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Beautiful Disaster

"Your jeans are a problem. Off!"

He grins at her but doesn’t make a move to obey her command, although the bulge in his pants shows that he’s obviously not opposed to her hand rubbing over the denim as it is. Instead he reaches up and grabs her head to kiss her roughly, causing an indignant squeal from her that doesn’t really sound like protest. I use the opportunity to bite down on the exposed side of her neck, adding to her distress. I’ve nearly forgotten just how much fun teasing her like that has always been, and the way she keeps stroking my c**k she doesn’t seem to mind herself.

When he lets go of her hair again Jazz accidentally brushes against my right arm, and for a moment my skin where he has touched me seems to tingle. I can’t even rationally explain why, with most of Bella’s body mashed against mine that little bit of additional contact shouldn’t matter, but it does, and judging from the cautious look on his face I’m not the only one feeling it. I wonder if I should touch him in turn, but it seems as if I’m not yet quite there yet. Bella doesn’t miss us both freezing for a few seconds, but her incessant squirming against us quickly diverts our attention back to her.

"I don’t know about you, but I’m wearing too much. Anyone in a mind to change that?"

Jazz hesitates a little so I take up the challenge and draw her closer to me so that her back is pressed against my chest. I mash my lips against hers hungrily, then slide my hands underneath her already hitched up tank top.

She’s only wearing that and her yoga pants so I take my time, instead of undressing her I resume teasing her ni**les. They are obviously still more sensitive from getting pierced not long ago, but as far as I can tell that’s more of an advantage than a hindrance.

Jazz shifts so that he’s crouching on the sofa now, then moves closer so that he can run his fingers over the exposed skin at her hips and slide them into her waistband. When he incidentally touches my thigh this time it doesn’t make me pause again, nor when he not so incidentally strokes my left forearm before he pulls her tank top off over her head.

I shift my grip on her tits then so that I’m cupping them from underneath as I push them up and together, in a way offering them to him. Of course he looks at them – what guy wouldn’t? – and it’s funny to watch his eyes widen as he becomes aware of the recent changes neither of us has yet felt the need to inform him of. Leaning further back against me Bella chuckles, then strokes her ni**les invitingly.

"You like?"

"Oh, me like a lot," Jazz replies, his eyes still glued to her br**sts. Then they snap up to my face, a hint of a frown on his. "Your idea?"

I don’t know if I should be offended or amused at the assumption, but decide to let it go.

"Nope, all her idea."


"All," I confirm with a smirk, then continue to ravage Bella’s mouth while my fingers keep digging into her tits. Jazz eventually overcomes his shock and picks up where he has left off before by dragging Bella’s pants down her legs. Tease that she is she keeps her knees together so that he doesn’t get a better idea of what said ‘all’ entails, but once she’s naked herself she starts working on the fly of his jeans, unhindered by my hands still kneading her br**sts.

It takes a little shuffling and tugging to get Jazz out of his jeans, and I can tell from the way Bella keeps fumbling that she wants me to help. I’m more reluctant to let go of her tits than touch him, which makes me pause once again, but I’m not one to dwell on things like that for long. We end up kneeling on the couch with Bella perching on the edge of the coffee table, and I can’t really bring myself to look away when Jazz catches my gaze.

Following a spur of the moment impulse I grab his head and kiss him, telling myself that I should quit stalling after my dramatic speech from before. The taste, scent, feel of him invading my senses is still so familiar, yet oddly strange at the same time.

The kiss only lasts a few moments as we both pull away from each other when Bella utters a guttural sound, instantly feeling guilty about taking it that step too far, but when my eyes find hers she just looks back at me with confusion plain on her face.

"Why did you stop?"

"Because of you?" I offer, but I already feel the iron grip of my bad conscience slip away. She’s so obviously neither horrified nor distressed, at least not in that kind of way. Jazz is already chuckling under his breath when she finally catches on, rolling her eyes at me.

"Seriously? Don’t you think I’ve had ample opportunity to freak out today?

Why should watching you kiss do the trick now? You know that I’ve always found that hot." Her gaze then turns cunning as she looks from me to Jazz, and back again. "You have no idea how many times I’ve fantasized about watching you two getting it on. Might even say you owe me the real thing now."

"Is that so?"

She shrugs at my question, still unperturbed.

"Well, no sense denying it, right? And as much as I love being the center of attention, I don’t need that all the time. In fact, if you’d ask me what I’d want to happen now I’d say I wouldn’t care either way as long as it all ends with one c**k in my pu**y and the other in my ass."

The way she keeps looking from one of us to the other states clearly what she means with that, but when neither of us makes a move Bella sighs, leaning back.

"I really don’t want to talk you into anything, but don’t hold back on my account. I’m sure I can find a way to keep myself occupied while you get, ah, reacquainted with each other. That is, if we can maybe suspend our rules for tonight?"

I guess the fact that I haven’t even considered the implications of her getting herself off is telling the state my mind is in right now, but strictly speaking, her previous assault in itself would have been enough reason for serious punishment if I had wanted that.

"Fuck the rules."

It’s comical how happy my words make her, but then her grin turns rather lewd.

"Shall I get the lube from upstairs? I’m sure I’m going to need it for myself, and I don’t mind sharing."

I just nod, then watch her naked ass as she gets up and walks over to the stairs. Jazz seems equally transfixed by the show – and Bella’s tattoo showing on her naked back – but he’s looking over at me then as if he’s feeling my gaze on him.

For several seconds we just stare at each other, the tension between us palpable. At my nod he comes a little closer. He leans towards me, slowly.

Getting a little impatient, I don’t wait for him to finish the motion but kiss him myself, a little less hastily than the first time. His hand is on my shoulder, kneading the muscles there, and I can feel my whole body respond to him.

Yet very soon our kiss is gaining in passion and momentum, urgency gripping us both with desire riding shotgun. My hand sneaks under his t-shirt to his side to pull him closer still and he eagerly complies, moving in so that he’s partly perching over me.

We’re so caught in the moment that neither of us notices Bella’s return, but her eager lips latching onto the side of my neck while her hand appears inside my pants around my c**k again is most welcome. My head is spinning with need from the overwhelming sensations all around, and it’s easy to get lost in them.

Somehow we end up naked, our clothes discarded strategically around the couch, and I’m once again kissing Bella hungrily when I feel her and Jazz shift. I try to pull away from her to see what is going on but she doesn’t let me, her hands gripping my head with unerring determination. Then I feel another hand stroking down over my chest to my stomach, and a moment later it wraps purposefully around my hard cock.
