Read Books Novel

Bad Rep

Bad Rep (Bad Rep #1)(72)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

“And I didn’t care if she called me Jordan. Hell, she could call me the f**king president. She was that good.” Cole seemed a little wistful. Guys were disgusting. Yuck.

I smoothed my hair behind my ears. “So, when was the last time you saw Mi…I mean, Olivia’s friend?” I asked, trying not to sound too eager.

Cole frowned. “I guess it’s been a few weeks.” Hmm, interesting. Man, I would love to tell Olivia about her bestest buddy, Milla, who for years had been trying to screw Jordan behind her back. Then maybe I wouldn’t be the bad guy.

But then I realized, Olivia would never believe me over her friend. I mean, why would she? In the game of she said/she said, I would definitely lose. But I tucked the information away, hoping I’d have an opportunity to pull out the big guns at some point.

Cole was sort of grossing me out by this point as he continued to try and tell me about girls he slept with and the crazy places he’d had sex. Like I cared about any of that. So finally I cut him off. “Cole, do you know where Jordan is? I should let him know I’m here.”

Cole looked over at Mitch, who had given up playing pool and was watching the two girls he was with make out. “Mitchie! Do you know where Piper is?” Cole called out. One of the girls broke away from her lip lock and whipped her mouth.

“He was out by the bonfire when we left him,” she smirked. I clenched my fists, not liking how she said that at all. Cole laughed beside me. This guy laughed…a lot.

“Don’t mind Brooke. She’s just some of the pu**y the piper attracts. Obviously she didn’t get anywhere or her tongue wouldn’t be down Dalia’s throat over there. But, Maysie, you’ve can’t let that shit bother you. If I didn’t love the guy so much I’d punch him in the face. He’s that obnoxious about you.”

Cole may be a bit of a douche, but I could see the nice guy underneath. I gave Cole a small smile. “Thanks. I’m off to find him.” Cole slung his arm around my shoulder before I could walk away.

“And just so you know, if you ever get sick of Piper, there’s the really hot singer you could get to know. Just sayin’,” Cole teased. I rolled my eyes and didn’t bother to respond.

I made my way out to the bonfire and found my boyfriend sitting in a lawn chair, laughing with a group of people who seemed to be hanging on his every word. I took advantage of this opportunity to watch him. He was so charismatic and he seemed to suck people into his orbit without him even realizing it.

Girls and guys alike listened with rapt attention to whatever he was saying. He was talking very animatedly and I could tell he was drunk. I had never been around Jordan when he was overly inebriated, so I was a little nervous about that. Not that I was worried, just not sure what to expect.

There were three girls sitting at his feet. One of them had her hand curled around his ankle like a damn dog waiting to be petted. I was going to rip every one of those fingers off of him. White hot jealousy flashed through me and I took a step forward. The other two seemed to be vying for the closest spot. I watched as they slowly edged closer to Jordan until they were practically on top of him. And my man was completely oblivious to the affect he had.

Though I didn’t care about that, because aware or not, these girls needed to back the f**k off.

I walked up behind Jordan. He was saying something and moving his hands while he talked. I could see that his face was flushed. He was so sexy and damn cute too, with his excitable energy. The three girls at his feet looked up at me as I approached. Jeesh, it looked like he had a harem. Each of the girls wore way too much make up and way too little clothes. And then I didn’t feel so much as jealous as kind of embarrassed for them.

All three glared at me and gave me the girl stare. You know, the one where they give you the once over and calculate all of your flaws in point two seconds. They clearly felt threatened because they pushed closer to him.

Jordan was still talking, so I leaned down, ignoring the bimbette triplets and put my lips to his ear. “Hey, baby,” I whispered. Jordan immediately stopped talking and whipped his head around. The grin that split his lips was breathtaking. Wow. He was beautiful.

He jumped to his feet, practically knocking over the girl on the ground beside his chair. She glared at me again and I smirked. “Mays! You’re f**king here!” he said, picking me up and crushing me to his chest. He smelled of wood smoke and musky guy sweat and I loved it. “You took too damn long!” he told me before he pressed his lips to mine hungrily. Immediately his tongue swept into my mouth and his hands cupped my ass, hauling me up against him.

I almost forgot where we were until I heard a number of catcalls. I tore my mouth away, completely out of breath. My heart was hammering in my chest. Jordan’s fingers dug into the flesh under my butt cheeks as he nibbled my neck.

“You look f**king amazing. I want to tear your clothes off and put my dick inside you right now,” he said, his voice husky with desire. My panties went instantly wet and I couldn’t help but press my hips against his.

“I don’t think you want the entire party to see what goods your girlfriend is sporting under these clothes,” I teased, pulling him by the hair so that he would look at me.

The skin around Jordan’s eyes tightened. “Fuck no I don’t. All of this is mine. And only mine. No one else sees it. Ever!” He tightened his grip on my body possessively and let out a low growl. Crap, he had gone all territorial. And it was hot!

“That’s right, baby. Only for you,” I murmured as he leaned in to kiss me again.

“Piper! Is this your lady? Let me have a look!” I heard someone say. Jordan rolled his eyes but moved his hands from my ass to my hips. I looked up at him and tilted my head.

“I’ve heard all about why they call you Piper. Really cute name,” I taunted.

Jordan groaned. “Fuck, babe. It’s a stupid nickname. I’ve tried to get them to stop calling me that…” he started to explain but I held my hand up, stopping him.

“Jordan, it’s okay. You may be called the pied piper of pu**y. But the only pu**y you’ll be touching is mine.” It was my turn to go territorial and by the look on Jordan’s face he really liked it. A lot.

“Damn, baby.” He let out in a breath. I laughed. We were suddenly joined by a wiry guy who I recognized as Garrett. He was bouncing on his feet and his longish blond hair was in stringy disarray around his head.

Looking at him, I couldn’t decide if I thought he was cute or not. But he was appealing with his deep, dark eyes and thick, almost girlish lashes. And when he smiled, it lit up his face. Yep, I could see why the girls liked him.

“Hey Piper, introduce us! I’ve been dying to meet the chick who has made you tolerable again.” Garrett said, giving me a 100 watt smile. Wow, okay, he was sort of dazzling. And his personality was infectious. He was a live wire, that’s for sure.
