, I heard that part before. But how? How can a man be trapped without food or water for so many years? Are you dead? Am I going to find some scary ghost hovering over an old pile of bones?”


“Then how?”
