Read Books Novel

Bad Rep

Bad Rep (Bad Rep #1)(73)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

Jordan turned to me and gave the introductions. “Garrett, this is my girlfriend, Maysie Ardin. Maysie, this Garrett Bellows, lead guitarist and sometimes roommate.” Garrett reached out and yanked me from Jordan’s grip and then swallowed me in a huge hug.

I was a little taken aback by the overt show of affection from someone I had just met. Looking over Garrett’s shoulder at Jordan, he just shook his head and mouthed “go with it.” So I put my hands up and awkwardly patted Garrett on the back.

Garrett pulled back and held me by my upper arms. “You are f**king gorgeous, Maysie.” My face flushed. I was flattered by his open appreciation. Then he turned to Jordan. “And I can tell she’s a hell of a lot cooler than that bitch you used to date.” Jordan just laughed and I didn’t know what to say to that.

Olivia was obviously known as the “bitch” by Jordan’s band mates and I loved how that proved that she was not a perfect fit in his life. And maybe that also proved that I was.

Garrett tugged on a strand of my hair in a familiar gesture, as though we were long lost friends rather than two people who had met literally thirty seconds ago. “Enjoy the party, Maysie. Anyone than can make that f**ker start writing music again, is cool with me.” He gave me a loud, sloppy kiss on the cheek and then left as fast as he had come.

Jordan swooped in and pulled me back into his arms. “Sorry about that. I should have warned you that Garrett is very…uh…hands on,” he explained. I wrapped my arms around his middle.

I waved it off. “He’s nice,” I said honestly. Jordan kissed my neck and then was distracted by two guys who were calling his name. They held up a beer bong and were gesturing for Jordan to come over and try it out. He tugged on our joined hands. I pulled away and gave him a grin.

“Go ahead, I’ll wait here.” Jordan kissed me again.

“Just give me a sec. I’ll be right back and we can get out of here.” He flashed me a gorgeous smile before going to suck beer out of a funnel. I stood on the edge of the bonfire, hands shoved in my jean pockets.

“What’s a girl like you doing at a party like this?” a voice asked over my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw a guy standing there. He was tall and skinny. Not bad looking, in a heroin chic kind of way. He had dark hair and dark eyes. And he was looking at me as if I were on the menu he planned to order from.

“Just waiting for my boyfriend.” I replied, indicating Jordan, who was flat on his back with a length of plastic piping in his mouth. I could see beer rushing through it. Girls circled him, clapping as though they were watching an Olympic sport.

The guy didn’t drop his smile. And for some reason he didn’t take the hint about the boyfriend and instead took it as an invitation. Was he low functioning or something? “Well, let me keep you company then.” He stepped in closer and swept his hand up my back, starting with my ass. What? Was this guy for real?

I moved away. “I’m fine, thanks. And I really think you should keep your hands to yourself.” This dude was making me seriously uncomfortable. The guy closed the space between us again, his hand resting firmly on my left buttock and giving it a squeeze. I swung around and smacked his hand away. “I said, I’m fine. Now back the f**k off,” I told him through gritted teeth.

This guy was either crazy or stupid. Because he just grinned at me again and reached out to touch me.

“I’m gonna cut those fingers off if you don’t keep them to yourself, Amos,” Jordan growled from behind me. My boyfriend stepped in front of me and grabbed a hold of the front of Amos’s shirt and gave him a hard shove.

The guy went down like a ton of bricks, sprawling out in the grass. “Hey man, I didn’t know she was yours. Sorry!” Amos held his hands up in surrender. Jordan took a threatening step toward him and I grabbed his arm.

“Enough Jordan!” I said sharply. Jordan was barely able to stand up right. I could see that the beer bong was taking affect. Amos got to his feet and scurried away. Jordan then spun around to me, his eyes flashing.

“Did he touch you?” he snarled and I blinked in confusion.

“What?” I asked lamely. Was he mad at me because some loser tried to cop a feel? Jordan cupped the back of my neck and jerked me forward, his mouth so close to mine I could smell the beer on his breath.

“Did that ass**le touch you?” he growled, his face dark.

I swallowed thickly. “Um, he tried…” I started but didn’t finish because Jordan hefted me up, his hands cupping my ass and I had to wrap my legs around his waist so I wouldn’t fall. He stalked off through the yard with me hanging off of him like a damn monkey.

“Where are we going?” I asked, not sure what was going on. Jordan seemed pissed. His vibe was fierce and intimidating. He didn’t answer me, heading toward a huge out building at the back of the property.

“Answer me!” I demanded, smacking his shoulder, but his fingers only dug into my ass and he bit down on my shoulder hard enough to make me yelp. When he got around to the back of the building, he dropped me to my feet and then grabbed a hold of my hips roughly. He walked me backwards until my back was pressed against the wall of the shed.

He bent his head and captured my mouth with his, biting at my lips aggressively. My insides went instantly molten. His hand slid up my body to cup my breast through my shirt, his fingers rubbing into my fabric covered flesh.

I pulled back slightly, my lips feeling tender from his mouth. “What is this for?” Jordan’s eyes glinted in the moonlight, an almost feral look on his face.

“No one touches you but me,” he said in a low voice, the words tinged in a growl. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Baby, you think I wanted that ass**le to touch me? Please, give me some credit,” I scoffed. Jordan’s hips pushed into mine again and his hand deftly popped the button of my jeans. Then he unzipped them and folded the waist down. My breath hitched as his hand slid down the front, caressing the soft silk of my panties. His fingers found my wet center. I was soaked. His possessiveness was a serious turn on.

He slipped his finger under the edge of my panties and plunged inside me. I gasped and my hips arched to meet his hand. He bent his head and started sucking and nibbling at the skin of my shoulder. “I know you didn’t want him to, babe. That’s not the point. This is mine.” Okay, so obviously he was feeling some sort of caveman need to mark me.

He thrust a second finger inside me and I groaned, my head falling back as he attacked my throat with his mouth. My body started to clench around his fingers and I felt my orgasm shudder through me. I cried out as Jordan continued to pump his fingers in a merciless rhythm.
