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Beautiful Disaster

Speeding my hand up further I lean close enough to pick up the faint scent of him, but refrain from touching him anywhere else still. The way his muscles flex all over his body is fascinating and I feel myself respond to him, forcing me to take a step back if I want to avoid pressing my hard c**k against his ass. As used as I am to Bella’s slight form by now the contrast is even more obvious, and I have to admit, I’ve missed the challenge of being in control of someone I can’t just pick up and throw over my shoulder, or hold down easily with just the weight of my body.

Jazz is close to reaching his orgasm soon, and just when I’m wondering if he’ll ask for permission to come or not, he utters a low "Please!"

"Please? Please what?"

"Please let me come?"

It’s more a question now than before, and for neglecting to call me ‘Sir’

again I leave him hanging for a few more minutes while I add more of a squeeze to my even pumping, but then relent.


And he does, almost immediately, hot streams hitting his stomach and dribbling over my fingers. Locking his muscles Jazz remains standing still then, his loud breathing echoing through the room. With my c**k so hard it would be easy to either ask him to repay the favor, or even better, use his mouth for that, but the spell is broken, reality crashing down around us.

When I let go of his c**k and step away I see his shoulders shake once, and I can’t say if it’s exhaustion, or something else.

If it were Bella acting like that I would ask if she was alright, but I don’t think Jazz will appreciate that. Even when I step away from him he doesn’t move for several seconds, then avoids looking at me as he walks over to the sink to wash the gunk off his body. Grabbing his discarded shorts and t-shirt off the floor I hold them out to him when he finally returns. He accepts them mutely and dresses, the darkness of the room making it impossible to judge the look on his face.

"Feel like sleeping now? I’m sure Bella is already missing us."

I can’t tell if his grimace is really a smile, or if I’m just paranoid myself, but he shakes his head after a moment.

"I don’t think I can sleep. I’d just keep you awake, and not in the way you might want to be kept awake."

I nod but don’t turn to go, feeling that there’s still something left unsaid between us. He glances towards the sofa, then back to me as he heaves a sigh.

"I just miss her so much. I wish I didn’t because now it makes me feel even worse, like I’m betraying you and Bella. I know it will get better eventually, but right now it just hurts."

His voice is so low that I have trouble understanding him, but his pain is so obvious that it’s impossible to miss. I don’t know what to do, particularly as I don’t think that there is anything I really could do to help, but then follow my gut and hug him, a quick yet warm gesture. He leans into me for the moment it lasts, accepting the strength I offer, but not unhappy when I let go again.

"You know that we both have your back. And neither Bella nor I feel betrayed. I think I would be more concerned if you could just shake her off like that."

Jazz looks up at my words, then nods before he reaches for the remote.

"If you don’t mind, I think I’ll sleep here."

"Okay. Sure. But if you change your mind, you’re welcome upstairs, too."

I leave him to continue his late night channel surfing then, taking the previously gathered clothes up with me. Bella is still soundly asleep just as I’ve left her, and after undressing I slide under the duvet beside her. I’m still horny although my hard-on has subsided a little, but that changes fast when I snuggle close to her. Immediately she moves into my arms, barely awake as she is, and I kiss her shoulder gently.

Trying to go to sleep now is impossible, but I don’t want to wake her up to take care of the hard-on I have from jerking off Jazz. It doesn’t feel right.

But the longer I lay there, softly rubbing my c**k against her ass, the more I want her, need her, and eventually I give in.

Bella moans when she feels my fingers slide between her pu**y lips, rubbing up and down until I feel wetness seeping from her pu**y. My other hand is on her breast, kneading gently but insistently, and I continue to kiss her shoulder until she stretches languidly, then turns her face sleepily to me so that I can brush my lips against hers.

"What’s with the booty call in the middle of the night? You can’t really be horny still from last evening."

"Nope, horny all over again," I confess, then plunge my tongue deep into her mouth while I slide my fingers into her at the same time. Still sleepy but waking up fast now she arches her back into the cage of my arms, then laughs groggily when I pull my head away from hers again.

"Wet dream or something else?"

"Something else," I admit, sounding about as sheepish as I feel, making her laugh.

"What have you two been up to without me? I swear I’m going to throw a fit if you f**ked him without me being there to watch. You know how much I want to watch."

The last bits of guilt dissipate at that, and I smile as I kiss her again slowly.

"Nope, we just talked while I jerked him off, against the window."

"Bastard," she purrs, then rolls over, in so doing dislodging my hands, but now she’s free to kiss me herself with fervor, while her eager hand does the same thing I was doing to Jazz not long ago.

"I know, you would have loved to watch that, too."

"That of course, but I meant him. Letting you go without taking care of you first."

I would have laughed at her words but her teeth nibbling on my bottom lip keep me from that, so I thrust my hips into her grip more firmly.

"That just doesn’t do," she huffs, and when she lets go of my dick without doing anything else I take the hint.

Pushing her over onto her stomach I pull myself up into a crouch over her, already pressing her shoulders into the pillow while I re-arrange her ass to my likings. Pumping my c**k twice I align it with her pu**y, then push inside, settling more firmly on her so that all she can really move is her hips. She moans into the pillow while I grab her wrists, then cross them over her head so that I can hold them in one of my hands, leaving the other free to prop myself up.

Before I can even start to f**k her she already jerks her hips back, impaling herself deeper on my cock, and that’s all the incentive I need. Growling into her ear I draw back, then thrust into her, setting a fast pace as I slam into her, getting rewarded with small, muffled cried every time my crotch meets her ass. She’s writhing under me so that I put my free hand between her shoulder blades to keep her down – and at least part of her body still – so she doesn’t throw me off or dislodges my cock.

"Fuck. Me. Harder!" I hear her breathless pants, and I comply with fervor, grinning evilly when I feel her lose it a few seconds later. I still wait until she’s done convulsing before I let go of her and flip her over, then push one of her knees to her chest and thrust back into her, continuing in missionary so I can ravage her mouth. Bella keeps panting and moaning with abandon, soon thrashing her head around when my fingers on her clit almost make her come a second time.

"Shit. I’m sorry

shouldn’t have

forgot to ask


ah!" she

finally gives up to try to form a coherent sentence, pulling me closer with her thighs and arms wrapped around me. That way I have to stop masturbating her but losing myself in her heated, sloppy kisses is worth it, and when I finally come I keep holding her almost tenderly.

Stroking her sweat soaked hair out of her face I grin down at her, then kiss her one last time as I pull her arms from around me and keep them pressed into the mattress. When I rear back she looks up at me, trying hard to look apologetic but failing utterly because of her post orgasmic glow.
