Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

"I’m so sick of all this shit." Jazz frowns at my words but holds his tongue, and with a loud exhale I force myself to go on. "I’m sick of feeling like a dumb f**k, and I’m sick of everything being so difficult and awkward. We’ve all made mistakes, and we’ll have to deal with this mess eventually, but something has to change, now."

I can feel Bella’s silent approval from my side, but Jazz still looks doubtful.

No wonder, considering that both he and Bella did a lot of talking, in the bathroom and afterwards respectively, while I’ve mostly kept my thoughts to myself.

Looking down at my hands for a moment, I force myself to take the next step.

"I had thought that I was done with you, but listening to you and Bella today has made me realize that I still want you. Not in a mushy, ‘oh I’ve been so heartbroken over losing you’ kind of way, but simple, primal need. I want to f**k you, no more, no less."

A hint of a grin starts showing on Jasper’s face, but I go on before he can get his hopes up.

"But that doesn’t mean I’m over what you did, or that either of us has forgiven you. It just means that we’re willing to give you a chance." I deliberately stress that I’m talking for both Bella and myself, and when I stop there she picks up the thread effortlessly after squeezing my thigh.

"And by chance we mean one chance. Don’t f**k up or I will personally kick you out for good."

The underlying rage in her voice is scary, and it has a satisfyingly sobering effect on Jazz.

"I won’t mess up, I promise," Jazz tries to interject, but Bella isn’t done yet, and a look from her is enough to make him shut up at once.

"We’ll see about that. I just need you to fully understand what I mean.

Edward and I have moved forward a lot since our last threesome, both as a couple and in the playroom. As much as I’m happy to have you back with us, I won’t let you come between us. I’m sure Edward will enjoy teaching you a thing or two if you want that and letting you be his sidekick, but I could never see you as my Dom. I also don’t need you to be my knight in shining armor, because this damsel here really loves being in distress. If something freaks you out I expect you to just go and leave us to what we want to do, and later we can talk about it. But you can’t intervene on my behalf, so to say, because I really don’t want you to, and the last thing I need is Edward second-guessing himself just because what I need him to do makes you uncomfortable. Get that?"

"Loud and clear. And don’t worry, I won’t even try."

Her snort is derisive, but she leaves it at that, obviously happy to have that conversation for another time. Jazz looks sincere enough that I don’t think this matter needs any more stressing, but I’m relieved that Bella has been the one to tackle it – however he might really be feeling about it, hearing it from her will leave more of an impression than if I had said it.

"Good, now that that’s settled I guess we can move on, right?"

They both look a little surprised at my forced happy tone, but I don’t dwell on that.

"Of course we can spend weeks now, or even months, to slowly re-establish our friendship and take baby steps to see just where this will lead to, but somehow I get the impression that none of us would really be happy with that. Let’s face it, you want to f**k me, I want to f**k you, and Bella’s a step away from happy feet at the thought of being the filling in that sandwich, so why wait?"

Jazz nearly chokes on his last sip of coffee at my words, then turns a partly lopsided grin at me.

"You don’t really believe in beating around the bush anymore, I take it."

"Nope. Every time I tried to be subtle about something instead of stating blunt facts it ended in a mess. I’m done with that. Got any problems with that?"

"None, whatsoever."

"Great, are we done with this yet? Because I really need to get laid, now that the number of available cocks has doubled for me."

Jazz looks from Bella to me, then back to her and chuckles.

"You don’t do subtle anymore, either, I see?"

She laughs, then gets up in one lithe motion as she shakes her head.

"Subtlety is so overrated, if you ask me."

Leaning down she plants a single, gentle kiss onto my lips, murmuring a soft, "Don’t be a stranger," before she walks over to Jazz. The fact that she has to squeeze herself between the coffee table and me doesn’t hamper the near predatory grace of her movements, her eyes never leaving Jasper’s, not even when she straddles him and crosses her arms loosely behind his neck. Although her tits are right in front of him he keeps gazing into her face, as if he’s still searching for something there.

I half expect her to play coy and bite her lip, or add another remark that will dampen the intensity and turn it into something more comfortable, but she doesn’t. Instead she makes him tilt his face up more by bringing her own close to his, then kisses him, slowly but passionately. He hesitates for a moment, then joins in, his hands kneading her hips just where her tank top has ridden up, revealing a sliver of warm, smooth flesh.

I also expect some of the residual jealousy that has been riding shotgun throughout our last threesome to rear its ugly head, but watching them just makes me unbearably horny.

Bella breaks off the kiss by leaning back enough to grin at Jazz, her fingers idly playing with his hair.

"Does that feel weird to you?"

He shrugs, still focused on her, the motion letting him push up her top a couple of inches more.

"A little, as usual."

Not the reply she’s been waiting for, but she laughs it off easily enough.

"But is that a problem for you?"

"I’d say that’s part of the appeal," he answers, then shifts his grip so that his hands steady her back as he leans forward in turn, licking along her clavicle and up the side of her throat. Bella laughs breathily as she turns her head to give him better access, the motion also making her look over at me. The lust darkening her eyes makes my c**k respond instinctively, but she still seems to feel the need to encourage me.

"Why don’t you come a little closer? It’s creepy when you just sit there and stare at us."

She even adds a pout, as if I don’t know that she’s teasing me, but instead of following her lead I remain where I am.

"Maybe because you two are so hot together that I just want to watch you for a while?"

My reply makes her laugh, the sound turning into a squeak when Jazz grabs her ass and pulls her closer, burying his face in her still covered tits.

He joins in her laughter then until she attacks his neck, causing him to squeeze her ass harder while she grinds her hips against his. His head lolls to the side then and now it’s him looking over at me, once he opens his eyes again. The intensity in his gaze draws me in, and I already feel myself getting up when he agrees with Bella’s previous assessment, offering a snorted, "Yeah, creepy."

I don’t really know what exactly I should do then, so I just sit down closer to them, and again Bella takes the lead. Sliding down from Jazz’s lap and turning around, she ends up wedged between us, and while he’s busy kissing her neck again, she turns her face to me. Never one to pass up such an invitation I press my lips against hers, my tongue deep in her mouth until I make her moan against me. Sliding my hand up her side I grab her right tit and squeeze it, then let my fingers find her nipple to rub it gently. She arches her torso into my grasp and moans again, this time clearly encouragingly, so I do the same with her other breast.

Bella’s hand soon finds her way into my sweat pants, eagerly grabbing my already hardening cock, but then she turns her head away, breaking our kiss, to glare at Jazz.
