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Beautiful Disaster

The sensation is divine, and more than I can take and still remain passive.

He’s still waiting for her to get used to being so filled like that when I pull her closer to me with my arms slung around her lower back, and pick up f**king her again. Even held down like that the motion rocks her so hard that our mouths lose contact, but hearing her pant and moan into my ear is even better than ravaging her mouth.

With Bella’s head now resting on my shoulder I can finally catch a glimpse at Jazz behind her sweaty waves of hair all over my face, and seeing the look of restrained bliss there only fuels my own need. He still hasn’t moved inside of her but I can feel his c**k with each of my thrusts, and I know that so does he.

Slowing down a little I keep watching him, feeling myself grin when he finally opens his eyes and looks at me. At a raise of his brow I force myself to grow still entirely, the rapid rise and fall of Bella’s chest against mine the only motion for a second or two. He shifts his own hold on her, now no longer gripping her shoulder but her hips, and sets a slow pace as he withdraws almost completely, then pushes back into her ass as far as possible. Bella rewards this with a long drawn moan that sounds nearly like a purr, and after a little shift I feel her nibble on the muscles between my neck and shoulder. Her tingling love bites add to the maelstrom of sensations assaulting my body, and for a while I’m very happy to just relish them all.

Yet like before I can stay passive only for so long, the increasing urgency in Jazz’s thrusts resonating with my own. I find his gaze again and at his nod let go of Bella, then push her up into a more sitting position. Pulling her closer against him with a strong arm around her middle Jazz keeps her there, then brings his other hand to her cunt, starting to rub her clit. My hands now free I reach up and grab her tits, loving the feel of them bouncing with every motion slamming into her body. Bella’s previously closed eyes fly open when I switch to pinching her ni**les hard, but while her pained gasp nearly makes me change tactics, the fact that she almost immediately comes again underlines that I should just keep going. Which I, of course, do.

Her climax seems to go on forever, furthered by us both f**king her at the same time now, and before long I can’t hold back anymore myself. With a few last, hard thrusts I reach my own orgasm, then let the erratic bucking of her hips draw out my own pleasure. Jazz follows suit with a loud shout, his face buried in Bella’s neck, and once he’s done we all collapse into a sweating, heaving, satisfied tangle of limbs.

Surprisingly enough Bella is the first to recover, although still locked between us she can’t do more than squirm. When that gets her a playful slap on her ass from Jazz she underlines a low moan with a laugh.

"Shit, I can’t tell you how good that feels."

"I think that’s pretty obvious," Jazz retorts, then makes as if to pull away, but I stop him with my foot pushing down on the back of his thigh. While not exactly in a comfortable position I’m disinclined to move and let us disentangle ourselves. It seems as if I’m not alone with that as he doesn’t try again, but after a little rearranging leans closer to me to capture my lips in a slow, gentle kiss.

It feels different than before, maybe because now the raging need in all of us is sated for the moment, but I won’t even begin to deny that I like it.

Freeing my hand from where it got trapped underneath either him or Bella –

I really can’t tell who – I bring it up to the back of his neck, pulling him just a little closer so that I can deepen the kiss as I push my tongue deeper into his mouth.

I’m a little reluctant to part when he finally draws back, and immediately feel bad about it until I find Bella smiling at me. Her eyes are still bright and her cheeks flushed from the exertion, but there’s not even a trace of jealousy in her gaze, nor in the way she snuggles closer to me. I place a gentle kiss on her forehead, then keep nudging her with my nose until she turns her face up, letting me languidly rub my tongue against hers.

Once our cocks have grown soft enough to slip out of her Bella shifts to untangle her legs, then keeps pushing at both me and Jazz until she’s free, staggering to her feet a little unsteadily. She’s in dear need of a shower, sweat plastered hair sticking to her face and torso, and all kinds of fluids wetting her ass and legs, but there’s not a thread of self-consciousness to her as she looks down at where Jazz and I are still reluctant to move.

"Who wants to join me in the shower? First one to offer to wash my back gets a blowjob!"

Neither of us reacts, probably because it’s too much fun watching her turn a veritable glare on us, her hands pushed into her hips just over where faint red marks start turning into light bruises. I feel a little like high-fiving Jazz for us doing a good job there.

"Okay, let me rephrase that. Get off my couch this very second!"

Jazz laughs while I try to hide a grin, and he turns back to her after looking at me briefly.

"Your couch?"

"Yes, my couch. I searched for it for months, then fought over it with a scary woman with a mustache and a crazy Texan accent. And as much as I’m still pissed that I never got to burn the last couch in a vengeful yet cathartic ritual, I really love this one and intend to keep it. I don’t even want to start thinking about what kind of gunk is soaking deeper and deeper into the leather with every second that you keep lounging on it. Off, now!"

Opting to be the wise man for once I set to obeying her order with a grunt, then haul Jazz up with me when he still seems bent on angering Bella further. As one-sided as our relationship might seem on the outside, it’s a carefully plotted balance, and I’m frankly too scared of the repercussions of Bella getting angry at me for being deliberately stupid.

Clearly happy with herself for having won that fight Bella turns around and stalks off towards the stairs, and as there’s no sense in remaining behind, I quickly follow her, Jazz on my heels.

In the past showering together has often turned into just another round of horny f**king, but it becomes obvious that tonight neither of us is up for that. There’s still a lot of sloppy kissing and groping involved, but before long we end up in bed. Jazz hesitates a little as if he’s unsure of whether he should join us, but Bella is having none of that, tugging on his arm until he’s spooning her back, while she’s half lying on my arm and chest. Sighing contently she then closes her eyes, a happy smile still on her face, and her breathing evens out almost immediately.

"Are you seriously going to sleep now?" Jazz huffs on her other side, but Bella doesn’t even crack one eye open, let alone roll over to look at him.

"Sure, any objections? Your c**k doesn’t really feel ready for anything else, the way it’s snuggled all soft and cozy against my ass."

"I can’t believe you just said that!" he huffs, making as if to push himself up into a sitting position, but when all he gets in return is a chuckle from me, he quiets down again.

"She’s usually out cold in a minute, you better get used to that fast. In fact, it would concern me a lot more if she weren’t."

"So nice of you to talk like that about me when I’m right here, about to drool onto your chest," she murmurs, but her voice is already getting thick with sleep. Stroking her side gently underneath the blanket I watch her drift off, not perturbed when Jazz rearranges himself to get a little more comfortable. Cold as she usually is, having two hot bodies to keep her warm at night seems to suit Bella just fine.

While I don’t fall asleep as fast as she does, a few minutes later it’s hard for me to keep my eyes open. I’m mentally and physically exhausted, and the fact that I feel like an enormous weight has been lifted from my chest only lets me drift off faster. I still force myself to open my eyes one last time before I’m out cold to check on Jazz. He looks content enough, but not quite as relaxed as I feel; then again it’s only understandable that there’s more in his head still plaguing him than there is in mine. He still grins at me faintly when he catches me watching, and I decide that tomorrow is a better day to start worrying if this can ever work out the way we all seem to want.
