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Beautiful Disaster

A low moan leaves me, partly obscured by Bella still sucking on my tongue, but then she moves back, a veritable leer on her face as she looks down to where Jazz is beginning to stroke me. They both share a look, then Bella slides down until she’s crouching next to where Jazz is kneeling now between my spread legs, her fingers drawing idle lines along my thigh.

"Just tell me if you need help. Or a few pointers."

He smirks at her while he brings his other hand up to cup my balls, squeezing them in turn with his stroking.

"I’m good. If you don’t mind I’d like to try myself. Let’s see how well fantasy translates to reality."

I really don’t feel like protesting about being left out of their conversation, even less so when Jazz then leans forward so he can slide my c**k into his mouth. Bella seems most amused by my resulting moan, then slaps Jazz playfully on the ass like one would do with a horse.

"I’ll find something else to occupy myself with," she informs him, then grins up at me while she grabs the previously forgotten bottle of lube, her gaze switching between my face and crotch. Jazz is obviously trying to do a good job but his rhythm is off and the haphazard scraping of his teeth about nullifies the positive psychological effect of watching him try to suck me off.

When I feel my hard-on lessening, I decide to add a few comments myself.

He is eager enough to respond to my murmured suggestions, including just stopping for a bit so I can guide his head with my hand. I’m so fascinated by the sight of my c**k disappearing between his lips that I wonder what makes him stop a minute later, but a quick glance down his back reveals that Bella indeed has found herself something else to play with.

"Do you like having my finger up your ass?" she coos at Jazz from where she’s sitting on the edge of the coffee table again, her right arm propping herself up on him while she keeps sliding her left middle finger inside him with slow, gentle motions. Jazz hums approvingly, which in turn makes me groan with pleasure again, leading to another delighted laugh from Bella.

"Do you like it just as much as sucking on his cock? Just think about how it will feel when eventually he’s not only f**king your mouth, but your ass, too."

He lets out a muffled gasp when she stops, but it’s only to squirt a generous amount of lube onto her palm to dip two fingers in it, resuming f**king his ass with them, just as she picks up stroking his dick with the remainder of the clear liquid coating her hand. Watching her work him over like that has me all wound up, enough so to ignore that he’s still not really doing the best job sucking me off. Before long I can’t stay passive anymore and shift a bit so that I can actively thrust up into his mouth, and from the way he keeps moaning he likes me taking charge of him, surprisingly so.

Jazz still comes about a minute before I do, either because Bella does a better job than he himself, or I’m more used to holding back. I let go of his head just before I climax so he can move away, but he doesn’t, letting me come in his mouth. Bella, just finishing wiping her fingers clean on some antibacterial wipes, grabs his head in turn and kisses him deeply, making the whole exchange of body fluids even hotter.

Seemingly exhausted by his efforts Jazz withdraws a little, and I decide that Bella has been a tease long enough. Moving forward the moment he pulls back I push her shoulders down so that she ends up lying on the coffee table, grinning up at me as she licks her lips pointedly. I chuckle darkly as I part her thighs with a decisive motion, making her wriggle her ass a bit as she draws her spread knees towards her chest.

She’s so wet that two of my fingers slide into her easily, and before she can protest about me teasing her like that I add a third, receiving an appreciative moan from her in turn. When I look from her flushed face to where Jazz has halted, crouching next to her on the floor, I chuckle again, using my other hand to gently stroke over Bella’s swollen, pierced labia, my thumb finding her clit.

She’s still laughing at his dumbfounded expression when she snatches the bottle of lube up from the floor, then brings two of her coated fingers to her anus as she reaches around one of her bent legs. Feeling first one, then both of her fingers inside her as I keep f**king her with mine is making my c**k grow hard slowly again; an effect that is greatly improved when Jazz overcomes his shock and goes back to kissing her, one of his hands massaging her tits.

Soon Bella is writhing and moaning under our joined ministrations, but I let her set the pace, mostly because I really love her pleasuring herself like that. I can feel her pu**y walls already gripping my fingers hard when she suddenly stops, her free hand on my wrist making me halt.

"Don’t want to come just yet," she pants as she pushes Jazz away, only to reach for his dick. "I want to come with your c**k down my throat."

He complies with a breathy laugh, getting up so that she can reach his dick with her mouth. Only he doesn’t wait for her to start sucking, but grabs her hair almost roughly and resumes a leisurely pace of f**king her mouth. I’m surprised at his forcefulness for a moment, and the quizzical look on his face tells me that he’s not sure about it himself, but Bella’s eager participation soon does away with his doubt. When I feel her fingers start to move up her ass again I do the same with mine in her pu**y, but refrain from teasing her clit. I know she can come from penetration alone easily enough, and as she seems to want to hold back a while longer, I won’t push her – yet. That resolution about lasts a minute or two, then my own need is getting too overwhelming.

Watching her writhe between us makes it hard for me to hold back any longer, so I withdraw my fingers from her cunt. She makes as if to turn her head to look at me but Jazz keeps her from that, and a few moments later her loud groan signals that she definitely approves of getting my c**k instead. Feeling her fingers like that creates a whole different kind of lusty feedback for me, and suddenly I can’t get her coming soon enough.

Gripping her ankles for leverage I start f**king her, hard and fast enough to shove her body along with the motion. She cries out in response, the sound still muffled by the c**k in her mouth, and I feel her whole body grow tense with her impending release almost immediately. The temptation is there to stop and keep her from climaxing for a while longer, but I’m too wound up for that myself, and instead enjoy watching her come between us.

Gasping for air Bella finally pulls away from Jazz once she’s calming down again, but I’m of no mind to give her any time to recuperate. Letting go of her ankles I slide my hands down her legs, then grab her around the waist to pull her up and back with me so that we end up on the couch with her straddling me, my c**k still inside of her. Still trying to regain her senses after her orgasm, she sags against my chest, and I use that as an excuse to further shift her around on my lap so that I can freely slam my c**k up into her. The moment I start f**king her again her breathless pants turn to near animalistic grunts, her fingers digging into my upper arms to find purchase. Grabbing her ass to keep her where I need her to be I keep going like that for a few more thrusts, then stop, stealing her breath away with my tongue invading her mouth. I keep kneading her ass roughly as our kiss turns to something more resembling sucking and biting, but when she tries to move her hips, I force her to keep still a little longer.

Taking the obvious hint Jazz joins us again then. With Bella all over me I can’t see him, but I feel his knee bump against mine, then his fingers pushing into her through the thin wall of her pu**y. Bella’s residual moaning rises in pitch, and I think I feel her come again when he finally grips her shoulder to steady himself and eases his c**k into her ass.
