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Accidentally in Love with...a God?

Accidentally in Love with…a God?(Accidentally Yours #1)(14)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

“Because.” He hesitated, then growled. “You won’t believe me, Emma.”

“Guy, you either trust me or you don’t. And the fact I’m here—”

“Because I am not a man. Never have been. Never will be.”


“What do you mean ‘not a man?’ Like, as in, you’re a woman? Or”— the words stuck in my throat—“another species all together?” I always knew he was something…different, but my rational mind steered clear of anything too outlandish. Hearing him say the words suddenly made everything real, made the frightfulness of the situation undeniable.

“Emma, please. No more. You have to trust me.”

“Why? You’re some…thing who was apparently trapped by some men—”

“Dark priests, actually. Descendants from the Mayans,” he interrupted nonchalantly. “But they’re more powerful and vicious than one might think.”

“Oh, great. Even better!” I threw up my hands. “And you were hunting them? But, of course, you won’t tell me why. And I’m the only person who can hear or talk to you on the entire planet, so I have to rescue you. Oh, and you’re not human. But I’m supposed to trust you. Did I get that right, Guy?”

“Yes, you did. And see? I knew you would never believe me.”

“You’re right. I don’t believe any of this.”

My grandmother sometimes told stories of the existence of another world, but I thought she was just having fun. And, I knew she was a New-Age kind of person who believed in energies and spirits. I could swallow those concepts, sort of. But this? Not a man? What did that mean? Was he an alien? Demon? Monster?

I stood and began pacing under the tree, kicking small pebbles off the side of the road. I still had to go to him; there was no other way out. Doing nothing meant suffering to the point of insanity. Attempting to free him gave me a chance at a normal life and to find out what happened to my grandmother. Sadly, all roads led to extremely bad places, like this jungle.

“Emma, what more can I do to convince you?”


“Fine. You win. Leave me to rot for eternity.”

“Not a chance because I’m not rotting with you.” I opened my mouth to say something else, but then a tiny green dot appeared on the horizon. It was an actual taxi.

“Ha! See! I am good luck. Admit it.” I clapped.

The chewed-up lime green taxi slowed and pulled to the side. “Buenas tardes, señor, voy a las cabañas Maya Sol,” I said in my best español to the hot and tired looking driver.

“What was that? Klingon? You really need to work on that accent of yours, Emma. It’s embarrassing,” Guy said.

Arrogant turd. “I guess I’ll never be a master of the universe like you, Guy.” I realized that was a stupid comeback. Maybe he was master of the universe. Anything could be possible at this point, and he did know a lot about history, science, and math. Let’s not forget he spoke almost every language on the planet, according to him.

“Perdón señorita?” asked the driver.

“Oh. Um—” I paused trying to think of the word. “Nada.”

The taxi driver nodded and waited for me to load myself in. We drove for several minutes before the driver told me he passed down the highway every day at the same time to pick up passengers from the bus.

“More like dumb-lucky,” Guy jabbed at my earlier statement about being good luck.

“Jerk,” I said, hoping the driver didn’t understand English or wonder why I was talking to myself.

The car continued for several minutes, finally turning down a narrow dirt road that cut into the jungle. The tree branches swiped the sides of the open windows as we passed, flicking small pieces of bark and leaves at my face. After several bumpy minutes, the road opened up into a large sunny clearing with an enormous thatched-roof structure at one end and several huts at the other.

I left the taxi and was immediately greeted by a sweet looking, old couple. Their faces were dark brown and leathery from the sun, with deep soulful wrinkles around the edges of their eyes. The woman had long white hair pulled neatly back into a bun and wore a white dress with elaborately embroidered flowers. The man had straggly silver hair pushed under a worn straw hat. They were too cute, in a rustic sort of way.

The man reached out for my bag and spoke in a thick local accent, “Hemos estado esperandote mi-ja.”

I did a double take. “Did you say you’ve been waiting for me? Your daughter?”

“He meant—we’re glad you’ve come to stay with us…my dear,” said the woman, plucking a leaf from my hair. “My name is Señora Rosa, and this is my husband Señor Arturo. Will you be staying long?”

“Tell her you’re only staying one day, that you’re an avid bird watcher and heard about the toucans.”

“I don’t know, exactly,” I said, ignoring Guy. I hated when he barked orders. “I’m just passing through, doing a little sightseeing. Then I have to head back to Cancun to meet my friends,” I lied.

They both gave me a peculiar look.

“You’ve taken quite a detour just to see our quiet corner of the state. What kind of sights are you here to see?” the woman asked.

“The lake, birds…you know, stuff like that. Maybe it’d be nice to see a few of those Mayan ruins I’ve read so much about.”

“Emma, stick to the plan. You childish—”

“Oh. I see.” She narrowed her eyes. Was she trying to size me up? “Well, most of those things are an hour or two hike from here, and it’s much too late in the day to start out. So, you’ll have to wait until morning.”

“Well, I’m really tight on time, and it looks like there are a few more hours of sunlight—”

“Don’t argue with her. Just check into your cabaña and go. You can still make it!”

“But you’re probably right. I don’t want to get lost in the dark.” I agreed with Rosa just to irritate Guy. In reality, I was just as anxious to get this over with as he was.

She nodded. “Good. I’ll show you to your cabin.” She turned to Arturo and mumbled something in a language I didn’t recognize, and then started toward a row of thatched roof huts. “Dinner is at eight if you’re hungry, and we sell good trail maps for your hike tomorrow, if you’re interested. Oh, and do not forget to bring a walking stick with you.”
