Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

"Someone’s in deep shit," I reprimand her jokingly, but then kiss her deeply before she can do more than send me one of those pleading, puppy dog looks. "But right now playing is the farthest thing from my mind, so if you will allow me, I’ll just let it slide, this once."

"Huh, let me think about that for a minute, the choice is so tough. How about yeah, sure?" she laughs. That settled, I go on.

"Speaking about that, we’re going to have to change things up in the playroom a little," I tell her, then lean in to kiss her between sentences. "I’m going to have to do a lot of explaining for Jazz to catch on to a few things, and he’s going to need someone to practice on, too."

Bella keeps looking at me expectantly, anticipation so plain on her face that I just need to elaborate.

"It’s going to be a lot of stop and go and repeats for you, and considering the only thing he knows how to do is f**k you and make you come, we won’t be needing to practice that, right?"

"Right, Master," she offers, mockingly enough that she makes me laugh in turn.

"Good. Because I don’t want to hear any whining from you that I won’t let you come. You know I don’t give a shit about how horny you are, but he does, and I expect you to convince him that you’re very happy being left high and dry, or in your case, soaking wet but unsatisfied."

"Of course," she huffs, as if I’m insulting her a little by stressing that – and maybe I even am. I snort, then move back, laying down next to her.

"Now that that is settled, clean my cock, then you can go back to sleep."

She nods, then crawls over me to do just that, but the way she keeps gloating up at me makes me wonder if I shouldn’t squeeze a hard spanking in somewhere there. She also doesn’t stop once she has licked our combined juices from me but keeps sucking my cock, showing me that

‘can’ doesn’t automatically mean ‘must’. Getting the hint I grab her hair and f**k her mouth until I come again down her throat, maybe a bit more roughly than usual, making her choke a few times.

I still must have done something right as she comes back into my arms with a bright smile on her face, and I curl around her after slapping her ass hard once. She just grunts, then closes her eyes, still smiling. I’m out cold before long, satisfied and happy for the most part.

Chapter 28

The morning of Thanksgiving I wake up unusually late – probably due to our nightly exploits – and alone. I bide my time stretching and rubbing the grit out of my eyes before I take a piss and don boxers and a t-shirt in what feels a now supercilious attempt at modesty.

I find Bella and Jazz in the kitchen, one cooking, the other making a nuisance of himself. Unable to hide a grin I cross my arms over my chest and lean against a storage cabinet, just watching them for a minute or two as they bicker. From what I can glean from Bella’s huffed and angry comments she’s trying to prepare a casserole, but Jazz keeps stealing the ingredients, and neither shouting at him nor threatening him with kitchen utensils seems to help. The whole scene looks straight out of some slapstick comedy but is so essentially them that it’s less cheesy but highly amusing. My badly suppressed laughter finally gives me away and they both turn in weirdly synchronized motions to look at me.

Walking over to them I enfold Bella in a quick embrace, kissing her in greeting. She molds herself against my body for a moment, but then pushes away to resume cooking. Looking up I meet Jazz’s gaze, unsure of why he’s giving me a slightly weird look.

"Do you want a good morning kiss, too?"

He snorts, then laughs, shaking his head.

"No offense, but I think I’ll decline. Whatever this is between us, I don’t really see us holding hands or playing kissy face."

I accept that with a nod, agreeing with him. Bella mutters something about childish morons under her breath, but when I turn to her she’s pointedly ignoring me, so I go grab a cup of coffee instead of her. Jazz meanwhile resumes his previous occupation, causing Bella to squawk dismayed in return.

"Stop it! If you keep this up I won’t have enough to finish the casserole or the cranberry relish!"

She tries to push him away from the kitchen island with her elbow, but when that doesn’t work, she turns to me.

"Don’t just stand around there, help me! Or do you want to explain to your mother why we have to show up empty handed?"

I grin at her as I shake my hand, but prefer to sip my coffee instead of intervening.


Bella is glaring at me now, trying to hold the cranberries out of his reach, but Jazz still manages to snag some. She’s attempting to twist around to punch him, or at least push him away, but he keeps her from it by stepping closer to her, pretty much holding her wedged between himself and the counter with his body. Not realizing just what kind of effect her incessant squirming has on him she keeps trying to get away, at least until he grabs her hips and attacks her neck, his eager kissing causing her to both cry out and moan at the same time. As he has been counting on, his actions make her stop fighting him, and with a triumphant laugh he grabs another handful of cranberries, before he makes a quick retreat to my side.

Accepting half of his bounty with a laugh I grin at Bella, who needs a few more seconds to clear her head. Then she narrows her eyes and keeps glaring at both of us before she resumes chopping vegetables with a vengeance.

"Just so you know, you’re not doing yourselves any favors by ganging up on me," she huffs, then turns her back on us to get a saucepan. Turning to Jazz I raise my brows in a silent question, and his enthusiastic grin is answer enough. Leaving my half empty cup of coffee on the far side of the kitchen I pad over the Bella, then hug her from behind while I gently nuzzle her neck. She relaxes into me instantly, then utters a low chuckle.

"Don’t think you can pacify me that easily with gentle kisses, I’m not that gullible or forgiving."

"That wasn’t even my intent," I growl into her ear before I grab her firmly and haul her over to the fridge, the next best hard surface I can press her against, her whole front flush with the aluminum front. She nearly headbutts me when she tries to rear away, but keeping her in place by leaning into her I use that as an excuse to pull her head farther back and to the side to expose her neck. Keeping my palm over her mouth to muffle any of the obscenities she seems to want to hurl in my face I bite down on the sensitive skin just below her ear, making her buck against me.

"You really think you can order me around?" I playfully sneer, then bite her again, hard enough to draw a pained gasp from her. Wedging my free hand between her lower stomach and the pane I spin us both around so that now she’s facing the room while my back is pressed against the fridge, and she tries to fight me again, but only for a second.

Then Jazz steps up to her and extends both of his arms so that his palms are pressed against the fridge next to my head, effectively locking Bella in between us. He briefly grins at me before he stares into Bella’s face, dark intensity heavy in his eyes.

"Yeah, keep squirming like that, you’re getting my c**k all hard that way."

Bella grows still for a moment, then seems to give up, relaxing against me.

She stops trying to pry my hand off her face and instead lets her arms drop to her sides almost docilely. Chuckling softly I push my hips into her ass, feeling my c**k react to the stimulation, which in turn also draws a low moan from Jazz as the motion propagates well through Bella’s body.

"You’re such a little tease," I pick up from him, never stopping sliding my c**k against her. "I think we need to teach you a lesson."
