Acheron (Page 82)

Acheron (Dark-Hunter #15)(82)
Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Tabitha laughed. "You can’t embarrass me. Believe me. Pam and I are cut from the same cloth. So tell me a little bit about this guy and I’ll find you the perfect thing for him."

Tory smiled at the mere thought of Ash. She didn’t know why but it made her giddy and warm. "Well he’s tall and dark-haired."

"Tall, please," Pam scoffed while Kim laughed. "The man is a giant. She found the only six-foot-eight guy I’ve ever seen. Ooo and Tab you ought to meet him. He’s Goth and gorgeous."

"And Greek," Kim whispered.

Tabitha frowned as she looked at them suspiciously. "Really? He sounds just like a friend of mine . . ." Wrinkling her nose, she shook her head, "But no, it couldn’t be him."

"Him who?" Tory asked.

"Ash Parthenopaeus."

Tory’s eyes widened.

Then so did Tabitha’s. "NO!" she breathed in total disbelief. "You’re getting a piece of Ash? Oh my God, girl, you go!" Tabitha started waving her hands and cackling excitedly. "If you want to make some real money, make pictures. I know women the world over who would pay big to see him nak*d, myself included!"

Pam high fived her.

Tory buried her face against Kim’s shoulder while Kim patted her on the head. "There, there, baby. We’ll hide her body in the trunk later."

Tabitha began running around the store, pulling things down from racks and shelves. "Ash definitely requires something black . . . no wait. Red. Racy red." She held a red furry teddy up, made a face and shook her head before Tory could even comment. "Not really your color. Oh wait!" She ran to the back room, then came out with a sheer black babydoll that had small skull and crossbones with tiny pink bows on their heads. "Perfect for Ash. He’ll love it."

Tory had to agree. But it made her wonder just how well Tabitha knew him. "Tabitha have you and Ash ever . . . ?"

"Please, no. Don’t I wish." She leaned over to whisper in Tory’s ear. "And don’t tell my hubby I said that cause it would just make him mental. But before I met my baby, I dreamed many a dream of taking a bite out of that man if you know what I mean and since you’re here I know that you do."

Tabitha went to a bookshelf at the back of the store and grabbed two books down. "You’ll want these too."

Tory frowned at the one on top that featured a woman in a corset holding a cucumber. "How To Tickle His Pickle?"

Tabitha nodded proudly. "My personal fave. It’s all you’ll ever need to know to make a man go crazy."

The next book was even stranger. This one was even shrink-wrapped. Tory looked at it suspiciously. "Manga Sutra?"

"Ash loves manga." Tabitha patted the book and grinned. "He’ll be very interested in that one, not that I think he doesn’t know everything in it. But . . . could come in handy." Tabitha went to the front of the store and opened the glass cabinet near the register before she started pulling other things out.

Tory’s face flamed at the items Tabitha piled on the counter. "They make flavored nipple cream?"

"Oh yeah, great stuff. It’s not only flavored, but tinted to make you a bit rosier and best of all, it has a dab of menthol to make your ni**les really hard so they’re extra sensitive and men go wild for it. They just love stiffened ni**les."

Kim and Pam laughed.

Tory covered her face with her hands and wanted to die of embarrassment. It was bad enough to have this stuff, but the fact that Tabitha knew Ash just made it all the more horrifying.

She was sure he’d be mortified to know that a friend of his had helped her pick this stuff out. And by the time she was being rung up, Tory was almost too embarrassed to go back to Sanctuary and face him.

As she dug out her credit card to pay for it, a tall extremely good looking man came out of the backroom. Dressed in a black turtleneck and slacks, he frowned at Tabitha who was still chattering away with Pam.

"You okay, baby?" he asked Tabitha, his eyes dark with concern as he came up to place a hand against her cheek. "You’re extremely flushed."

Tabitha turned to him with an impish squeal. "Oh brace yourself, Val. Ash is getting laid tonight!" She pointed with both hands at Tory who wanted to crawl inside her purse and hide until old age claimed her.

To Val’s credit, he didn’t so much as blink. He offered Tory a commiserate smile. "It helps if you don’t react to her comments. Tabitha lives to get a rise out of people. Just go with it and don’t encourage her."

Tabitha snorted. "Be that way." She handed Tory the bag and thanked her.

"Thank you," Tory said.

"Good luck, hon, and remember . . . pictures!" Tabitha waited until they were gone before she whirled on Valerius. "Can you believe our Ash is getting laid?"

Val snorted. "Call me provincial, but I don’t really consider him mine. And yes, I can believe the man has sex. What I find surprising is that this is the first time we’ve met the woman involved." He reached for his phone. "Maybe I should call and warn him."

"Oh put that away." She pushed it toward his pocket. "Our baby is growing up. I’m so proud!"

Tory had barely put the bag in the room before the band took another break. She’d just lain back down in bed when Ash opened the door with a tray in his hands.

"What’s that?"

"I thought you might be hungry. I ran the options past Kim and she picked out what you should be eating." He set it down on the table beside her.

Tory smiled at his thoughtfulness. "Efharisto."


She melted at his unique accent as he said "you’re welcome" in Greek. "I love the way you speak. I could listen to your Greek all day long."

He handed her another bottle of apple juice while he took a swig of his beer. "Are you completely bored?"

She reached up and pulled his sunglasses off so she could see his eyes. "Not entirely. How’s the set going?"

"It’s all right. I could kill Colt for hurting his hand. I don’t really like playing in public."

"But you play so well."

"Yeah, but I’d rather play with myself." There was an evil glint in his eyes at the double entendre.

Laughing, Tory shook her head at him. "You and Pam, always trying to embarrass me."

"In my defense, it’s because you’re adorable when you blush."

She wrinkled her nose at him as she swallowed her bite of apple-sauce. "You want some?"

"Ochi." No, in Greek.

"You sure?" She tried to tempt him again.

"Positive." Ash remembered the last time he’d eaten an apple. It’d been that day in the orchard with Ryssa when he’d begged his father not to send him back to Atlantis. Ever since then, he’d despised the fruit. The mere thought of it turned his stomach.

"So how many more sets do you have to play?"

"One more."

She bit her lip in a way that made him harden for want of her. "Then I get to play with you . . ."

His c**k jerked, ready for action even while his brain knew better. "You should reconsider."

She reached out and took his hand in hers. Her thumb swept against his palm in the gentlest of caresses. "When was the last time you made love to someone, Ash?"

Ash looked away as painful memories surged. Honestly, he couldn’t remember. Had he ever really made love to Artemis? Maybe in the very beginning. But it was so long ago and it hadn’t lasted.

All he could remember was the pain of her criticisms. The sheer agony of being nothing more than her boy-toy, there only to please her while he wasn’t allowed to have any feelings or opinions of his own. Only she could show her pain and displeasure while he was permitted nothing. Not even his dignity.

What they had was sex. Basic and primitive. There was no emotion involved really, unless it was anger.

Like all the others before her, she hated the fact that she craved him and she sought to punish him for the fact that she slept with him. They merely used each other. If there had ever been any real tender feelings, they’d been shredded centuries ago. Nothing was left now except tattered remains of a yesterday neither could recapture.

"Can’t you remember?" Tory asked.

"Not really," he answered truthfully.

Tory’s heart tugged at the way he said those words. She touched his whiskered chin and turned his head until he was looking at her. "I’m going to make love to you, Ash. Tonight, I will rock your world."

Ash pressed her hand to his lips and nibbled her fingertips as fear and trepidation filled him. This night would cost him dearly.

No one should pay for love with blood and bone.

Yet he knew no other way. He’d always paid for every caress and every kindness. Nothing was ever freely given. The only question that ever mattered was, was it worth it?

Would Tory be worth the cost?

He hoped so. He returned the sunglasses to his face. "I’ll be back."

Tory watched as he left and her heart was heavy for him. What were the secrets that tortured him so? Why did he look so afraid of touching her?

Finishing up her food, she went downstairs to watch him again. Pam and Kim were standing in the front, smiling. She came up behind them and goosed them on the bottom.

Pam goosed her back. "He’s amazing, isn’t he?"

"Yes, he is." Tory waved as Ash looked at her.

His answer was a sincere yet shy smile that warmed her heart and made her hot all over. The man was so choice . . .

She stayed there for several songs to watch and listen to Ash. When they started their final song, she went back upstairs so that she could get ready.

Ash frowned as he watched Tory leave the stage. Is she all right? he mouthed to Pam.

Pam nodded reassuringly.

Relieved, he couldn’t wait until the song was done. The instant it was, he slung his Fender over his back, unplugged it, and jumped off the stage.

"You guys have fun," Pam said to him while Kim giggled. "We’ll see you two later. Tell Tory to call me tomorrow."

"Will do." Ash cut through the crowd as he made his way back upstairs.

Justina and Katherine also took their leave with a promise to return in the morning.

Ash closed the outside door and locked it before he opened the one with a scanner. The moment he saw Tory, he froze. Dressed in a sheer black teddy that showed every curve of her body, she was dazzling. She’d brushed her hands through her hair, making it look rumpled.

Making her look delectable.

"Let me go shave real quick."

She frowned at him. "Shave?"

He ran the back of his fingers down his jaw, feeling how rough it was. "I don’t want to give you whisker burn."

Tory was touched by his thoughtfulness. Until he tried to walk into the bathroom with the guitar on his back. He cursed as it caught sideways in the doorway. His face mottled with color from his embarrassment. "Guess I should take this off." He shrugged it over his head before he leaned it against the wall.

She covered her smile with her hand as she struggled not to laugh. He could be so adorable at times.

While he was in the bathroom, she thumbed through the quick notes she’d made in Tabitha’s book. When he turned the water off, she put the book in the nightstand and tried to pose seductively on the bed.

Ash paused the towel against his chin as he caught sight of Tory on the bed with her legs tucked under her. She was trying to look seductive, but with her glasses on, it was a strange combination of the serious Tory and vixen.

And it made his c**k hard. Tossing the towel aside, he dropped his coat in the doorway, then pulled his shirt off over his head.

Tory was stunned by that body and the muscles that rippled with every move. He knelt on the bed and crawled toward her on all fours like some lumbering, hungry predator.

He paused over her as his long black hair fell forward to frame his face. Their bodies weren’t touching, but his swirling silver eyes seared her with heat. The muscles of his arms bulged from supporting his weight as he met her gaze. It was open, honest and at the same time she saw the fear in the back of those eyes and wondered what caused it.

The scent of leather and masculine skin made her instantly wet. He dipped his head down to hers and she shivered as only his lips made contact with hers. Then ever so slowly as he deepened that kiss to one of extreme potency, he lowered himself down on top of her until his weight pressed against her.

Tory sighed at the incredible sensation of his body on hers, of his lean h*ps resting between her legs. Her heart pounded at the bulge in his pants pressing against the center of her body. There was just so much of him. She reveled in the way he surrounded her with warmth and strength.

She ran her hands over his perfect back, feeling his muscles contract and tense as his mouth plundered hers. Wrapping her body around his, she rolled him over until he was pinned under her.

Ash didn’t move as she pulled back to kiss her way down his chest toward his navel. The sight of her so hungry for him made him ache not just from lust but from some inner part of him that wanted, just once, to have someone really love him. She cupped him through his pants, making him growl in pleasure. Looking up, she smiled at him as she nipped his stomach. Her playfulness was so charming and sweet. So very precious.